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Star Wars: The Old Republic: Episode II


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No, it's my server too; There's never anyone around to join up on Heroics or Flashpoints. I started characters on two more heavily populated servers for exactly that reason, but given the character I'm most invested in is still on a lighter server, my problem isn't exactly solved.

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I feel bad for everyone who's on a low-pop server. Personally I spent a great deal of time choosing and monitoring my server before I decided it would stick. I even delayed my character creation and that of several friends of mine only so we can get on a good server.

Having said that, I'm on a Heavy-Very Heavy EU server, there has only been queues twice as far as I can remember, both times less than 200ppl. I've never found it difficult to form a group even for hard modes, people are even pugging Eternity Vault.

About the WoW -> SWTOR switch: I've noticed that most people who like SWTOR, not for the lightsabers and cuz you can force choke ppl, but about the MMO itself, the design, questing, grouping and etc, are mostly WoW veterans from early TBC, vanilla and earlier. I don't think I've met a single hardcore swtor person who started WoW post-wotlk. The thing is that WoW became too comfortable and easy during wotlk and after and people who've only known that refuse to accept the SWTOR cruder model of forming groups by hand, spending time travelling, wiping a lot in 4mans (even during leveling), having to do a fair amount of group quests on every planet. All of these features disappeared from WoW as the game evolved and those of us who miss them like SWTOR for them. Those who never knew them, or resented them in the first place, would never stick with SWTOR - they may play the game for a while, but eventually they'll give it up.

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So I played EQ1 from around the release in the UK, to the planes of power xpac (Rallo zek pvp server). I played WoW from xmass the same year it released to TBC. The reason I switched to WoW instead of EQ2 was at time WoW was seen as a very casual friendly game.

I like the time saving devices, I like not having to spend frigging hours getting a group, then running (not flying, or quick traveling, but running some times across 9-10 zones to get there). I like the fact that one screw up doesn't mean I lose hours of xp. The only stressful thing about wiping in WoW or ToR is the bitching and whinging from the other group memebers.

The only thing I miss about the past, is that when I got a group on EQ I had pretty much that same group all day. By the time I reached higher levels I knew almost eveyone in that group, ethier by spending days with them in the past, or by reputation. Infact a lot of the time I knew everyone in the entire zone.

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About the WoW -> SWTOR switch: I've noticed that most people who like SWTOR, not for the lightsabers and cuz you can force choke ppl, but about the MMO itself, the design, questing, grouping and etc, are mostly WoW veterans from early TBC, vanilla and earlier. I don't think I've met a single hardcore swtor person who started WoW post-wotlk. The thing is that WoW became too comfortable and easy during wotlk and after and people who've only known that refuse to accept the SWTOR cruder model of forming groups by hand, spending time travelling, wiping a lot in 4mans (even during leveling), having to do a fair amount of group quests on every planet. All of these features disappeared from WoW as the game evolved and those of us who miss them like SWTOR for them. Those who never knew them, or resented them in the first place, would never stick with SWTOR - they may play the game for a while, but eventually they'll give it up.

I think there's a lot of merit to this theory.

Of course, I also love the friggen lightsabers and force choking ppl. :P

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I like the time saving devices, I like not having to spend frigging hours getting a group, then running (not flying, or quick traveling, but running some times across 9-10 zones to get there). I like the fact that one screw up doesn't mean I lose hours of xp.

I passed on EQ for these exact reasons. A good buddy of mine played religiously from release until 2007 when he switched to WoW. Based on his horror stories I was never interested the hassles of EQ. For my money, WoW at BC release was pretty much ideal. Not impossibly frustrating, but also not insultingly easy and still including a healthy social atmosphere for grouping, etc (kind of like TOR, in fact).

The only stressful thing about wiping in WoW or ToR is the bitching and whinging from the other group memebers.

Agree 1000x. The whinging thus far on my server has been minimal, which is yet another reason to like this game.

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I've actually run into a mix of brand new MMO players and vets who remember the 'vanilla WoW' days.

But I mostly seem to run into other Dragon Age players and end up chattering away with them most of the night.

Last night on Belsarius (or however you spell it) there was just me and one other guy on the whole planet. I started to make a joke in general that my /friends list was bigger than the planet pop - and then I noticed that the other guy was actually ON my /friends list, :laugh:

For a while we kept up a conversation about random stuff - even worked out a plan to sell the planet's prisoners as slave labor on Taris and pocket the credits.

The whole two hours I was there - only 3 other people showed up.

I think my name-sake server is doomed, :crying:

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Last night on Belsarius (or however you spell it) there was just me and one other guy on the whole planet. I started to make a joke in general that my /friends list was bigger than the planet pop - and then I noticed that the other guy was actually ON my /friends list, :laugh:

For a while we kept up a conversation about random stuff - even worked out a plan to sell the planet's prisoners as slave labor on Taris and pocket the credits.

The whole two hours I was there - only 3 other people showed up.

I think my name-sake server is doomed, :crying:

The numbers never get that low on Rubat Crystal. Even when I've played at odd hours (like, 6 AM on a Saturday) there've been at least 10-15 people in the mid to high level zones. So yeah, server consolidation is likely in Tobin's future. :(

Which begs the inevitable question...where will the subscriber numbers for this game reach an equilibrium? I hope the damn thing ends up making money.

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I passed on EQ for these exact reasons. A good buddy of mine played religiously from release until 2007 when he switched to WoW. Based on his horror stories I was never interested the hassles of EQ. For my money, WoW at BC release was pretty much ideal. Not impossibly frustrating, but also not insultingly easy and still including a healthy social atmosphere for grouping, etc (kind of like TOR, in fact).

Agree 1000x. The whinging thus far on my server has been minimal, which is yet another reason to like this game.

EQ was fun though, I went back and played a little on the progression servers and it was still pretty good. What does irk a little is that some how people thought vanilla WoW was a hardcore gaming experince, when it really wasn't percived as that at the time. It was bright and colourful, had a sense of humour and was very accessable.

I found that a lot of that fun and accessabilty start to leave the game around TBC, with increasing faction and token grinds. I also found the community on the server I was on completely awful.

I enjoy SWTOR at the moment because it's fun, slighty different from the tradtional MMO an also has some funny dialogue

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I'm also finding a problem with low population, having trouble forming groups for pretty much anything. Last night I switched to Madness spec (Which I'm liking so much more than Lightning by the way) on my sorcerer though and with the ability to CC up to 3 mobs at once now I was able to solo a bunch of heroic quests last night. Also I've finally found a decently active guild with helpful members so finding groups for Flashpoints isn't too bad anymore. The last two guilds I joined were totally dead (20-30 members, never more than 2 online at a time).

I would re-roll on a higher pop server but I'm enjoying the Sith Inquisitor story too much and don't feel like doing the past 30 levels over again so I'll just deal with it for now :P.

A tangential note: Last night people in my guild were discussing their Legacy surnames and I found that one of the other members is a SoIaF fan as well. My dreams were crushed however when he told me that all the House names he tried were taken on our server already (aside from Tyrell which is what he got), I really wanted Targaryan D=

Darth Tar'quin Targaryan - How awesome that would have been...

Oh well, maybe I'll get lucky and one of my back up choices will still be available :P

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A tangential note: Last night people in my guild were discussing their Legacy surnames and I found that one of the other members is a SoIaF fan as well. My dreams were crushed however when he told me that all the House names he tried were taken on our server already (aside from Tyrell which is what he got), I really wanted Targaryan D=

Darth Tar'quin Targaryan - How awesome that would have been...

Oh well, maybe I'll get lucky and one of my back up choices will still be available :P

....what server are you on? :uhoh:

I'm "Lord Inle'rah Targaryen" on Col.Tobin (yes! I stole the name Inle'rah, i really liked it :blushing: )

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....what server are you on? :uhoh:

I'm "Lord Inle'rah Targaryen" on Col.Tobin (yes! I stole the name Inle'rah, i really liked it :blushing: )

I'm on Firkraan Crystal. According to the guy in my guild he tried most of the major houses and they were all taken, but he got Tyrell which he was pretty happy with.

I'm hoping I can still snag Martell. If not, I'll try some lesser houses and after that I may have to go with something outside the SoIaF universe. Heaven forbid :P

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