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Your King


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  • Stannis is just a puppet of Melisandre, who would really be ruling the kingdom.

Pardon, but if all Mel wanted was to rule Westeros she would have signed on with Joffrey. He would have taken to her in an instant and been lighting people up left and right, with the plus side being that Joff's stupid and malleable and she wouldn't be tethered to the biggest underdog in the fight. The simple fact she chose Stannis---the guy with the smallest army---speaks to both the fact that she really believes in him, and that her goal is defeating the others.

Stannis also tells her to fuck off on numerous occasions, and usually treats everything she says with a great deal of skepticism. Stannis is his own man, and all the Red Priestesses in the world won't change that. He's also the best candidate for the Iron Throne, about to hand the Boltons and Freys their asses, and just got into bed with one of the most powerful organizations in GRRM's world---the Iron Bank---which will help finance his campaign after taking the North.

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I think the best will be STANNIS - he makes the right choices, is smart, and think to Realm, the only King who helped the Wall when Mance Rider almost destroyed.

Tommen? - He just play with the cats

Euron? - he can e charismatic but to do things for the Realm? He just think to kill, kill, pirates and sex. (but I think in the next 2 books he will do something what we don´t expect.

Dany? - If she survives at the end, she won´t to be a good Queen, she maked Meeren almost die by the enemies from inside



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I just like him, but if I had to choose whats actually best for the kingdom I would go for either Stannis ( how can I not) or a more experienced Daenerys.

Tommen should just play with his kittens :D

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Stannis is smart and just, but not nice.

Daenerys is caring and has lovely sentiments, but is also completely inept.

Euron is charismatic, interesting and absolutely batshit insane.

Tommen is Lord of Kitties and nothing else.

Bran, though? Bran's a sweet, brave little hippie. He can see the future and will apparently be able to fly, so he's basically a superhero inside a tree. BwanBwan for King!

(out of the options given, Stannis any day)

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It depends from which viewpoint you're taking...

From a reader's perspective, I would have to say that Dany or Euron would make an exciting - and I mean this in relation to their history with the realm/potential contributions to the story line - king or queen.

From the perspective of the smallfolk, or from the perspective of "who would best serve the 7 kingdoms?", my answer would be Stannis. He seems to have his priorities straight. It's hard to call Stannis a pretender when he's already been in three Battles that have been aimed at getting him closer to the iron throne/ battles that have been for the betterment of the realm (four if you count what's about to happen in Winterfell).

The only way Tommen will persist as King until the end of asoiaf is if UnGregor grows wings, a tail, and breathes fire.

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Although I voted for Stan / Davos last election the only king I recognize is the King in the North. Don't care who gets that damn metal chair as long as the North is released from the fetters of southron fools.

Euron Greyjoy would certainly be an interesting candidate for the throne. Imagine Mad King Aerys with 50% more crazy. Smallfolk probably won't like it as much though...

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Stan the Man, he can get the job done! Seriously though, Westeros needs an experienced leader who can deal with hard descisions. No more child rulers, we have had quite enough of that already! Stannis is well qualified, if there is to be an Iron Throne at the end..

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1. Dany - if she can control her dragons

2. Stannis - if Dany didn`t have the dragon`s he would be nr 1

3. Aegon - if he`s real he has my vote

4. Euron - I wouldn`t like my king to come in my house, tie me up to a chair and have sex with my daughter right in front of me

5. Tommen - he`s just a kid not a king

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