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Mark Sawyer

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List the best characters dead or living

1.) Barristan the Bold

2.) Jamie Lannister

3.) The Faceless Men

4.) Ramsay Snow

5.) Rhagar Targaryen

By best i mean best well written..I personally want nothing more than for Ramsay Snow/ Ramsay Bolton to be tortured for years by Qyburn in some duengon underneath the Red Keep, but at the same time is character is so engrossing in my opinion. Barristan the Bold is my favorite because for me he embodies the overall awesomeness of knighthood in the ASOIAF kingdom. He is one of the last of a dying breed and the way he thought back and gave honest appraisals of his mistakes and the Kings he failed, Ashara Dayne, Harrenhal Tourney, Rhagar, etc etc. real gave him some depth.

Rhagar is on the list because although he has been dead the whole series i guess his legend just really intrigues me. No explanation for Jaime and Faceless men they just are awesome...Jaime is on a quest to find himself and the truths he is discovering are awesome. What do you guys think

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I love making this lists!

5. Ramsay Snow- it was going to be Theon, but then i thought why are the Theon chapters so good?

4. Sansa Stark- Love her, and i dont know why. I want her to have the North and the East... and the South/West also why not!

3. Davos Seaworth- Only guy excluding Hotpie who is from normal birth, and Davos is such a thug!

2. Stannis Baratheon- Best King, funniest lines, awsome sword, ugly wife but hot mistress

1. Tyrion Lannister- Enough said

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1. Sansa Stark: Her character's journey has been the most compelling for me in the series and her particular type of strength the most interesting. Personally, as someone who has never been able to hold her tongue, I find Sansa's ability to armor herself in a wall of courtesy and suppress her true emotions fascinating.

2. Theon Greyjoy: As much as I wanted to punch him in Clash, I always pitied him at the same time. He's a character without a true home or identity, neither a Stark nor a Greyjoy. And his struggles in Dance broke my heart, and I was always anxious to get to his next chapter.

3. Petyr Baelish: He owns every scene he's in for me, and now every time something big happens I find myself wondering, Who did Littlefinger manipulate into making that happen? I also found it interesting when Sansa started thinking of Petyr and Littlefinger as two different people with the same face... Where does one end and the other begin? The man is a mystery.

4/5. Stannis Baratheon & Davos Seaworth: The best team in Westeros. Hope these two crazy kids get reunited soon.

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1. Jaime Lannister -- not in the mood for taking up half a page with fanboyism, but just... Jaime Lannister.

2. Oberyn Martell --the one-hit-wonder. Oh, what have been...

3. Sansa Stark -- one of the most realistic and consistently compelling characters in the series.

4. Ramsay Bolton -- because every good fantasy series needs an abhorrent, murderous sociopath.

5. Theon Greyjoy -- before and after his brief stint with batshit insanity.

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Too tough to choose, so I'll do top 5 female and top 5 male:

1 - Daenerys Targaryen (dodges cabbages and rotten veggies) (I appreciate her compassion, empathy, and strength, even if she isn't always right, and even if she makes mistakes)

2 - Brienne of Tarth (she is true to herself and goes against societal norms, ignoring those who mock her, but she has a gentle heart. A "true knight").

3 - Arya Stark (the girl is clever, resourceful and again, goes against gender norms without batting an eyelash. Her interactions with the Hound are quite interesting in terms of dynamics between the two, contrasting with Hound/Sansa. And her vengeance in the Inn at the Crossroads with The Tickler, while slightly disturbing, was satisfying. And I was glad she got Needle back!. Love her and hope she leaves the FM assassin group soon)

4 - Catelyn Tully Stark (a strong Lady, a brilliant politician. Yes she makes mistakes but who the hell hasn't in this series? She is an excellent advisor to her son. She endures the deaths of (what she believes to be) 3/5 children, her beloved Ned, and of course, the RW scene, it made me cry.)

(Note: I feel Lady Stoneheart is a completely different person - a braindead Cat. A sad character, a hollow shell of the former Catelyn. It is very depressing to me.)

Tie between:

5 - Melisandre (she intrigues me, not that I endorse her burning humans alive)

5 - Cersei Lannister (a "morally dark" character I can empathize with, at times, but still condemn for her evil deeds).

(Sansa would've been #6. She begins as a naive child but grows up fast. She is no fool, and learns how to survive in a viper pit. I hope she gets LF before he perves out on her completely.)


1 - Jon Snow (his character arc is compelling, and his journey from sullen bastard to protector of Sam, to double-agenting with the Wildlings, then rising to LC, and falling from grace, is very compelling, and I HOPE HE LIVES AND IS NOT UNJON!)

2 - Stannis Baratheon (he has his faults - not a people person. But he is just (and not wholly without mercy despite how he is described). He burns people alive, but not without a reason (used as punishment, though cruel), and he gelds his men for rape. His one-liners are AWESOME and I lol every time I read them, and I think he'd be an excellent King if he can shake free of Mel's influence).

3 - Ned Stark (some call him stupid. I call him honorable, moral, and principled. Many such men in history have died for being honorable and principled - this does not make them stupid. Ned is perhaps naive, but he is not a blundering idiot. He is just not cut out for the backstabbing and ass-licking that KL requires in the Game of Thrones. He was not killed by his own stupidity - he had a deal to join the NW with Cersei and Varys. Joffrey decides instead ON HIS OWN, to have him beheaded. Joffrey is to blame for Ned's death, not Ned.

"I regret that I have but one life to give for my country". Is anybody calling the man who said that quote "stupid" just because he ended up dying? Thought not.

Close in character to Davos, with elements of Stannis. Stannis is far better player in the Game of Thrones, however. But being a "good" player at the game doesn't make one a decent person.)

4 - Tyrion (yes I know he's become dark after ASoS, but I'm entitled to still enjoy his POVs though, don't shoot me please! He's clever, witty, arrogant, and often a fool. But he has thus far used his cleverness to get out of most life-threatening situations except for the regicide charge, which was Jaime's doing, but hey, he did the world a favor by offing Tywin. I'm not going to discuss Shae in depth, but she didn't deserve to be killed. Don't want a flame war.)

ducks from rotten vegetables being thrown at me

Another tie:

5 - Lord Davos Rainwood, the Onion Knight (Lord?) - I'd have put him higher but the Davos/Stannis/Ned trio are so alike, I had to knock poor Davos down a few notches. He's humble, he knows what that moral course of action is, and he isn't afraid to speak his mind (he is a good foil for Ser Illyn, having lost his tongue for a boast - Davos would never boast against Stannis, yet he did lose his fingers). Davos saves Edric Storm when Stannis is on the verge of giving into Melisandre's request to burn the 12 year old alive. Instead Davos faces fairly certain execution, and reads the NW letter pleading for help. That takes MAJOR courage, and that is why I love Davos. Plus, he is a good judge of character (he could tell something was amiss in Lord Manderly's court with the Freys present). I hope he survives the series and goes home to his wife Marya and their sons.

5 - Sam Tarley (yeah, I realize people think he's annoying. But I've got a soft spot for abused characters). When he kills the Other, to when he saves Gilly from the Wights/Small Paul, he proves he is no craven in his heart. Only in his head. And when he beats the living shit out of Daeron for fucking around and deserting in Braavos, I was cheering him on.

(Close 6th: Ser Jorah Mormont - a tortured character, but he did betray Dany, had too much pride to apologize. I hope they reconcile. He was her best advisor, and loyal, after he switched his allegiance to her completely.)

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1. Sansa Stark: Most realistic character in the book, love her journey and I like the head trip she's taking us on, her observations of people and learning what makes them tick.

2. Petyr Baelish: One hell of a player sinister to the xxxx degree, I like his manipulations but I will like his fall much better, hope Sansa takes him down but retain some of the lessons learned.

3. Stannis Baratheon A man who is said won't bend but break, from the time he made it to the wall to the December gift he be a King I follow.

4. Samwell Tarley : Braver than he thinks, true friend what Jon Snow needs.

5: Davos Seaworth: Rise from a smuggler to HAND honorable as Ned, willing to help get Rickon back and saving Edric Storm I like him as my friend.

HM: Dolorous Ed you need some levity in a series as these.

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1. Stannis Baratheon- I love his character, despite his support for Melisandre.

2. Littlefinger- An awesome manipulator who has managed to stay in the game all this time without any loss for himself

3. Davos Seaworth- Stannis's morality pretty much. I love how Davos still manages to be humble even with lordship

4. Tyrion Lannister- I thought his DwD chapters were boring, but he nevertheless proves to be an interesting person

5. Barristan Selmy- Badass, glad he got POV chapters

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  1. Sandor Clegane: I LOVE HIM
  2. Sansa Stark: realistic and touching
  3. Jamie: don't know where his story is going, but want to know (PLEASE DON'T DIE!!!)
  4. Tywin: not a really good guy, but such a great character
  5. Tyrion and Arya: both great, can't decide

A special mention of ser Jorah and Brienne, who I really like…

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Jon Snow

Stannis Baratheon

Tyrion Lannister

Jaime Lannister

Oberyn Martell

Can't really put an order to them, love them all equally. Funny, no women on my list... well, my hopes are on either Lemore/Ashara or Sarella, when they finally begin to appear more, because I only like Brienne in her relationship with Jaime, and Cersei... as fascinating as she is, not a favorite.

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Top 5 favorite Characters:

1. Ned

2. Tyrion

3. Jon

4. Robert

5. Robb

Top 5 Warriors of all time

1. Aemon the Dragonknight

2. Ser Arthur Dayne

3. Dameon Blackfyre

4, Barristan the Bold

5. Jaime Lannister

Honorable Mention: Bittlersteal, Bloodraven, Khal Drogo, Leo Longthorn

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Well-done characters?

Sansa, for the reasons given above. Think GRRM's crushin' on her.

Cersei, just a great study of a woman whose lust for power destroys her.

Sandor Clegane, a brutal, brutalized man who, crushed, is remade.

Davos, True Grit revisited. I don't understand his devotion to Stannis, but that's my fault.

Petyr Baelish, he's such a weasel I want to strangle him but he's such a good weasel.

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