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What got spoiled for you?

Florina Laufeyson

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Ned and Robert dying- from reading kindle synopsis of Acok

Sansa and Tyrion getting married- Reading Wikipedia plot of ASOS (I browsed too far)

R+L=J. - From all you damn people! Actually that was from going to the bottom of the wiki of ice and fire page

http://awoiaf.westeros.org/index.php/Jon_Snow which they should still fix it's too spoilery.



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Let's see, I knew Ned and Renly would die and roughly when, but not how, and I knew of the term Red Wedding and that Robb would be murdered there, but not who else and none of the details.

I also knew about Renly/Loras, but frankly that would have been easy to pick up on for me anyway as I subscribe to pretty much all the most common theories/interpretations of secret identities, sexualities, prophecies and other mysteries*, and have arrived at all those conclusions exclusively by myself. Now, I'm apparently blessed with good memory and attentive reading as I've known since I had no problem understanding the supposedly notoriously complicated classics of 90's manga without rereads when they arrived here leading the (second) charge of the manga boom around the turn of the millennium, but admittedly reading the first three books in a row and the fourth soon after likely helped a lot at that.

edit: *including missing manhoods

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Things some stupid Youtube user spoiled to me while I was watching some TV series' videos:

- Robb's death. It didn't refer to the Red Wedding and it didn't ruin the scene that much because, IMO, the really shocking death during the RW is Cat's.Those last words still sadden me :frown5: (however, the guy who posted it was a real moron. He just wrote: "I just read the scene in which Robb dies" below a AGOT video :whip: )

- Joff's death. Actually, it was a comment like "I would marry Margaery... but then I'd probably die". I was reading aSoS and Marg and Joff were already married so I figured it out.

- Jon being stabbed (but not killed).

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The ASoIaF should seriously rework itself to avoid giving away spoilers so quickly. seroiusly, its freaking horrible, have they never heard about spoiler warnings?

And yeah, people on this forum ruined Jon's final chapters on Dance. pretty sad.

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I generally have a rule to not read a series until it is complete. I hate spoilers so much because it ruins the experience for me so oftentimes the only series I end up reading are those that are not popular enough to have been spoiled by headlines or general conversation.

Somehow, I was not spoiled with anything for ASOIAF. I had heard about the series and it was on my mental to-read list once it was complete, but then I accidentally saw a couple episodes of the show and decided I might as well read it despite the book series being at least a decade from completion. Everything was a surprise. I'm very thankful GRRM doesn't spoil anything in his interviews or with his gift chapters. As TWoW publication gets closer, I'll probably have to refrain from looking at anything that might contain a spoiler, which shouldn't be difficult.

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While I was reading Clash, this bizarre conversation came up.

Me: Well, Cersei's one decent quality is that she'd do anything to protect her children.

Friend: [laughs] Yeah, and she fails for one of them.

Me: [dead silence] Excuse me?

Friend: Um.

Me: [more awkward silence] I'm going to assume it's Joffrey?

Friend: [trying to salvage the situation] No, actually.

Me: Dude, learn to keep your fucking mouth shut. [storms off]

Needless to say, the Purple Wedding took me off guard :lol:.

Not the case for Jon's stabbing, though. That same friend told me a character she liked was going to die at the end of Dance. We had just been talking about Dany, Tyrion and Jon. I knew it wasn't Dany because that would render her entire storyline moot, and I asked her straight up if it was Tyrion. So I knew pretty much since reading Game that Jon was in trouble.

Outside of that, though, the only other thing is that Arya would join an assassin's guild, so I think I did pretty well.

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i was lucky i got no spoliers, but my friend had a hilarious one. he just picked up book3 after the finale of season2. and we were discussing that one of our friends look like Jon Snow (the actor). so we were arguing and the next thing i know he googled jon snow, it very helpfully recommended "jon snow is dead" :D:D

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So many things. 8D I wasn't careful enough and Deviant.Art did its best to SPOIL ALL THE THINGS.


- Ned Stark's death

- The Red Wedding

- Joffrey's death

- that Mance Rayder is in fact alive whoops

- Lady Stoneheart's real identity

- Robert Baratheon's death

- Drogo's death

- Arya's blindness

... actually, quite a lot of important deaths, actually. xD But I didn't mind too much. I was dumb to not suspect that I might be spoiled by my regular and beloved websites so I guess I deserved it. ^^ Fortunately, I managed to avoid the biggest surprises being spoiled for me in ADWD. :)

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