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Moments that make you angry

Elenya Westerling

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Sansa getting Lady killed,

You know what makes me really angry? Arya getting Lady and Mycah killed. Had it not been for her foolish, bratty, violent actions, neither of them would have died.


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-Theons POV's before he became Reek

-Catelyn being resurected and killing(?) Brienne (I literally threw things across the room)

-The fact that Jamie lied about Tysha

-Sansa not telling the truth about what happened with Joff, Arya and Mycah and thus leading to Lady's death

-Cersei for Lady's death

-Dany's sense of entitlement to Westeros and refusal to hear the truth about her father. I really don't hate her but these things are irritating when they pop up.

I'm sure I'll think of ten more in a minute...

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1. Sansa being forced to marry Tyrion

2. Viserys selling off Dany to Drogo

3. Ice being melted down into 2 swords

4. Tyrion being wrongfully accused of murder.

5. Jaime and Tywin over the Tysha incident.

6. EB for apparently blaming Sandor for the Saltpans in the letter to Cersei.

7. Kevan Lannister

8. Jaime's version of Oathkeeping

9. The Freys: Black Walder and Lame Lothar especially

10. Cersei's nude walk and the evil Septas

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You know what I really hate? Brienne letting Renly die. If only she helped him equip his shadow resistance gear.

You know what I really hate? Renly letting Ned die. If only he had offered to provide him with a frontal lobe....
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You know what makes me really angry? Arya getting Lady and Mycah killed. Had it not been for her foolish, bratty, violent actions, neither of them would have died.


Joff was being a dick, but he is the Crown Prince. You don't hit the Crown Prince. Ned could have taught Arya to control herself a bit more. Also Robert could not have been a spineless coward and given in to his wife. Cersei could have not been a bitch about Lady, and yes Sansa should have told the truth instead of saying she didn't remember (although the fact that both she and Joff had been drinking does make me think that she was having her first of many memory lapses).

Of all those involved however I think the two girls have the least blame as Arya didn't know better and Sansa was being questioned by the Queen in front of lots of adults and was only 11 blooming years old and scared.

Also even if she did tell the truth, whose to say Cersei wouldn't have demanded that Lady was killed anyway. The woman is a sadist.

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The Dany hate is ridiculously over the top, but I strongly disagree that she's suffered more than any other character in the books.

Exhibit A: Theon Greyjoy

Exhibit B: Sansa Stark

Exhibit C: Arya Stark

Exhibit D: Brandon Stark

She's suffered, to be sure, but certainly not more than any main character, let alone the secondary POVs.

Bran or Brandon? Bran maybe, Brandon no.

I disagree with Arya. She lived a commoner life for basically a few months, it just seems worse than it is because she is a highborn kid. (Yeeeeessss she suffered hardships besides that, but there are hundreds of people in her position, it makes me hard to sympathize with her more than others.) Sansa definetely suffered more imo.

I could see a case for Sansa or Theon. For Sansa I guess it would depend on how you mental torment vs physical. (She had both, I know, but a lotttt of mental torment)

Whatever, it doesn't matter. The point was about Dany hate. The way I see it, she's suffered so much that I can understand why she's done 99% of her actions.

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Bran being pushed out the window was my first jolt of anger. Ice being melted down made me the most angry. So useless. And the fall of Winterfell, but I think it will be rebuilt. Ice is just gone.

I may be alone in this but I always thought that Catelyn thinking "Is there no creature on earth so unfortunate as an ugly woman," was compassionate. She doesn't say it to Brienne's face. She also doesn't seem to have any reaction to Brienne dressing as a man, as others do. Catelyn sees Brienne's difficulty in life. It's as if Catelyn knows how those knights would wager to deflower Brienne, how those are the sorts of things that happen to ugly women in that world. And Catelyn is right, Brienne is unfortunate because of her looks and mentions it often during the course of the books.

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When Dany listened to the oh so clever advice of Jorah - the exile guy whose hisroty is such a string of screwups that it is hard to keep them all straight - and turns tiward Slavers Bay instead of Pentos. Of all the stupid, ungrateful, "ooo look how grown up and independent I am becoming" moves ...

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- Tyrion's story in ADWD. Love the guy but the story was quite bad.

- Breaking down of Ice and reforging into swords for Joffrey and Jaime

- Catelyn. Can't stand her, lots of reasons why.

- Meereen. Pointless place. Blatantly just there for Dany to try and learn how to rule but its so boring

- Red Wedding. Robb was destined for greatness.

- The fact that it wasn't Robb who killed Joffrey. Joffrey deserved to be decapitated by Ice in Robb's hand.

- The Ironborn

- Arya's Braavos sections.

- The way Sansa says 'tummy'.

- Grand Maester Pycelle

- Cersei

- Lord Janos Slynt, especially his imprisonment of Jon and his part in Ned's death.

Could put much more. I realise they aren't all 'moments' as such.


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Arys Oakheart's death!!! AAARRRGGGGHHHHH!!!!! Am I the only one? I liked Arys!

I liked Oakheart, and actually felt really sorry for him. He seemed like he was genuinely trying to be a good Knight and failing miserably. His POV and thoughts about not knowing what love was like were heartbreakingly sad. :frown5:

If I hadn't still been cringing and sniggering at Mr. I am of the Night. It would have angered me more.

Edit: Damn it what has happened to my spelling.

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Dany faffing about in Mereen, so frustrating.


Catelyn not going home to Winterfell asap to look after Bran and Rickon. Sorry to add to the Catelyn hate, but as the mother of a child the same age as Rickon, I cannot imagine doing what Catelyn did and her choice made me angry.

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-Theons POV's before he became Reek

-Catelyn being resurected and killing(?) Brienne (I literally threw things across the room)

-The fact that Jamie lied about Tysha

-Sansa not telling the truth about what happened with Joff, Arya and Mycah and thus leading to Lady's death

-Cersei for Lady's death

-Dany's sense of entitlement to Westeros and refusal to hear the truth about her father. I really don't hate her but these things are irritating when they pop up.

I'm sure I'll think of ten more in a minute...

Lets say Joffry instead of Sansa, Sansa didn't out right lie but the cowardly bastard Joff did, the little dick and his mother hold the blame.

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