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Why does everyone love Davos so much?


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Am I missing something in my reads or what? I get that he's good, and honorable, and decent... but that's all he is. I don't even know how he was ever a smuggler being so good and honorable. All I get out of his chapters (aside from a horrible case of boredom) is his whining about how he shouldn't be where he is, or whining about how he has risen too high, or whining about losing his sons that are as one dimentional as he is. And I pray to the old gods and the new that I never get a chance to meet him because I would cut off his other finger tips and nail them to his chest so I never have to hear about him reaching for his "luck" that isn't there ever again.

Can someone explain the other side of this coin to me, because I just don't see it.

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"Ser Jared, of House Frey, I name you liar."


and this

Oh boy. He is one of the few truly good people in the series he always does what he thinks is right even if it goes against his kings wishes.

And see my sig, those are davos' words.

pretty much resume what can be said to answer OP's question

Also, why are there so many "Why does everyone love/hate x character so much" threads?

I mean, you like a character, or you don't, everyone has their own reasons to do so, and knowing those reason probably won't change your mind about them.

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Because he's right-hand man to Stannis.

Stannis is cold and harsh and hard and most people in his company aren't exactly honest or loyal to him. And then we have Davos; loyal to the bone but not afraid to throw some shade on Stannis if he needs to. I cannot think of another character who has that balance of love and duty. He loves Stannis for sure and is ever grateful for the heightened position he gave him, but he's never dishonest and he always tells people the truth as opposed to what they want to hear, and that's why he's arguably Stannis' most important man.

His chapters may appear boring but through his viewpoint you actually see pretty much all characters in an honest light.

People (including I) love Davos because despite everything, he's one of the closest characters we have to a normal man. He's just awesome.

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"Ser Jared, of House Frey, I name you liar."


^ This. I actually found Davos' PoVs extremely boring the first time I read the series, but found myself loving him more and more with each reread. He's honorable, loyal, courageous, and is a man of conviction.

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"Ser Jared, of House Frey, I name you liar."


The best Davos quote of all the series, and said in a hall full of hostile people who are out for his head. He was not brought up as a noble, he was not trained as a knight, yet he does this. But, with the man who risked his life to save a boy who was nothing to him, that really shouldn't come out as a surprise.

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In addition to his decency, humility, loyalty and courage already mentioned by others, it should also be mentioned that for someone being born in Flea Bottom, Davos is pretty darn intelligent: He's never been given the naval combat training of other lords, yet the Battle of the the Blackwater would have turned out decidedly differently if he had commanded the navy instead of that fool of a Florent. And when thrown into a hall full of strangers, he can accutely read the dispositions of everyone in the room. Those are marks that if he had born into nobility, he would have been a formidable lord from the get go.

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I like him for reasons mentioned. I also like him because he's the Onion Knight. He's always gonna be that because of his birth and past as a smuggler and he accepts it. Despite the disrespect, he's Stannis' most capable adviser.

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