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What music would the characters listen to?


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Another more light hearted topic, but as a musician myself one that's been on my mind for a bit - if for whatever weird reason the characters in ASOIAF had access to real world music, what type of music do you think they would be listening to? I have a few thoughts on ths myself...

  • Ned Stark - For whatever reason Ned just seems to me like the guy who'd have every Zeppelin album on vinyl. Maybe because he reminds me of my father who turned me onto Led Zeppelin.
  • Jon Snow - We're all aware that "Jon is emo" is a thing, but I'm not sure I could see Jon listening to emo so much as 90s pop punk stuff like old Green Day, The Offspring, etc...the real emo would be...
  • Theon Greyjoy - All the daddy issues, stuff like Good Charlotte, Simple Plan, Hawthorne Heights etc would be tailor made for him.
  • Robert Baratheon - Would definitely be a metalhead, along with all of House Baratheon in general. I mean "Ours Is The Fury", what is more metal than that? and I'd think he'd have a particular affinity for power metal, used to get himself pumped for battles. His favorite band...Hammerfall.
  • Stannis Baratheon - Would also be into metal, but more the progressive stuff - introspective lyrics and emphasis on technical proficiency would appeal to him. Dream Theater, Tool, Opeth, stuff like that.
  • Renly Baratheon - Continuing the metal theme here...Renly is the one who'd be listening to Avenged Sevenfold and stuff like that lol.
  • Joffrey Lannister - Definitely the absolute douchiest music on the planet - Lil Wayne, Drake, 2Chainz, anyone in Young Money.
  • Oberyn Martell - Actually, I could see Oberyn being the character most likely to appreciate some good jazz, and I don't mean Kenny G elevator music crap. Oberyn would probably have Kind of Blue by Miles or Love Supreme on repeat on his iPod.
  • Roose Bolton - Classical music. Unquestionably. He'd listen to Vivaldi's Four Seasons or Beethoven's 5th during flaying sessions.
  • Gerold "Darkstar" Dayne - Would posture himself as some kind of Hot Topic "gothic rock" type of guy or whatever, but would secretly go home and listen to NSYNC and The Backstreet Boys while staring at himself in a mirror for hours.

Of course, this isn't every character in the series, just some ideas I've thought of. Anyone else have any other ideas?

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There is the idea that Arya completely doesn't like songs which I admit has some basis but the men in Braavos teach her filthy songs.

I'm thinking NIN Closer, a lot of Janet Jackson, Madonna, Prince, some Christina Aguilera songs, some '90s R&B, and rap music.

I associate Sansa with Taylor Swift.

Jon is melancholic and gets called emo. I don't know exactly what they listen to since I don't listen to it.

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Ned Stark - Pink Floyd

Jon Snow - Black Angels

Theon - Jay-Z, Lil' Wayne

Robert - yep, total metalhead

Renly - progressive jazz

Joffrey - Justin Bieber and the like

Oberyn Martell - John Coltrane, Miles Davis, Chet Baker, and possibly King Crimson

Roose - Agree classical

Darkstar - Bauhaus, Skinny Puppy, The Cure, Nine Inch Nails

I'd place Sandor and Arya in the stoner, sludge metal category: Elder, Gemini, Red Fang

Daenerys makes me think of Yolandi Visser of Die Antwoord (Baby's On Fire)

ETA: Agree with ARYa_Nym, Sansa would totally be a Taylor Swift fan.

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Ned Stark listens to classic rock, the stones, the beatles, all of it.

Robert Baratheon also listens to classic rock, he used to go to concerts with Ned...Ned drove

Theon Greyjoy-listens to club music, because thats what the biddies listen to

Jon Snow-probably listens to a lot of different stuff, but he's probably most into singer-songwriters like Elliott Smith

Renly-Madonna, Lady Gaga

Stannis-Romantic era classical

Joffrey-People without souls don't listen to music

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Classic Rock, Led Zeppelin!?! I feel like I'm in a time machine. Which character would listen to R&B? I think Ned would be more of a RadioHead type of guy, like my mom. Robb Stark more into Foster the People like me. Sandor Clegane would be into Rage Against the Machine like my older sister. Dolorous Edd would be into hip-hop or something.

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Another more light hearted topic, but as a musician myself one that's been on my mind for a bit - if for whatever weird reason the characters in ASOIAF had access to real world music, what type of music do you think they would be listening to? I have a few thoughts on ths myself...

  • Robert Baratheon - Would definitely be a metalhead, along with all of House Baratheon in general. I mean "Ours Is The Fury", what is more metal than that? and I'd think he'd have a particular affinity for power metal, used to get himself pumped for battles. His favorite band...Hammerfall.
  • Stannis Baratheon - Would also be into metal, but more the progressive stuff - introspective lyrics and emphasis on technical proficiency would appeal to him. Dream Theater, Tool, Opeth, stuff like that.

Long live to Metal.......now I can totally picture Robert carving his warhammer on Rhaegar chest while singing "the dragon lies bleeding" :bowdown: :bowdown:

Actually I see Jon more like a Nigthwish & Sonata Arctica kind of guy

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Ned Stark listens to classic rock, the stones, the beatles, all of it.

Robert Baratheon also listens to classic rock, he used to go to concerts with Ned...Ned drove

Theon Greyjoy-listens to club music, because thats what the biddies listen to

Jon Snow-probably listens to a lot of different stuff, but he's probably most into singer-songwriters like Elliott Smith

Renly-Madonna, Lady Gaga

Stannis-Romantic era classical

Joffrey-People without souls don't listen to music

I liked this one! :rofl: Renly is definitely into Madonna and Gaga! He's all about image!

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I honestly really don't see Stannis being into music at all. He strikes me as someone who would abhor culture in general due to its lack of concrete, practical use.

Ned Stark - Pink Floyd

Jon Snow - Black Angels

Theon - Jay-Z, Lil' Wayne

Robert - yep, total metalhead

Renly - progressive jazz

Joffrey - Justin Bieber and the like

Oberyn Martell - John Coltrane, Miles Davis, Chet Baker, and possibly King Crimson

Roose - Agree classical

Darkstar - Bauhaus, Skinny Puppy, The Cure, Nine Inch Nails

I'd place Sandor and Arya in the stoner, sludge metal category: Elder, Gemini, Red Fang

Daenerys makes me think of Yolandi Visser of Die Antwoord (Baby's On Fire)

ETA: Agree with ARYa_Nym, Sansa would totally be a Taylor Swift fan.

Otherwise this seems accurate enough, although I would put Dany in Pop.

Also, all of the Ironborn (save Theon) are massive metalheads.

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Sansa - Justin Bieber

Arya - Dragonforce, Iron Maiden...

Joffrey - I agree with the OP here, Lil' Wayne and those lame rappers... but he'd probably listen to something more gangsta since he wants to look tough... maybe N.W.A. (Dr. Dre, Ice Cube...)

Theon - He likes the same type of music as girls (in parties), since he's a player and gets them in clubs

Jaime - He doesn't like music

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Arya-Death(Spirit crusher)

Sansa-(justin bieber)

Joffrey-La coka nostra or ill bill or necro

Jaime,Theon, Oberyn, Tyrion (50cent P.I.M.P)

Ned Stark-Death (voice of the soul)

Robert-Manowar (hail englan) if you change england with king or robert this is his song)

Jon Snow-Fear of the dark

Mel-bring me your daughter(iron maiden)


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