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Confessions....Say What v2!

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I bribed my sixteen year old daughter into reading the series so I could have someone to talk to about it. Not my proudest parenting moment, but. . .

This is so awesome.

I am guessing with Catelyn's name, as with many, they went with the British-y pronunciation, like how Arya is pronounced Ahh-ya and Davos Dah-voss instead of say, Day-vose.

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When I tell my friends or family how long it took me to read the books, it scares them, because they all know me as a speed reader, so they give up hope before they begin. I have no one to talk to about this stuff. My boyfriend endures it.

Also, I forgot how bad my grammar was. And how to stop comma-splicing. And to never start a sentence with And.


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I can't abide Danerys Targaryen. Idiot little girl playing at queen, no idea how to rule and slightly crazy. I however accept her importance to the story and acknowledge that there is a good chance she could win in the end. But I really hope she doesn't.


- I love Sansa. I absolutely don't understand Sansa hate.

- I think Robb should have done more to free her from King's Landing. I also think it was pretty awful of him to disinherit her in his will.

- I don't think Robb was a good king.

I don't really hate her. I just don't find her very interesting. Her POVs are great because they showcase a lot of very interesting villains like Cersei, Littlefinger, Joffrey... and other interesting, morally grey, characters like the Hound or Varys. However in and of herself, she's just an anoying and scared girl during most of the series. She seems to be finally becoming a woman lately, perhaps I may like her character better if she wises up.

Robb did what he could. Trading Jaime would be a very bad politicall move (as is most advice taken from Caetelyn anyway). Perhaps he could have hired someone to abduct her back or something, but he was never a great politician anyway neither had good advisors. Northman are not used to courtly intrigue and this proved to be their undoing (Ned, Robb, even Jon... although he's obviously alive).

Robb was a "good king" in the sense he was well-intentioned and honorable. He was also a very good battle commander. As far as being actually efficient as KING (i.e. leading and inspiring people outside of war, administrating the economy, etc) I don't think he was good / would've been good at that. From the claimants to the throne, Stannis probably would be the best at it (specially with Davos as Hand).

And about his will, Robb did what he must. Sansa was a hostage at that point and it looked like he was going to lose the war despite all his efforts. Disinherit her was a very good move, likelly one of the only good political decisions he took (after not punishing his mother but executing poor Lord Kastark, marrying Jeyne and betraying his word to the Freys, sending Theon to his father, etc).

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Being disinherited may be the best thing that ever happened to Sansa. Without her claim to Winterfell Sansa's no longer useful as a pawn in the game or a desireable political match. She'll have the opportunity to make her own decisions, especially if she can get rid of Littlefinger, and the man she eventually marries won't want her just for her claim. So the sooner the will is published, or Rickon returns to the North, the sooner Sansa can get on with a real life.

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-Everytime I see a Deer Crossing sign I feel like I've entered Baratheon territory. When I'm on my 7 hour road trips, I can relate nearly everything to GoT somehow. Towns named Bowen or Tomlin (makes me think of Tommen), deer crossing signs.. I'm probably just a weirdo.

You might be a weirdo but so am I. These characters are always in the back (or front) of my mind.

I just read The Hunger Games and felt certain that President Snow and Prim's goat named Lady were nods to GRRM.

I had a dream this evening that Jaime Lannister was the rightful heir of King Bob and now the king of the United States.

I'm constantly nagging my husband to read these books so I can ramble on endlessly about them offline. And if we ever end up procreating, there will almost certainly be a little Sansa or Rickon.

Never in a million years thought I'd be the exuberant fangirl type.

ETA: I secretly like Darkstar. Not so much the maiming Myrcella thing, but the emo angsty gothy name Darkstar.

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- I liked Robb but never loved him. I was emotionally connected to him through Catelyn and Jon chapters. I internally screamed at this stupidness when he married Jeyne. Yet red wedding was devastating. Mainly because of Cat. Darcey and Little Jon dying trying to defend him moved me to tears more than Robb dying.

- I used to adore Tyrion in first two books now can't stand his self-pitying and women degrading. Little sh*t.

- I felt so sorry for Theon in ADWD but I didn't forget killing the miller's two boys and it makes it hard to forgive him. Every other crime he committed I always had a small empathy for him but this.

- It angers me when people continue to label Jon emo past GOT then go on and on about how great Tyrion and Theon as characters, who I see as the pillars of manpain of ASOIAF. Those skipped chapters, perhaps?

- I have empathy for Cercei yet I have no sympathy. Weird? I certainly did not pity her during the walk of shame yet if it was any other female character I would be outraged. I hated her actions far too long to feel sorry which makes me feel guilty as a woman.

- I think Tywin died too quickly. I wanted him to see what's coming to his legacy's way.

- I adored Arya in GOT. I love her yet she’s become too disturbing that I want her to die than continue this way. If GRRM makes her the assassin who goes after the Lady of Vale/ Lord Commander of the Night’s Watch I don’t know what I might do.

- I want Jon to be happy at the end and away from the cursed throne. He and Val can start their own little family away from everyone. I don’t want to him to leave the Wall but don’t want him to be alone either. Some happy family for him, dammit!

- I might be ok with every other character dying if it means I can get a happy ending for Jon, Jaime and Sansa.- I hate Robert Baratheon.

- I love Sansa and absolutely hate Littlefinger.

- I love many of the small noble families way more than the big ones.

- If I found myself waking up in Westeros one day my first action would be running to an harbor and leave for Essos immediately.

- I like the Northern storyline more than the Southern.

- I find the Targaryens fascinating. Their history and craziness are one of my favorite things in ASOIAF

- I don’t think dragons will be a good tools at the end. My initial fangirling at the end of GOT died with ADWD.

- I still like Dany as a person but I no longer want her in Westeros. She should stay in Essos and stop distracting the reader away.

- I wil hate if Jeyne Westerling is pregnant so they can take Winterfell away from Sansa, Bran and Rickon.

- I don't want to be 1 king, 7 kingdoms at the end. I want 1 king and a big council of 7 kingdoms. Yet no idea who might join them. Don't want Jon to have that thankless job, Stannis will not bend, Dany is not the person for that job...It's a big blank.

- I want some peace and happiness for the many non-main characters who suffered through the series. Many to name.. All the children, Jeyne Poole, Lollys, Hodor, Pyp, Green & Edd, Samwell, Jon Connigton, the wildlings and the smallfolk . It cannot end in darkness.

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Being disinherited may be the best thing that ever happened to Sansa. Without her claim to Winterfell Sansa's no longer useful as a pawn in the game or a desireable political match. She'll have the opportunity to make her own decisions, especially if she can get rid of Littlefinger, and the man she eventually marriage won't want her just for her claim. So the sooner the will is published, or Rickon returns to the North, the sooner Sansa can get on with a real life.

Yep. Completely agree with you. I can see her being a bit hurt when she learns but would also see it as very liberating, especially as she really does not want to get married again.

Some new confessions:

- I wish more people would realize that Tyrion is his father writ small and is actually a bit of a villian.

- I think Doran Martell is a complete idiot.

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Sometimes I pore through these forums until the small hours of the night because it makes me feel intelligent and politically savvy

When my non-fantasy reading friends ask me about the series, one of the first things I tell them is "ignore the title (A Song of Ice and Fire)" or "it's one of the most realistic fantasies you'll ever read" (though once I mention the ice zombies and dragons they just give me a dumb look)

The first time I read AFFC I stopped after the third chapter and didn't pick it up again for weeks. When I tried again, I went through it in 2 days and actually really enjoyed it

I can't read any other fantasy novels without comparing them to ASoIaF now

I think posters should use more emoticons when disagreeing with a theory or idea so the OP wont get all butthurt or anything :)

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- I love Sansa. I absolutely don't understand Sansa hate.

- I think Robb should have done more to free her from King's Landing. I also think it was pretty awful of him to disinherit her in his will.

- I don't think Robb was a good king.

Money $$$$

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-I think Brienne is the best female character in the books.

-The more the warg powers grows in the Starks the less i like them, because it seems that they are starting to lose their humanity and will eventually become something like Varamyr Sixskins.

-I hope Tommem does not die because he is a good person, even though he was raised by the terrible family he has.

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I always loved Theon since his first POV. Maybe it helped that I really didn't believe that he had just killed Bran, but I just liked the poor, confused Ironborn hostage. Not that much of a confession, hear this, I would have loved Theon if he had killed Bran, Rickon, Maester Luwin, Ser Rodrik, if he had done it to become a ruthless murderer like his father, his uncles or his sister. Only the burning of Winterfell I could not have forgiven.

Ooh, I got another one, I don't know why but Arya annoys me. I kind of liked her storyline until aSoS, found it interesting to see her getting kicked around by everyone and turning into a stronger person, or rather a mad killer. But really, I feel it's kind of dull to have the 'young girl becomes an awesome amazing ninja assassin' story going on, in Bravos. I don't give a damn about Bravos! Sure it sounds kind of cool, but I want Westeros! I want layered humans with difficult decisions, not, and forgive me for saying that, stupid, single minded, stubborn machines of hatred.

That's probably why I never liked Arya, I could not identify with her at all. I can feel for Theon and understand every stupid choice he has made, but Arya? She just seems like a stupid little girl to me, who has been treated wrong, which turned her into an even stupider little girl. I really beg everybodie's forgiveness by saying so, but I kind of want 'Queen Cersei', or anyone from her hitlist really, to just choke her to death.

I have a much more terrible confession to make;

The first time I read the series I skipped all Lyrics to songs, like Rains. I just felt like 'Don't give me songs, tell me what happens next!!!11' I even considered skipping Ned's dream chapter, and I didn't like prophecies and dreams anyway, until the end of aSoS. I admit I still think the wolfdreams are kind of dull

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