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Best/Worst Named Characters

Rhymes with Chic

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Two of the names cited in this thread, Robert Baratheon and Beric Dondarrion, follow the same pattern:

Two syllables/four syllables

RObert BaRAtheon/BEric DonDARRion

Not a coincidence, I don't think. Other names that follow this pattern:

STANnis BaRAtheon

RENly BaRAtheon

AErys TarGARyen

AEgon TarGARyen

One of the best: Tyrion Waters.

There's no character named Tyrion Waters. (OR IS THERE? DUN DUN DUN...No, seriously, there isn't.) There's a Tyrion Tanner.

You could pretty much fill the "Worst" column with characters from Slaver's Bay.

Beardless Dick. At least he is hygienic.

I don't know if Nimble Dick is better or worse. Not that "Dick Crabb" is any improvement, really.

Hate Lothor Brune. Lothor is bad enough, but "Brune"?

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Worst: Rhaegar Frey.

I think Rhaegar Frey is intended to be completely absurd as an insight into the self-serving nature of the Freys. I agree though its really bad, as is Aegon Frey. I'm surprised there is no Azore Ahai Frey or Lord Commander of the Kingsguard Frey or Hand of the King Frey. The fifty Walders are pretty bad, but I think Walda Frey is the absolute worst of all but gives brilliant insight into the messed up nature of the Frey clan with everyone tripping over themselves to flatter Lord Perv Walder Frey.

Best: Anyone with the last name Baratheon. Best surname ever with Dondarrion a close second. Eddard "Ned" Stark is great because the Ned nickname totally catches you off guard and then you just go with it and GRRM can get away with ANYTHING from that point on. Blackfish and Kingslayer are great nicknames.

Eta: the "bad" names I listed are intentionally bad in order to give character insight, so no disrespect intended to the author.

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Among the best;

Jaremy Rykker. Guyard Morrigen. Forley Prester. Addam Marbrand. Hosteen Frey.

The worst;

Most of the Essos ones, not including those in the sellsword companies. I have a hard time separating different characters from each other, many of the names are just to alien for me.

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