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Who do you WANT to win the Iron Throne?


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I just glanced through most of the pages so maybe I missed someone already saying this (good chance)

I hope the others win and cover the land in everlasting winter. Maybe a few survivors make it back to the other continent.

Yeah; that would be a good twist

The lesson? Talk out your problems with your peers; you will need your armies for the zombie apocalypse

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If Aegon truly knows it is his duty to be king and that he has walked among the smallfolk then I think he would be best. Jon would be good too but I think he has a more important purpose than ruling. Besides that I think Dany has a shot but the other pack of candidates I don't see lasting.

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Stannis: I'm quite surprised his hed is still on his shoulders(if in fact it is). The man is the sworn enemy of common sense.

Aegon: Remember how he overturned the cyvasse board and made Tyrion pick up the pieces. Give him power and you get Joffrey the second.

Tyrion: He' be a good king, both sensible and cunning, but people would never accept him, he has scapegoat written all over his face, he's the guy people love to hate. This could be an asset though if he were the hand, he'd take all the crap instead of the king.

Dany: superfluus, superficial, entitled, whiny, vapid whore.

I hope the iron throne get's throne in the blackwater and carried out to sea so that Patchface can sit on it so Rickon the Fierce can reign as King in the North with his big brothers and siters watching over him.

It seems to me like a bad joke that people call the type of government that exists in most of the western world a democracy and that it is something to strive for.

The word democracy was originally used to describe a government where people voted on executive decisions and NOT on who to rule them, whereas what we have is a poll every four years so that we can have the delusion of freedom.

The Freefolk point the way.

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Agreed about democracy. Though when this happened, in Athens, there weren't so many people. When a country has millions of citizens it's getting harder.

On the question I want Robb...wait, he's dead, so Rickon to rule in the North.

And the other six kingdoms can keep their Iron Throne where Dany will sit. I don't like this Aegon at all. It sounds unlkely with Dany having dragons but she's just a young girl that knows little of politics and she may give sweet little Rickon his kingdom. Bah...

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I want Aegon. And about the dragons, Drogon is named after Drogo, which Dany has the most connection to, and Rhaegal, which Aegon, or if he wasnt real, and R + L = J then Jon would have the best claim to, and Viserion, which doesn't make too much sense at first, if we are going by names, who gets him? I just thought, what if Jon was actually Viserys? They are about the same age, and no one ever knows, and he gets the dragon, and marries Dany. Perfect.

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I was for Renly/Robb, but we all know how that turned out...

I want Westeros to be divided again. Maybe not the original 7 kingdoms, maybe only a few, but something like:

North (& Riverlands?) ruled by a Stark

Vale - Ruled by a Royce. The Arryns will be extinct soon enough. The Royces seem like the strongest choice.

Iron Islands - Ruled by Asha, if she makes it. I'm not a big fan of hers but she's the sanest of those pesky ironborn.

Stormlands - Ruled by...Dany or Stannis. They both annoy me equally. They can fight the Others (maybe a couple of Dany's Dragons will be lost in this battle) and then each other. Whoever wins gets KL, but not the whole of westeros.

The West - the rock and reach can combine, after the wolves have devoured the lions in ADOS.

Dorne - Martells will retreat back to sunspear after Aegon either fails & dies (of greyscale?) or turns out to be fake. Arianne will marry a Dayne.

Riverlands - ruled by the Blackfish, and later any heir of Catelyn. i.e. If Sansa has a son who isn't an airhead, he'll do.

The war of the 5 kings just proved to me that nobody is capable of ruling the whole of Westeros. Nope, not stannis, nobody.

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Anyone, as long as they agree to rule as a constitutional Monarch and let the King's Hand be chosen by a parliament (not democracy mind, just a parliament will do). If they don't, geld them!

Remember what happened when Dany appointed a council to rule one of her captured cities?

Immediately overthrown by the Butcher King!

Whosoever gains the throne has to be strong enough to keep it. Or s/he won't rule for long.

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Stannis by the name of R'hllor! I'd love to see Melisandre having the High Sparrow burned in the great sept of Baelor and making some nice magic. Stannis has the BEST COURT. Mel, Davos, and him, my favourite trio, 3 soo different character, but when they are together everything goes so well for Stannis, the moment they separate either Stannis does something stupid ( the lack of Davos ) or starts to have some bad luck ( the lack of Mel ).

Dany isn't strong enough, and unwilling to make sacrifices. She DOES have a gentle heart. Drogon maybe eat a child? She shouldn't have cared... She endangered her "children", the whole city of Meeren by having the dragons imprisoned, and so her most powerfull weapons wouldn't be involved in the upcoming war with Yunkai. I love her as a character, and understand all her reasons behing her acts, but as long as she acts like this, she is no fit to rule Westeros - oh and even Meeren.

Tommen is like 8 yo when he gets into his throne. Seriously... under his reign it is either Cersei, Tywin, Tyrion or Kevan ruling... however did I like Tyrion as a hand in CoK, it just don't like the "boy king" reign.

Aegon. Well it depends. If he IS Aegon Targaryen, I think it'd be ok to have him as monarch. But if he is some king of secret Blackfyre. Then I strongly dislike the possibility of him ruling in the end. Though I love Connington, he is a good guy.

Littlefinger. He is a player in the game, it's clear. And however lot of ppl dislike him, I think he is really interesting, and his wits are admirable.

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I just thought, what if Jon was actually Viserys? They are about the same age.

No they are not. Jon was pretty much an infant when Ned returned from the war and at that time Viserys was something like 4 or 5.

I think Petyr would make a decent king but its just not his role. Niether is Hand since he would just whisper in the Kings ear to make the king go away and then take his place.

If they in the end keep one regent Id like it to be Davos. or Jaime.

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Walder Frey, FTW!

But seriously, Melisandre saw Stannis on the throne, which means that he will literally sit on the throne at some point, which suggests he will become King or Hand to the King.

I think that he would be willing to yield his claim to Aegon or Dany, and would make a good hand.

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Dany doesn't have dragons. She can't control them. In her last chapter it read more like she was Drogon's pet than the other way around.

Really? I got the opposite, her riding Drogon was it submitting to her. Why would the pet ride the master? But it could go either way depending on what happens in the next books.

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