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Son of Jon Snarkgaryen

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Theory 1- Only people with red hair can be raised by Thoros' Red Priest method. So far the only to Uns, UnCat and UnBeric, had red hair. So who is next.

Theory 2 - The Iron Bank hired the FM to go to the Citadel to destroy the Maesters because the system of maesters is a form of slavery.

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  • 3 weeks later...

  1. The hooded man in Winterfell is an Umber spy
  2. Courtesy of Val the Wildling Princess, but I adopted it: Either Jon will ride an Ice dragon to defeat the 3 'Fire' dragons or Jon IS the Ice Dragon (I WANT AN ICE DRAGON DAMMIT!)
  3. Jon will be resurrected via blood sacrifice to the Old Gods

Also, Kraken Wights!


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Here is my crackpot theory

Based on descriptions from the book I think its very possible that Tyrion Lannister is the son of Joanna Lannister and Aerys Targaryen. It is will known the "mad king" was infatuated with her and would explain why Tywin had such comptempt for his "son". Also if one reads carefully the physical description of Tyron throughout the novels, his features are more Targaryen then Lannister "hair so blonde it's almost white" and his "one black eye" could be a very dark purple. It would also explain his immediate friendship with Jon Snow (who may very well turn out be half Targaryen himself). Any comments? Thoughts?

Yep agree totally . . And when Tyrion asks for casterly rock tywin goes of on one and says something like since I can't prove our nOt mine. Why say that?

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Marei (the bookish whore from Chataya's) is real Aegon after sex change.

Alternatively, Marei is Tywin's bastard, and whoever sits the Iron Throne at the end will legitimize her, so she will be the new lady of Casterly Rock.

Farwynds are right, there really is a great continent beyond the sunset sea and the real enemy will be an invading fleet from the west. Others are just red herring.

Varys is in league with Faceless Men and their true purpose is establishing a republic in Westeros.

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My crackpot theories revolve around there actually not being any "twists" in the end. All of these "clues" people discuss won't mean much and it will turn out we have been basically told everything that will happen.

1) Jon is dead and won't make another appearance unless someone talks about him.

2) Bran will warg one of the dragons eventually because...

3) Dany will eventually come back to Westeros, saving the land from the Others and Lannisters alike with Bran and...

4) Aegon's help. He is not a mummer's dragon. They will be married. Bring out the Ewoks for the final scene.


5) Victarian is the mummer's dragon. He will control one for a time but eventually lose it to Bran.

6) The next time Cersie sees Jamie, he will be a wight and he will strangle her to death.

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My 2 crackpot theories

1. The "Stone Dragon" Melisandre is trying to resurrect using the blood of a king is actually a plague of greyscale, and she will sacrifice Stannis' daughter to do so.

2. Thoros of Myr is Azor Ahai!!! I've posted this like five times in different threads but I'm convinsed thats how its gonna play out in the end... he is going to go North to fight the others

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  • 1 month later...

Crackpot theory 1 - There's obviously some signifigance to Hodor only ever saying Hodor despite it not being his name. So my theory is Hodor is actually the NAME of the Great Other. Think about it, even sound like R'hollor, his polar opposite.

Crackpot theory two - Sansa will be the only Stark to survive the series, this is foreshadowed by her wolf being killed in GoT. The only wolf to die before its master(I think grey wind died after robb anyway, cant really remember)

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Bran is AA

He was reborn (twice), one of them admist smoke (Winterfell) and salt (ironborns, the sea water Jojen dreamed of).

The dragon Summer saw fleeing from Winterfell symbolizes it.

He's the only one really trying to fight the Others.

Summer is Lightbringer.

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