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Best/Worst Named Characters

Rhymes with Chic

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Edric Storm. If you're going to be born a bastard, be born a Stormlands bastard. Would even work with other bastard first names: Jon Storm, Gendry Storm, Mya Storm, Ellaria Storm etc. It's the Storm that does it. I think there can only be a max of two syllables in the first name, however. Tyrion Storm for example doesn't sound cool while Jaime Storm does.

Jaime storm sounds fucking awesome. to answer the question names from westeros best. then names from essos are horrible.

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best 3:

-Tywin 'I Win' Lannister: The name says it all, he (almost) always wins :)

-Allyria Dayne: Has a really nice ring to it


worst 3 4:

-Hizdhar/skahaz : And most of the other names in slavers bay, they confuse me everytime...

-Rennifer Longwaters: Seriously what kind of name is 'Rennifer'

-Murenmure: I don't even know what to say

-Alayayayayaya: Looks weird on the page, dunno

Now i want to propose another category:

Funniest names in the books:

-the Cockleswent: We have rivers like Blackwater, Trident and of course the Cockleswent

-Gatehouse Ami: ^^



-Rufus Leek, because it rhymes with Reek

-Left and Right

And last but not least, the special price for best title(s), goes to:

Tormund 'Huge Member' Giantsbane, Tall-talker, Horn-blower and Breaker of Ice, Husband to Bears, the Mead-king of Ruddy Hall, Speaker to Gods and Father of Hosts

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Also not crazy about the name Daario. Sounds like a guy who wears a lot of cologne.

LMAO OMG! I worked aith this guy named LaDarius ( kinda alike) and he literally used to use whole bottles of scented oil cologne and he used to smell up the whole place. All throughout the day he would rub it on himmself. He could be gone for hours and it would still smell like he was standing right next to you. It was horrible.
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Best, and I proclaim this list superior to all your lists because I want to:

1. Viserys Targaryen. Awesome rhythm when you say any Targ name, really, and Viserys had the best.

2. Stannis Baratheon. The name sounds so badass when you say it like that, emphasis on the Stannis part. Stannis, Baratheon. Very intense, badass, and slightly angry sounding name.

3. Robert Baratheon. Noble sounding, powerful sounding, a very strong name.

4. All Stark names. They sound so grim, each and every one, and the Stark kids have names that actually fit their personalities very well (Bran sounds gentle and nice, Robb sounds heroic/noble etc).

5. Sandor Clegane. Sandor sounds noble, which we know Sandor indeed has the capacity to be. Clegane sounds brutal.

6. Jaime Lannister; contrary to what many say, I think not giving him a Ty-name was a good idea. He's unique and there's always an air of his youth and old, vain-glorious days about him which the name Jaime can remind me of.

7. Theon Greyjoy. Enigmatic sounding. and Greyjoy's a pretty cool, grim name like Stark is.

8. Victarion Greyjoy. Powerful sounding.

9. Garlan Tyrell; damn that sounds so noble and majestic.

10. Lyn Corbray; dangerous sounding. The Lyn rocks, and 'Corbray' sounds like some expensive ass car he drives around in XD

11. Beric Dondarrion; 'Dondarrion' for some reason always brings lightning to mind. And Beric sounds exceedingly noble.

Worst names: Dickon Manwoody LOL, Ynys, Codd, Strong Belwas (why not just call him Belwas), Daario (annoying child name).

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LMAO OMG! I worked aith this guy named LaDarius ( kinda alike) and he literally used to use whole bottles of scented oil cologne and he used to smell up the whole place. All throughout the day he would rub it on himmself. He could be gone for hours and it would still smell like he was standing right next to you. It was horrible.


Hey, I just gave you big kudos in the Bran Appreciation thread for bumping it. You made my day with that!

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Some names I just don't like. Most I got from looking at the Nobles category on the wiki...

-Zachery Frey. Just the way it looks

-Zhoe Blanetree. Doesn't look like it should belong in aSoIaF

-Garse Goodbrook. Seriously, Garse?

-Megga Tyrell.

-Hobber Redwyne. Who the hell names their kid Hobber?


-Manfrey Martell. Martell is cool, I don't like Manfrey.

-Ygon Farwynd. How is that supposed to be pronounced? Like Ee-Gon?

-Shagwell. Umm.....

-Tristifer Botley. Botley is okay, but Tristifer sucks.

-Qarl the Maid. Qarl. With a Q. Ugh.

-Flement Brax.

-Bertram Beesbury

-Clifford Conklyn

-Jonothor Darry. What the hell... why JonoTHOR? Darry is fine though.

-Moribald Chester

-Deziel Dalt

-Aladore Florent

-Imry Florent

-Whalen Frey

-Dykk Harlaw.

-Guthor Grimm

-Boremund Harlaw

-Lucas/Owen Inchfield, for the last name this time

-Antario Jast. Antario sounds like something Shakespeare would invent. And Jast is awful for a last name.

-Grance Morrigen. Morrigen is cool, but Grance?

-Amory Lorch

-Talbert Serry

-Jothos Slynt

-Uthor Tollett

-Guncer Sunglass. GRRM is not good with "G" names

-Medgar Tully

-Igon Vyrwel. Again, is this EE-gon?

-Aladale Wynch

-Romny Weaver? Romny made me think of Mitt Romney :rofl:

Awful or awkward last names in my opinion

-Bar Emmon






-Condon. Too close to condom





-Estren. Reminds me of estrogen












-Smallwood. Cool house, but....

-Stilwood. See Smallwood

-Tollett. I like Edd an everything, but it sounds like toilet



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