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More Posters from HBO


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IGN has posted an exclusive gallery containing four, brand new official posters for HBO’s Game of Thrones. The posters feature quotes from each character. Ned gets, “Winter is Coming”, of course. Daenerys’s picture—which shows her with a dragon egg—has, “I do not have a gentle heart.” Robert’s is a new line, “Killing things clears my head,” as is Cersei’s, one which we’ve heard before, “Everyone but us is the enemy.”

It looks like these were taken at the same photo shoot where they shot the Iron Throne teaser. Terrific shots, and great quotes, that help give a sense of the characters.

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Wow, they took the quote concept and ran with it. Maybe not the quotes we chose (they used Cersei's best for the tagline for the whole series), but I think it's cool. I brought it up at the focus group I was at, though I'm sure they had seen the fan-made posters by then, anyway.

I can claim credit for being the first to suggest this idea in a thread way, way back, though. Then people kind of ran with it and started making the posters. Maybe I should talk to Blaine about getting a job in advertising.

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Like I said on "Winter is Coming"

It might be just their posters, but I feel like Lena Headey and Sean Bean are slowly becoming the lynch pins of the series.

These two's chemistry and the way they play their characters seems to me like the main attraction for the series for people who haven't read the book.

If I was one of those people and was shown these posters along with the "Fear & Blood" trailer I would watch the series just to see those two actors sparr.


Yeah I geeked out right now.


I hate it when I do that.

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I gotta say that in all of the things HBO has released...from the stills, the teasers and trailers, the Maester's path and the production videos I think I've been not only a staunch supporter, but a defender of their decisions and presentation. I am absolutely thrilled by almost every aspect of the show that I've seen. However, I think Robert and Dany's taglines suck. Really bad. I'm not properly awake yet, but I'm sure if I was to just take a few minutes brainstorming I could come up with something better - and that's not saying a lot. The concept was great, but the execution in the way of the personal lines is just awful. I think even if I had never read the books I would think these were bad, and that's what I'm nervous about - this seems like such a misstep in advertising that it could turn people off. I mean those lines are so fucking cheesy. So bad.

Maybe I can be convinced otherwise or I'll feel differently after I'm properly awake.

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I have to say, "Killing things clear my head" seems rather stupid when presented like this.

(but then again its IGN after all)

he looks like the only thing he could kill now is a pie. Or a barrel of wine.

Yeah, but when Robert kills a pie, he kills it dead.

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The concept was great, but the execution in the way of the personal lines is just awful. I think even if I had never read the books I would think these were bad, and that's what I'm nervous about - this seems like such a misstep in advertising that it could turn people off. I mean those lines are so fucking cheesy. So bad.

Robert's line is a bit cheesy, but I think you might be over-reacting if you think people aren't going to watch the show because of a tagline in one poster. If that's the only poster they ever see about the show it's not likely to convince them to rush out and order HBO to watch it but if they've seen the trailers or other advertising and liked it then I can't see the poster putting them off.

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Yeah, a sense of perspective is necessary. I actually rather like Robert's line, though, because when you realize the man's got a crown on his head... it's a bit of a problem that that's the king, isn't it?

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Yeah, a sense of perspective is necessary. I actually rather like Robert's line, though, because when you realize the man's got a crown on his head... it's a bit of a problem that that's the king, isn't it?

It comes across as cheesy because the advertisements are for those who've never read the books or know anything of the series. That's who they should be targetting anyway.

Other than Robert's quote though, posters are awesome. Consider me thoroughly geeked out. 8D

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Right. Which is why that crown plus that line is probably going to give people who give the image even a moment's thought that if the king is saying that, things must be kind of messed up. Don't think you need knowledge of the books to put two and two together.

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Right. Which is why that crown plus that line is probably going to give people who give the image even a moment's thought that if the king is saying that, things must be kind of messed up. Don't think you need knowledge of the books to put two and two together.

Well, if you study the poster for a while, and give it the benefit of the doubt, then the line kinda makes sense.

But I think most people are just going to look at the line, snort in amusement, and get on with their lives.

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A sense of perspective is necessary. I wasn't proclaiming that the posters themselves will automatically spell the doom of the series - just that I thought it was the first misstep in their marketing and production tactic, and one that if I saw the poster and was not already a fan of the series, it would go in the bank of negatives. Having been in sales and marketing for years, I know that it's often an accumulation of images and preconceived notions that makes people decide to "buy in" or not. For me, if I was on the fence about this show, I would say that this would tip the scales in the no column. Of course things can override that - great word of mouth, friends that watch, other media that overrides the negative notions that I may have developed. To me, those two bad taglines speak to those that don't want to tune in because it's fantasy and only confirm that it'd be cheesy - incorrectly, of course. Again, it's a very minor thing that won't amount to too much for most people. I was just surprised at what a misfire those lines seem to be.

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