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Star Wars: The Old Republic: Episode II


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Fought in my first world boss battle tonight... it's the first thing I've done in the game that's made me appreciate the multiplayer aspect. Either my internet connection or my computer didn't like 30 people wailing on a giant monster though -- it kept legging to the point where I was effectively useless in the battle.

I'm a little worried that the storyline with one of my companions is broken. It keeps telling me she wants to speak to me aboard my ship, but when I head back there the icon disappears. I looked it up online and people are saying it's just a bug and they'll speak when they're ready, but it's been quite some time since the last conversation.

Anyone playing a Bounty Hunter recall how long after completing 'Wrong Side of a Hunt' their next convo with Mako was and/or what (level, affection, main story) triggered it?

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My sorc is now level 40, and with the level 40 PVP-gear. It makes a HUGE difference to have an entire "set" of equipment with similar stats, getting the defensive set really boosted survivability.

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I tried playing on the Republic side and to be honest found the start to be quite dull. I only got to lvl 10 so I hope it improves.

I do however love the Empire, nothing quite like doing Evil with a British accent. An many of the conversation choice have me in stiches, some are laugh out loud funny.

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I hit 50 last night after defeating the last boss of my story quest line. Kind of a cool way to hit max level. I immedietly bought 5 pvp bags and inside bag number 2...purple main hand light saber! Sweeeeeeeet.

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I'm drowning in colored crystals from Archeology, I need to figure out which alt I'll use them on since they're not part of Synth.

I'm running a little behind on quests, so i'm actually a level or 3 higher than the required to run them - just hit 35 officially last night and setting up to corrupt a padawan who will be mine....

First order of business is to put a helmet on her if I can - I'm not a fan of head worms.

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I immedietly bought 5 pvp bags and inside bag number 2...purple main hand light saber! Sweeeeeeeet.

See, thats one of the things I truly despise the game about. Allowing players to get the best gear in the game (item level-wise) with no more effort than afking in a few warzones. I know most of you don't afk and probably consider it hard work, but the fact that it can be gotten so easily is appalling. I've made it my personal credo to disrespect any person who PVEs in pvp epics on sight. You're supposed to work for your epics, to struggle a bit through hard modes and wait for that lucky drop.

On a different note, grats on 50 Relic :). And glad you got a weapon, those are hard to get otherwise.

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I'm only able to play for a couple hours a day, so I'm leveling slowly. My trooper is my highest level at 31.

One thing I have found is a bit of a disparity with Light and Dark side options. I don't feel like I get enough options sometimes. For example, I found an Imperial war criminal that had information on my next target. My options were to let him go in exchange for the information (light side) or kill him for his crimes (dark side). Where's my "arrest him and let the legal system sort it out" option?!!?

Additionally, I'm wanting to go light side so I'm trying to pick the LS options even when I don't agree with them. Oh sure, there are some obvious DS that I don't want to go with (threaten the kid, kill the villagers, etc) but there are some downright practical ones that a Republic Trooper should take (set off a detonation that would wipe out all the force sensitive rakghouls). As much as I'd like to take a couple DS choices from a story standpoint... I don't want to influence my standing overly much either.

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See, thats one of the things I truly despise the game about. Allowing players to get the best gear in the game (item level-wise) with no more effort than afking in a few warzones. I know most of you don't afk and probably consider it hard work, but the fact that it can be gotten so easily is appalling. I've made it my personal credo to disrespect any person who PVEs in pvp epics on sight. You're supposed to work for your epics, to struggle a bit through hard modes and wait for that lucky drop.

On a different note, grats on 50 Relic :). And glad you got a weapon, those are hard to get otherwise.

i doubt the pvp weapons will be best in slot for very long, so don't worry. I wanted the weapon primarily because i ENJOY pvp, not because i want to pve with it. So for me, getting the mainhand after saving up 1000 merc and 1000 warzone pts was a really cool reward for hitting 50. Sadly, i got ANOTHER one after turnign in all my Ilum pvp dailies. Weird luck.

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Sadly, i got ANOTHER one after turnign in all my Ilum pvp dailies. Weird luck.

Yes thats what I meant :). Saving up and buying it at the end of a long cycle of warzones can be considered hard work, as it's in your case. But like twice a day in guild chat some random scrub who bought his first bag opens it and finds the weapon token. Don't get me wrong, I'm not against the idea of random bags, it's great letting people gamble with high stakes. But take the weapons out, allow just for the other pieces to drop. Weapons should be purchasable for a hefty amount of tokens (like arena weapons in WoW) and said tokens should, preferably, be impossible to obtain by slackers and afkers.

And ofc if you enjoy PvP the pvp weapon is actually better than anything you can get in the game atm. The highest gear rating is 136 and thats from hard mode. 136 PvE weapons drop only from Soa in EV - he's not that hard even on hard mode, but it still takes much more effort to get it compared to the pvp one.

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So as a fan of the KotOR games, I thought I would give this a go. After two days of donwloading game information at the weekend, I should be good to go tonight. Any tips for a new player starting out?

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So as a fan of the KotOR games, I thought I would give this a go. After two days of donwloading game information at the weekend, I should be good to go tonight. Any tips for a new player starting out?

Imperial side story quests are generally considered better written. Try to do the bonus series on all the late-game planets.

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Anyone playing a Sith Warrior? Not sure whether to go with Marauder or Juggernaut. I'm mostly playing this as a single player game so I'm not too worried about end-game. What's more fun for leveling?

I'm on Shadowtown, in case anyone else is Imperial on that server.

My Republic trooper is on Black Vulkar I think. Lieutenant Shep! I hope there is a Commander title eventually. I shall never change my title after that. Shepherd!!!!

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So as a fan of the KotOR games, I thought I would give this a go. After two days of donwloading game information at the weekend, I should be good to go tonight. Any tips for a new player starting out?

Roll imperial agent. There are 2 advanced classes, quite different from each other, you're bound to like at least one. The story is the best in the game, the spaceship is the best in the game, both advanced classes are perhaps the least played, ensuring you spots in groups, guilds and raids and few people rolling against you on your gear. Also your sets look cool :).

If you're playing on EU realms, consider Trayus Academy, Empire side. Me and Tyrellius are there.

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Anyone playing a Sith Warrior? Not sure whether to go with Marauder or Juggernaut. I'm mostly playing this as a single player game so I'm not too worried about end-game. What's more fun for leveling?

I'm on Shadowtown, in case anyone else is Imperial on that server.

My Republic trooper is on Black Vulkar I think. Lieutenant Shep! I hope there is a Commander title eventually. I shall never change my title after that. Shepherd!!!!

I'd suggest Marauder for leveling purely for the higher damage output. While leveling mine I shredded elites in about 2-5 seconds depending on the situation. Sometimes a bit more if I had no Fury built.

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Spent the weekend working on my Republic alts while building rested XP on my Marauder. I'm starting to get a bit more comfortable with the tanking mechanics on my Guardian (lvl 27). Grabbing and holding aggro in this game can be a challenge, especially considering how much aggro is pulled by the healers (although the Guard ability helps a great deal here). It encourages a more active, vigilant playstyle which suits me just fine. I'd like at least one high-threat offensive ability, though. Taunt is fine but damn, sometimes I find myself having to use it in single-target fights. Maybe I'll get something later on to help with that.

My DPS Commando (now lvl 27 as well) feels like easy mode compared to the warrior classes. Less challenge doesn't necessarily mean less fun, though...mowing down those pesky 3-4 mob groupings in the matter of a few seconds definitely gives a certain satisfaction. :)

Fought in my first world boss battle tonight... it's the first thing I've done in the game that's made me appreciate the multiplayer aspect. Either my internet connection or my computer didn't like 30 people wailing on a giant monster though -- it kept legging to the point where I was effectively useless in the battle.

I'm a bit concerned about this too. As I've stated several times in this thread, "ability lag" for lack of a better term has been a bugaboo for me so far, and it seems to get worse proportional to the number of players I'm grouped with. Don't think it's Internet connection in my case, as my latency rarely tops 100. I'm hoping they end up optimizing some code and fixing this.

I'm a little worried that the storyline with one of my companions is broken. It keeps telling me she wants to speak to me aboard my ship, but when I head back there the icon disappears. I looked it up online and people are saying it's just a bug and they'll speak when they're ready, but it's been quite some time since the last conversation.

Fairly certain that is just an interface bug; happens to me all the time with other companions.

I tried playing on the Republic side and to be honest found the start to be quite dull. I only got to lvl 10 so I hope it improves.

I do however love the Empire, nothing quite like doing Evil with a British accent. An many of the conversation choice have me in stiches, some are laugh out loud funny.

It's evident that a great deal of time and effort was put into juicing up the entertainment value on the Imperial side. :D Evil never felt quite so good, as it were. I will say though that leveling on Republic side became more fun for me as soon as I hit Coruscant. I've done the 'Black Bisector' quest line three times now and interacting with those Gree protocol droids never gets old.

I'm only able to play for a couple hours a day, so I'm leveling slowly. My trooper is my highest level at 31.

One thing I have found is a bit of a disparity with Light and Dark side options. I don't feel like I get enough options sometimes. For example, I found an Imperial war criminal that had information on my next target. My options were to let him go in exchange for the information (light side) or kill him for his crimes (dark side). Where's my "arrest him and let the legal system sort it out" option?!!?

Additionally, I'm wanting to go light side so I'm trying to pick the LS options even when I don't agree with them. Oh sure, there are some obvious DS that I don't want to go with (threaten the kid, kill the villagers, etc) but there are some downright practical ones that a Republic Trooper should take (set off a detonation that would wipe out all the force sensitive rakghouls). As much as I'd like to take a couple DS choices from a story standpoint... I don't want to influence my standing overly much either.

I'm a bit annoyed that certain items (relics in particular) are limited to Light or Dark only. That's fine, but I'd like seeing some sort of neutral option as well. The item restrictions kind of steer you into one set of choices or the other, when in reality you may want to play a character who's morally "grey."

So as a fan of the KotOR games, I thought I would give this a go. After two days of donwloading game information at the weekend, I should be good to go tonight. Any tips for a new player starting out?

Take it slow and immerse yourself in your character's story. Sith storylines do a better job of grabbing you quickly so it might be better to start out on that side. Oh, and take Slicing as a secondary profession - your in-game bank account will thank you.

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I got a friend of mine to load up the game and start playing. He was forever trying to get me to roll Rebel because he didn't want to be an evil guy. I got him to try Imp anyway, so he rolled a Marauder.

Now he's fricken Dark2 and not even lvl 20, :stunned: ("I'm more evil than I thought!" :lol: )

He called me all excited when he got his second light saber: "I've got one orange and one red!" so now he tells me he's going to give people the "orange & red treatment".

I hit 41 last night and am thinking that I might hit 50 before I have to go offline for a while (moving to a new apartment and won't have cable for the first month or so).

I almost have Andri to 10k approval (only 50pts to go) - so I'm interested in seeing what happens when it dings. I lost a few points when I flirted with my nerd pet, but a fancy dinner and I was back on top, :leer:

I've been telling my sister about the game, but she's still too locked into WoW i think. She's been asking more questions about it ("You get conversation wheels like in DA2?" "Yes." "Is Fenris there??" "Yes, I ran into him (and both Anders!) on Hoth. But this time he's a bit of a number cruncher and not quite as elfish as you remember...")

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I've been telling my sister about the game, but she's still too locked into WoW i think.

I'm working on getting my sister to play too. She only started playing WoW about a year ago so she's still in the early addict stages at this point :P. She's almost as big a Star Wars nut as I am, so I think I'll eventually get her to switch.

FWIW, while my WoW sub is still active, I haven't logged into the game a single time since I started playing TOR.

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I'm working on getting my sister to play too. She only started playing WoW about a year ago so she's still in the early addict stages at this point :P. She's almost as big a Star Wars nut as I am, so I think I'll eventually get her to switch.

FWIW, while my WoW sub is still active, I haven't logged into the game a single time since I started playing TOR.

I started WoW in open beta, but I haven't played since Dragon Age: Origins came out - I used that to break me free and I've been fighting temptation ever since. It's tough because everyone around me plays still or has gone back (again), but as much as I love the Horde - I'm tired of the treadmill.

Yes, SW is also a treadmill of sorts, but it's got different scenery - 20 times leveling through Stranglethorn is enough to make you choke your neighbor.

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I started WoW in open beta, but I haven't played since Dragon Age: Origins came out - I used that to break me free and I've been fighting temptation ever since. It's tough because everyone around me plays still or has gone back (again), but as much as I love the Horde - I'm tired of the treadmill.

Yes, SW is also a treadmill of sorts, but it's got different scenery - 20 times leveling through Stranglethorn is enough to make you choke your neighbor.

I started WoW shortly after BC release, grew tired of the treadmill about mid-Wrath but stuck with it mostly because of friendships with other players, i.e. using the game as an excuse to spend time hanging out and BSing with like minded folks. The ennui I feel when I play WoW just reached a breaking point, though. I think TOR is going to have a lot more long term appeal to me because the story elements are there to mask the grind (whereas, unless you're a serious RPer or PVPer, WoW is all grind, all the time).

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