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And Lyanna - my guild routinely brings fairly ungeared alts to 10-man raids with crap comps and we laugh about how easy it is. We were worried that it was going to take multiple hours to do BoT and we cleared it in just over an hour. Opinions differ on the difficulty of things, but being a 'heroic' guild doesn't matter; what bosses you've killed does. I'm totally willing to believe that if you're used to being carried on 25s that 10s are harder. I'm also going to state it again: in the hardest content no one gets carried, everyone has to do a good job, and that's a lot harder on 25s than 10s. If you're going to complain over and over that lack of buffs/bad comp is why 10s are harder, the solution is easy: get a good comp and good buffs. If that's not an option for you that's a shame, but that doesn't mean that it's inherently harder.

Are you referring to ten man normals or ten man heroics here? *unsure*

If you are referring to ten man alt runs to BoT normal, then yes, we do them too in partly blue geared alts.

Anyways, been stuck with ten man raiding for the last couple of weeks since people cba to show up, and it's summer etc. So basically same people who do 5/13 HM on 25 man. So far, Halfus has been down on HM and I think one group managed Magmaw after like 5 hours of tries. Rest is not even close on ten man, but they manage fine on 25 man.

Perhaps they're just a bunch of baddies. For sure, it's not the leetest guild on the planet, but hardly the worst either. My experience is that ten mans are still much harder for our guild as they are not used to multitasking in that fashion and not used to taking on a larger variety of tasks.

One issue we had before and even more so now is our paladin healers going oom a lot. Like, a lot, a lot. I am no paladin expert, but I was really surprised to see the increase in their spell costs, as the first ones to oom in our 25 mans (minus the one bad druid) are always the palas. Now they oom on every trash pull.

As for Firelands: we did some trash clears yesterday as we did not get enough people for a raid (common theme this) and the trash varies from ridiculously easy to mobs being able to one shot tanks. Tried Bethni'lac for lols (we were not allowed to kill anything) which seemed very doable. Got several patterns but no other drops.

Prolly going to go Disc for this tier as there are no spirit cloth drops in Firelands so gearing for straight Holy will be slow and painful. The only spirit staff is a small percentage drop from any boss as well, so it seems priests got the shaft this patch.

Surely DBM or another of the raid addons have the usual noise alert when something like that is spawning on you.

I didn't see any warnings for it when we LOLpulled Shannox while clearing trash. He lobbed a trap at me, but as I was at range it was easy to see. Can imagine that if you are tanking, it can be far more difficult to spot.

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Our strat has been burn Rageface, deal with the extra damage on the Shannox tank (i.e. me) and do that spear kite stuff to drop the debuff stacks that was mentioned upthread. Ranged burn Rotlimb to 10%-ish while melee are on Shannox, get Shannox to like 31, kill Rotlimb, then try the burn on Shannox. Biggest problem was people getting popped by the traps. Which includes me... hard to see those damn immolation traps pop at your feet.

We were definitely blocked by the attendance boss last night, but one thing that wasn't attendance related was the Rageface mauling. We are losing someone almost immediately to his first jump - what are you guys doing to have that 45k hit basically queued up?

When Shannox throws the spear, does he pick up a different buff that increases his damage? When he had the spear I wasn't taking horrible hits, once the spear got thrown is when I was getting wrecked. Could have just been timing and throughput, but just seemed too consistent.

One minor change I liked is the Valor vendor now has your spec's items on the first page - just a little easier to find that way.

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We were definitely blocked by the attendance boss last night, but one thing that wasn't attendance related was the Rageface mauling. We are losing someone almost immediately to his first jump - what are you guys doing to have that 45k hit basically queued up?

Our solution to this is basically that we have all DPS on him until he is dead, starting from the very beginning of the fight. Between all of those people I guess it's not too hard to pull off the 30k hit before someone gets mashed. However, our most consistent 30k+ person was only our mage and there were some sticky ones when he was the one targeted.

I believe the Face Rage ability was hotfix-nerfed last night as far as its damage ramp-up. That was not in time for our raid, and probably not for yours either, seeing as how we were also hit by the 2-hour Shannox trash respawn. Maybe it will be easier for you the next time with that change.

There's definitely no DBM warning for the traps at this time. It seems like one of those abilities where you may have to just learn to react faster than DBM anyway, because by the time that you get the warning the trap's going to be nearly armed.

I did discover that one big problem I had in seeing the traps was that my scrolling combat text for incoming heals/damage was floating right over my character. I changed that setting to "arc" rather than "scroll up" and that gave me a more clear view of my feet. It's still a little too easy to tunnel vision on trying to pay attention to everything else and miss what's right below me, but I feel like it helped.

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Our solution to this is basically that we have all DPS on him until he is dead, starting from the very beginning of the fight. Between all of those people I guess it's not too hard to pull off the 30k hit before someone gets mashed. However, our most consistent 30k+ person was only our mage and there were some sticky ones when he was the one targeted.

I believe the Face Rage ability was hotfix-nerfed last night as far as its damage ramp-up. That was not in time for our raid, and probably not for yours either, seeing as how we were also hit by the 2-hour Shannox trash respawn. Maybe it will be easier for you the next time with that change.

There's definitely no DBM warning for the traps at this time. It seems like one of those abilities where you may have to just learn to react faster than DBM anyway, because by the time that you get the warning the trap's going to be nearly armed.

I did discover that one big problem I had in seeing the traps was that my scrolling combat text for incoming heals/damage was floating right over my character. I changed that setting to "arc" rather than "scroll up" and that gave me a more clear view of my feet. It's still a little too easy to tunnel vision on trying to pay attention to everything else and miss what's right below me, but I feel like it helped.

Interesting, thanks. yeah, thinking we will give it another go tonight as long as we have the folks on for it. If not, may try another or even go back to some of the heroics to get some more 372 gear for folks.

I changed my view to be closer to the ground than from above and that also helps see the traps. Not standing in the little red zones on the ground (not fire, just the colored areas) also helps pick them up quickly too.

Doing the same - adjusting the battle text. Probably moving it out of the center all together and down to the bottom of the screen - or even off. Seeing the big Hammer crits is fun, but not really needed with Omen running.

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Our guild had issues with the attendance boss as well but finally got some stuff rolling at around 8 pm ish yesterday.

Had, like it seems everyone else, issues with Rageface killing way too many people too fast. Apart from that the traps seems a bit odd, as in the OT swears he had the doggie in the trap, but instead he got trapped and the doggie ran off. Had some odd LoS issues cos of rocks (!!) as well, but mainly what wiped us was Rageface eating people. We had a 3 hour raid and after trash we just smashed our head against Shannox for ages with people dying to Face rage and a much lesser degree to traps.

As we are not 372 geared, in the main (too many people swapped out since last raid tier due to attendance issues) we might have to work a bit harder in general, but what we found worked better for us was:

1. kill rageface first

2. just heal through the increased tank damage

As long as the stacks are reset, it is easier this way. The damage is more controlled and you know who's gonna get the ouch (MT). We had pala + disc on MT and it only got spiky once we were at 6+ stacks of the debuff.

Got Shannox to P2 this way but still had issues with tank deaths to Riplimb due to trap issues (and then subsequent thinning of the DPS due to aggro issues). Only had 2 tries on it with the "nuke Rageface" tactic, but it seems far superior. Before that we just gave up cos Rageface killed so many DPS and healers it was pointless to continue. Bad doggie also had a tendency to nomnom our tank healers which in the end led us to try the nuking of Rageface strat. As it turns out, it seems quite popular.

I was tank healing it in subpar gear as Disc and it was manageable even with the enrage. Far more so than the stupid face rage shit which won't show properly on DBM and won't show on GRID either (added it as custom debuff, but no luck). Can't setup power auras to save my life, so that is a no go, unfortunately.

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Had, like it seems everyone else, issues with Rageface killing way too many people too fast. Apart from that the traps seems a bit odd, as in the OT swears he had the doggie in the trap, but instead he got trapped and the doggie ran off. Had some odd LoS issues cos of rocks (!!) as well, but mainly what wiped us was Rageface eating people. We had a 3 hour raid and after trash we just smashed our head against Shannox for ages with people dying to Face rage and a much lesser degree to traps.

We had the same problem - one was a mechanic, one seemed a bug. Rage apparently gets a cool down on how often he canbe trapped, so it could have been that your OT was trying to trap him when he was immune/resistant to it - that hit us a couple times. There were a couple times though that I was able to see the OT kite him right over a trap and nothing happened.

the change to Rage's ramp up time made a big difference, unfortunately last night we started hitting the lag & DC boss a little as well. When we get back in there we will get him down and then on to Beth.

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We had the same problem - one was a mechanic, one seemed a bug. Rage apparently gets a cool down on how often he canbe trapped, so it could have been that your OT was trying to trap him when he was immune/resistant to it - that hit us a couple times. There were a couple times though that I was able to see the OT kite him right over a trap and nothing happened.

the change to Rage's ramp up time made a big difference, unfortunately last night we started hitting the lag & DC boss a little as well. When we get back in there we will get him down and then on to Beth.

Yeah, I think we got that as well. Our OT normally knows what he is talking about and he seemed a bit baffled by the functionality of the traps and why it sometimes would go perfectly well and sometimes not at all. Good to know more people seem to have the same issue. Almost as if the graphics of the traps was a bit skewed sometimes and it's not really positioned where it looks to be.

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Haha, well, I wasn't raiding, but Mina asked me to fill a spot. Shannox down :)

Man, since talking with you about WoW I am getting that terrible jonesing again... What server are you all on? I will maybe transfer over.

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Started a Druid on Mealstrom-US, Melcor.

I know Ini is gone to Arizona for awhile, but Minaku, if you want to add me as FnF, I'd appreciate it. If not, no big deal.

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The kill Rage face tactics seemed to work, so we got Shannox 25 one shot today and Bethnilac as well after like, 2 hours of the climbey uppey people falling down. :o once they didn't fall down, three tries and she was down.

So I guess Alysrazor next. Not sure what the difficulty level is between them, but Ryolith strat seems a bit...special. Not sure our melee can get their head around that one quickly.

I can at least truly honestly say I am not raiding for gear this tier as there is none, just for my pure, nerdly pleasure since there is no priest gear. :lol:

FWIW Kal, ten man this tier (12) seems the easier route if I am made to understand our server's guild progression, albeit it is still too early to tell, I suppose.

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Buddy decided to take a long break, which sucks. Not just because he was an amazing pvp healer, but any time somebody mails you 18k gold and half a bank worth of matts, it's going to be a looooong break.

Plus, th guild has shown an interest in Firelands, which means raiding to gear people and practise, which means I'll have to go along, because I have a feeling a GL really should go if requested to.

Oh, and AV sucks this week. Nothing but zergs. Seriously, winning an AV, where there was a total of 8hks for both sides?

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Lots of emo and ./wrist in the Holy priest community due to lack of spirit cloth in Firelands and an errh...interesting blue post on the matter. http://eu.battle.net/wow/en/forum/topic/2290860847?page=10

Bit annoying, but as I don't raid in a really hard mode guild, it should be fine, plus I often have the option to spec Disc which is helpful since Disco scales with int and Holy far more with spirit. I can imagine the hard mode raiding priesties out there being less happy tho.

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Got Beth down last night after we changed our strat. Everything we saw said to tank the drones in the SW corner away from the other mobs, but it sorta spread everyone out too much. Moved them to right in the center so that the melee could be on the Spinners, the drone and if any spiderlings got even close, could nuke them. After one wipe getting folks adjusted, we nailed it. I haven't looked at anything for heroics, is it going to be better in Heroic to tank it away?

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The kill Rage face tactics seemed to work, so we got Shannox 25 one shot today and Bethnilac as well after like, 2 hours of the climbey uppey people falling down. :o once they didn't fall down, three tries and she was down.

People falling down has been our biggest problem on this boss too. Or else not getting out of the shit on the top level. I haven't been up there, so I don't know. What I do know is that last night, after about 30 minutes of top level tank death, our feral druid announced, "My connection's been so laggy I can hardly do anything. I'm going to go restart my router." Gee, thanks for thinking of that in time to save us like five bad attempts! Meh.

We finally got two or three attempts at the end of the night where we made it into phase 2. The first time, the place where we decided to tank her in P2 was right next to where the final wave of spiderlings spawned. She returned to full health (the top level team got her down by about 4 million) and we ultimately wiped around 33 stacks with the boss at something like 2.9 million. That was frustrating. Next attempt after that, the new spot we picked out was ALSO right next to where the final wave of spiderlings spawned, and she returned to full health here too.

Soon as we can resolve that, hopefully we can get a kill. That's most of two nights spent on what I have heard is supposed to be the easiest boss in here.

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We finally got two or three attempts at the end of the night where we made it into phase 2. The first time, the place where we decided to tank her in P2 was right next to where the final wave of spiderlings spawned. She returned to full health (the top level team got her down by about 4 million) and we ultimately wiped around 33 stacks with the boss at something like 2.9 million. That was frustrating. Next attempt after that, the new spot we picked out was ALSO right next to where the final wave of spiderlings spawned, and she returned to full health here too.

The way we ended up getting her was by ignoring the top level damage and having only a tank and heals go up. All other DPS was downstairs for the adds. Once we ironed out bumps, got us into p2 in control with a minimum of healer pain through p1. Went from about 95% or something to dead with only a tank dying at about 1%. I think it was the OMFGCata strat

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The way we ended up getting her was by ignoring the top level damage and having only a tank and heals go up. All other DPS was downstairs for the adds. Once we ironed out bumps, got us into p2 in control with a minimum of healer pain through p1. Went from about 95% or something to dead with only a tank dying at about 1%. I think it was the OMFGCata strat

Ya, we only had one DPS up top (and enh shaman), plus tank and two heals (Disco priest and Pala). Rest downstairs. We've killed her twice now, but second time was much harder. First time we had hunters on each of the three "corners" downstairs for the small spiderlings, being able to slowtrap them. Backed up by either a boomkin or ele shaman each for knockback. This time we had more mages and locks and only one hunter, so was much harder to control the spiderlings. Also, Beth seems to have a large range on when she can "eat" the spiderlings. One of our raiders swears she et a spiderling almost 30 yards away.

WWhat we ended up doing was just before she was about to come down, we had all melee downstairs assist on the three corners, and the "corner" DPS moving further out in order to pewpew the small spiderlings better and faster. This ended up solving it as we kept wiping due to her being 100% at the start of P2. We had a drone up at the start of P2, but as soon as the little adds were down, he died fast.

Allegedly according to WoL I am currently ranked 182nd holy priest in the world on Beth 25, which means either a. priests don't play holy anymore b. it's made a mistake c. I am haxxoring! :lol: I'm really not that good and neither is my gear.

Soon as we can resolve that, hopefully we can get a kill. That's most of two nights spent on what I have heard is supposed to be the easiest boss in here.

Yeah as soon as she won't eat spiderlings, you have it in the bag :) GL!

It makes an enormous different for P2 is she doesn't heal too much. I mean, I had times when she was at 70% and I was hard ooming, others I was not oom and she was on 10%.

Strangely, I thought Shannox and Ryolith were easier than Beth. But maybe that is because we have pretty good melee DPS (good as in "doesn't lack brainz") while our ranged has a larger tendency to stand in bad, facenuke whatever is on front of them , lol overaggro bosses etc.

I have a bad feeling about Alysrazor. Think we'll be cockblocked there for a while as she is allegdly rather tightly tuned in 25 man and demands a very good execution. "Good" and "execution" are two things my guild don't always get right.

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I have so many alts.... I have my main human warrior at 85, but I'm spending most of my time on him trying to get his item level up and get his gear all sorted out. On Stormrage, my character list is full. I try to play as most of them, but Jaifralon always calls back to me....

Does anyone else here play on Stormrage?

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