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Calling all Stannis champions!


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Oh god...you jerks. I was so not in Team Stannis but like...im inching toward it. I just realized how freaking amazingly blunt he is and gives no fucks about what he says. One of VERY few characters who just says it like it is.

Our ranks grow by the day it seems.

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That would be interesting, but I am starting to think that dragonstone did not even fall. I think cercei was lied to and stannis is still in control of the castle. Its likely the tyrells just marched to save the reach like they wanted to and the loras getting hurt story was to explain why he did not return to kl. Wheels within wheels.

I'm not too sure that Dragonstone fell either (probably they and Aurane worked to get control of the royal navy through this scheme so they could save their lands) but lol, anything to wake up those silly Southerners to the REAL threat before them. Unless they're so bored they would enjoy a little ice zombie action. You never know.

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Gooble gobble.

Im still staunchly Team Stark and/or Team Targaryen though. For me to be full on Team Stannis, hes gotta pull some really awesome shit next book.

Team Stark is the closest ally of team Stannis.

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Gooble gobble.

Im still staunchly Team Stark and/or Team Targaryen though. For me to be full on Team Stannis, hes gotta pull some really awesome shit next book.

He will, I can almost guarantee it.

And if you like the starks, stannis will give you justice for the wrongs the north has suffered at the hands of the lannisters.

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But...im also Team Targaryen...

Gyads. You guys are very convincing.

Also im seeing some kinda cool parallels between Aerys and Stannis. Its like Stannis is Aerys without the cray cray. Cuz he even does the whole "burn em all" thing but for some pretty intriguing reasons....

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I'm not too sure that Dragonstone fell either (probably they and Aurane worked to get control of the royal navy through this scheme so they could save their lands) but lol, anything to wake up those silly Southerners to the REAL threat before them. Unless they're so bored they would enjoy a little ice zombie action. You never know.

The aurane thing is interesting. I had not considered this before, could he be on his way to supporting stannis? Its not likely and I dont want to get my hopes up but its possible. Increasing stannises naval capacity is a very good thing, and a morale booster for his supporters.

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The aurane thing is interesting. I had not considered this before, could he be on his way to supporting stannis? Its not likely and I dont want to get my hopes up but its possible. Increasing stannises naval capacity is a very good thing, and a morale booster for his supporters.

The theory I've most seen touted around is that Aurane stole the royal fleet to take them to battle the Ironborn in the Reach, but who really knows where they've gone? They could go there, and the only other "logical" choices would be a) to the North - to Stannis or b. across the sea - possibly getting involved with Dany's snafu or maybe even Arya in Braavos. Personally though I think the most likely is to the Reach.

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Im also starting to think that the finale will come to basically Stannis vs Aegon vs Dany.

This is my impression as well. The next dance with dragons will be a three way(no, not like that). Jon and stannis will have one dragon, faegon another, and dany will have drogon. Who will win is anyones geuss.(stannis will of course)

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In your hypothetical E-ro I'll take the tactical prowess of Stannis Baratheon and leadership of Jon Snow against the two dragonspawn. His battlecry will be the aforementioned They see me Rh'llorin'

Also, it's good to be back, after my last jaunt across the narrow sea I'm glad to see this thread is alive and kickin. For King and country I've returned.

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In your hypothetical E-ro I'll take the tactical prowess of Stannis Baratheon and leadership of Jon Snow against the two dragonspawn. His battlecry will be the aforementioned They see me Rh'llorin'

Also, it's good to be back, after my last jaunt across the narrow sea I'm glad to see this thread is alive and kickin. For King and country I've returned.

Glad your back bamf we missed ya!

If Stannis dies I'm going to have to join the adaptation cast as an extra so I can join him on the ill-fated battlefield.

A man shouldn't outlive his king.


(damn you, Robb :crying:).

LOL you just made my morning with this, :laugh:

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