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Comics VI: Sinister Six


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Bill Foster/Black Goliath/Goliath.

Yeah, cloning Thor was a fuck up that should have been a thousand times worse than making Ultron. I can't imagine Asgard or any pantheon taking kindly to mortals cloning gods.

Tony's plot armor was the only thing that saved him then.

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If the point of it is to trick people into thinking is the real deal, why not? And as far as comic book science goes, it's not a great accomplishment, Doom has built bigger stuff. Nick Fury himself has many LMDs around built presumedly by hired scientists.

Makes sense, though it's still bizarre to consider that.

I can't remember, is it official that Barton and Wanda never hooked up? That Hawkeye made love to a robot?

That would suck, as those two issues where he finds her and confronts her after coming back to life were pretty good.

I still think the doombot thing was more of a joke, and a way to avoid the controversy that issue of New Avengers had raised; I mean, since they both joined the Avengers, Hawkeye continuously tried to seduce her and she always rejected him, and then he manages to have sex with her after she loses her memory? It doesn't matter that she was the one who seduced him on that occasion, many readers see that as a rape of sorts.

Anyway, I think that was her because it was Doctor Strange who found her, tracing her magical signature or something, and I don't think that can be faked. Not to mention she probably spent a while on her own in Wundagore before Doom found her and kept her in his castle, putting the doombot in her place.

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I still think the doombot thing was more of a joke, and a way to avoid the controversy that issue of New Avengers had raised; I mean, since they both joined the Avengers, Hawkeye continuously tried to seduce her and she always rejected him, and then he manages to have sex with her after she loses her memory? It doesn't matter that she was the one who seduced him on that occasion, many readers see that as a rape of sorts.


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I actually thought the Wanda that seduces Clint was lucid. I can sort of see where people are saying she wasn't in her right mind but I think it might be unfair to her as a character to claim that.

Heck, Wanda seemed most sane to me there but I first got to know the character via Disassembled...

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Heck, Wanda seemed most sane to me there but I first got to know the character via Disassembled...

Same here, but when I came back to that issue after reading other runs on Avengers then, yes, it was creepy. I'd say she was OOC, but actually I think while she lost her memory she simply became a different character, capable of making her own choices, and, in that circumstances, there was nothing wrong with that scene. But that's still her body and her making a choice she probably wouldn't have made if her memory was intact, and Hawkeye knew that, so, yeah, as creepy as the idea of Mary Jane sleeping with Superior Spidey not knowing he was Otto (well, slightly less creepy as Wanda and Barton were friends, but still).

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Except Hawkeye was out of it as well. I guess I can see what people are getting at, but still seems a bit odd to classify it as a rape.

If Hawkeye was out of it too then it's a 50/50 mistake. Although when I read it, it seemed like HAwkeye was happily taking advantage of it. Much like Bendis, I hadn't read any pre-Busiek Avengers (I doubt Bendis read Busiek either) so wasn't aware of their history. I think Clint was guilty of being very creepy. Maybe Fraction can retcon it in an entertaining way?

The old comic clip that was linked is far more nasty than the Bendis story in my opinion. Clint is acting like an utter dick and appears to be dressed like one as well.

I may need to check Ravine out. would be more reassuring to know there will be another installment in 6 months though.

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After Bleeding cool suggests a mystery guest enters the marvel universe as part of the ultron ending and that Quesada is drawing the last 8 pages (to keep the secret but probably to be the guy drawing said character - so much for the days of keeping the art consistent in a series) I'm starting to think that marvel/miracleman is going to debut. I can't think of them using any other non-marvel characters (even though Marvel man is sort of marvel anyhow) unless Mickey mouse is going to turn up. I don't think there was anyone from the crossgen universe popular or well known enough to fit into the marvel universe.

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I wouldn't mind Darth Vader being introduced at the end of Age of Ultron, but yeah, Marvel Man was my first thought reading that as well. I mean, Marvel got the rights what, two years ago or so? It's past the time they use him, though, as I barely know anything about the character, I have no idea what exactly he would contribute to this particular post-event mess.

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I'm guessing if they can put him in new comics they can probably republish the old material too. He does seem to pop up on those "what we expect in 201x" lists comics sites do every year so this may be the one. Wasn't there a quesada drawing floating around of Marvelman a while ago?

I've never read the series but it seems to be well loved. I wonder if they could get Gaiman to write some new material? I kind of worry that Bendis would get him and have him as a member of the GOTG. I think Hickman could be trusted with the character and incorporate him into the avengers,

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The other top contender is ROM, Space Knight. The Space Knights have been getting a fair bit of play lately, and the preview art for AoU had a picture of ROM in it, edited right before it was printed to be Ikon instead.

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Anyone check out BKV and Marcos Martin's The Private Eye? I think it's a great idea to use a 'name your price' type model for digital comics, and I'm happy to see the middleman is being cut out of the equation and the money going to the creators directly. I hope this proves a successful model, not only for them but for other (lower profile) creators who pursue this path.

ETA: Just finished reading it. Very Euro comic in flavour. Reminded me a bit of Transmetropolitan (or Azzarello's Spaceman) with a little Chinatown. Good stuff.

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Anyone check out BKV and Marcos Martin's The Private Eye? I think it's a great idea to use a 'name your price' type model for digital comics, and I'm happy to see the middleman is being cut out of the equation and the money going to the creators directly. I hope this proves a successful model, not only for them but for other (lower profile) creators who pursue this path.

ETA: Just finished reading it. Very Euro comic in flavour. Reminded me a bit of Transmetropolitan (or Azzarello's Spaceman) with a little Chinatown. Good stuff.

Yes! I just read it on my lunch break, and thought it was great. Marcos Martin is a great artist, and the premise, a future where the internet no longer exists, but everyone uses "pseudonyms" in real life to protect their privacy, was pretty interesting. I ended up paying $2.50 USD for it. I figured that seemed fair for a 32 page full colour comic with no ads, and is probably the upper limit of what I'd pay for a standard length digital comic.

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Also, polishgenius put me on this great webcomic, JL8. It's the JLA as kids.

That's awesome Sci. Love the sort of old-timey art.

This may have been discussed here before (I never really check these threads much, just because I don't read comics too often), but I've been thinking about checking out Sweet Tooth by Vertigo. I read a vague synopsis on another site and it sounded really, really interesting. Any first-hand opinions?

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ACTION COMICS #18 - Well, it sure was a frustrating ride. But the ending sure was nice. I feel kind of strange. It really is an end of an era that started with JLA Classified and 7 Soldiers back when the world was young. And with the exception of a few more Incorporated issues and Multiversity it's over. Sure there's that Wonder Woman thing, but nobody cares about Wonder Woman.

I suppose Morrison tied all the plots, but not in a tidy manner. This stuff really feels unpolished.

And there's still stupid shit in this issue. Like The Exposition Nurse. Fuck, the whole scene in the hospital is a fucking chore to read, with the Legion spouting gibberish and the artist's decision to draw Jimmy Olsen's freckles like fungus growing on his face. For once, let the colorist handle it.

But, it did fit in really nicely with the whole theme of the run: We'll make the art in this thing as abysmal as possible.

And they say they can't do anything right.

The pages wasted on Legion and Mxy are time lost forever for me a nd as far as I can tell don't really matter. I'm not even sure what the deal with Mxy was. Is he part of some kind of perpetual 5-dimensional Ouroboros thing? The Anti-Superman Army remains to be a bunch of cyphers as well.

Near the end Morrison uses his true and tried resolution trick of everybody on Earth fighting back, but he does make a cameo disguised as Nick Knatterton (how's that for an obscure reference?) so it all balances out in the end.

I'll probably try to re-read the whole thing in the next few days if I can get my ADD in order.

Hell, still better than any of the other Superman related shit I read in the past 8 years. and I read a lot of Superman related shit.

WONDER WOMAN #18 - The one where DC's WE SHAN'T EVER BE LATE policy shows it's ugly head.

Good issue, great ending and I fuckin' love Orion and his revolution in DNA sample collecting.

But, they had three artists on this thing. They do stay weirdly consistent, I'll give them that. Still it would be nice if they got a nice fill-in, so that the regular teams can actually pull-off a whole issue now and then.

AVENGERS #8 - Boy, good to see that the Avengers ol' "kick first, maybe ask questions later" tactic still lives and breathes in the pages of Jonathan Hickman's Avengers book. These guys started AvX for a reason. You can talk about "activating the world" all you want but Vulpes pilum mutat, non mores. Deep down inside you are reactionary bastards to the bitter end. There were dozens of ways they could've handled this without Thor throwing his dumb hammer at a naked guy.

And Captain Universe seemed like a real bitch towards Nightmask (and everybody else) in this issue.

Still a great issue.

NEW AVENGERS #4 - Focus, guys. You came to that planet to blow it up. "Fuck no! No way, dude! No way is Galactus stealing out thunder, bro! If anybody is gonna blow up this mudball, it's gonna be us. The Destructia Fratellos!"

Namor teasing Beast was priceless. Speaking of Beast, I saw that in All-New X-Men someone finally asked him about "mutant genocide", and he gave grade A bullshit answer about it. Unfortunately, Warren comes from the 60's and back then people didn't say stuff like: "You are so full of shit Hank, I'm suprised you don't choke on it."

DAREDEVIL #24 - Waid & Samnee continue to be on the top of their game nicely balancing the two main plots. Plus, Waid writes the only good Pym.

SAGA #11 - What language did they talk in that flashback? The language of killing the emotional punch, I guess.

INDESTRUCTIBLE HULK #5 - A nice conclusion to the arc. Bring on SimOnson.



For fucks sake.

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Sweet Tooth by Vertigo. I read a vague synopsis on another site and it sounded really, really interesting. Any first-hand opinions?

I recall liking the first trade that I read at a friend's house. Can't recall much about it though.


Avengers #8 - Was I missing something? Seemed like the Avengers were way more hostile than I'd expect.

New Avengers #4 - Another great issue. I'm not convinced Namor would help fight the herald though. I'm curious how long the team can go without committing themselves to destroying a world.

Saga #11: Continuing a strong run. There has to be a translation of that language on the net, or it gets translated later.

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