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Your King


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Between this surviving kings (or pretenders):

1- Euron Greyjoy

2- Tommen Baratheon

3- Daenerys Targaryen

4- Stannis Baratheon

Euron: inteligent, cunning, capable of convince a great number of men with his charismatic personality (Kingsmoot).

Tommen: a sweet and amicable boy, he tries to do the best he can, despite of what the Queen Regent do.

Daenerys: a gentle heart, capable of great determination , she can be quite hard toward the ones she think are evil (the torturers and killers of children in Meereen: the great masters; and slavers in general) .

Stannis: can choose great men to work with him (Lord Davos Seaworth) and put the Kingdom interests first (expedition to The Wall), he also can use some unorthodox ways to cement his power (Melisandre and the burnings in honor of R´hllor...).

Who would be the king that would deserve your oath of fealty?

I would choose Stannis Baratheon.

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Stannis - Not really, Renly had Stannis nailed down to a tee.

Euron - A bit mad for my liking.

Tommen - Depends, if Kevan is regent then yeah, maybe even if Mace Tyrell takes over as Protector. Just not under Cersei.

Dany - Preferable to Euron and Stannis, not to Kevan though.

Also it all depends on who I am. Am I in the smallfolk, a minor noble, in a major house or the lord/heir of a great house?

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Euron : I really don't see how this is ever going to work for him he might have a lot of Ships, but in-land he has no chance of holding any ground.

Tommen : I do like Tommen, but prophecy suggests he's going to die - And because of the situation in King's Landing I don't think he would ever be able to live long enough to grow up and become his own man.

Dany : Lacks maturity, but given enough emotional trauma/opportunities she might grow to be a capable ruler.

Stannis is clearly the greatest, though likely to die, at any rate I hope he rules Westeros as he is the only one great enough to be King.

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There was post somewhere back that called him Jizrag the Lorax and now I can't stop thinking of him exclusively as that.

If Mance can't count, I'd chose Stannis, provided he doesn't go all Night's King with Mel.

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If Aegon takes the Throne somehow, I think he could be a good King. Based on how he was brought up, he understands the plight of the smallfolk better than any of the other contenders. Regardless of him being real or not, i think he would make a really good king.

I think that Dany would be my second choice. She is learning the hard way before getting to Westeros. But, she needs to not reign a bunch of terror down on the smallfolk with her Dragons. I think she is going to do that though, so maybe not so great.

Other than her, Tommen could be good if he is raised right.

Stannis would be a just king, I don't know if that makes him good or not.

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Euron: that guy reminds me of another Aerys...ooh when he is king, Dorne will burn and casterly gold will become his. He will rape and f**k westeros and leave her with nothing except seven bastards that will tear at each mother'ss throats.

Tommen: that boy shows the early signs of a boy who would flee from a sword rather than wield it. If he lives long he will be killed by a woman in bed.

Dany: two words for her: "chronically incompetent"

Stannis: He reminds me of another Randyll Tarly. Stannis will end up like Rhaegar I predict. He will die in a battlefield and without even sitting on the iron throne.

None of them mentioned above are gonna be kings at the end of the series. Euron and Stannis will die. Tommen might, or he might vanish. Dany will flee and to the free cities or grow so paranoid and commit suicide.

I have this feeling that we will have no kings at the end of the series.

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I don't like any of those choices, but if I had to rank them I would go

1. Stannis - would not be a good king imo, but a serviceable one at least I think.

2. Tommen - he is a blank slate at this point, with the right counselors he could become a decent king.

3. Dany - good heart, shallow mind. She might mature I suppose.

4. Euron - the dude is cunning, but a reaver at heart and freaking insane.

I would much prefer either Jon or "Aegon" sit the Iron Throne in the end.

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None, although there is always hope for Tommen and Daenerys.

But deserving of fealty? No way any of them fits the bill. I could consider those two depending on who would actually rule. But there is something really tricky with the very idea of offering fealty for a king or feudal lord.

It doesn't help that Stannis and Euron are both immoral, greedy oportunists while Tommen and Daenerys quite literaly don't understand what they are doing.

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