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[BOOK SPOILERS] HBO's Angle for Tywin Storyline

Lord Damian

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HBO's scene where Cersei goes to see Tyrion in an attempt to "intimidate" him confirms that GRRM has probably advised the show's creators that Tywin does not know or believe in the incest between Jaime and Cersei. Cersei in the scene is very much worried that Tyrion will spill the beans to Tywin, their father and has been busy discrediting Tyrion's reign as hand while Tyrion was recovering from his injury. Tywin, like in the book, holds Cersei on a pedestal and believes every word she has said regarding Tyrion. Clearly Cersei is afraid of what would happen if Tywin ever discovered the truth. The reality of it is that in the books, Kevan figured it out by the time Tywin was dead and believed the worst. Tywin seems to have brushed it off without a second thought. It is disapponting that Tyrion never said a word of it in the book to Tywin or to the crowds at his trial which will come later. It will be interesting to see how THAT goes down in the season 4 (they cannot do all of book 3 this year).

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Tyrion doesn't have any proof though. All he could say to Tywin is "those rumors about my siblings... I believe them too" and list some circumstantial evidence.

There are plenty of other things Cersei and Joffrey have screwed up lately for her to be worried about. And Tywin's planned approach in the books to dealing with those failures was to marry Cersei off and give Joffrey a "sharp lesson" - Cersei has good reason to be concerned about Tywin's opinion at this time. Show Cersei only had a bad plan for the defense of the city, and Joffrey completely ignored the city's defense.

I think Tywin chooses not to believe in the incest because it brings great harm to the Lannister family, removes them from the throne, and happened on his watch.

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I think Tywin suspects and then the scene towards the end of SOS, which will probably be in season 4, may confirm it in his mind. The scene I am referring to is where Jamie explodes after returning to KL handless when Tywin says he is going to marry Cersei off to someone and he want Jamie to go to Casterly Rock to take up his rightful place as heir. The books says Tywin is silent for a good amount of time staring at Jamie and then says "you are not my son".

I believe that Jamie's reaction regarding Cersei was more like a lover than a brother, and Tywin is no fool. It probably all fell into place for him then....why Jamie became a member of the Kings Guard, why the kids looks like Lannisters rather than Baratheons.....Tywin is smarter than most.

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Cersi admited to it right before their almost comfort moment. "You've beaten the odds" after she askes if the war was punishment for "their sins".

The Jaime angle is interesting though...later in the books, doesn't Tyrion just dismiss Jaime for the original wrong with his first wife, even after Jaime was the one to spring him?

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Tyrion probably wouldn't betray Jaime. Even after they fight later on, Tyrion is more wounded than anything. He loves his brother.

Agree. Even after the revelation, Tyrion's anger and desire for vengeance is still centered around Cersei despite his new-found Tysha knowledge. He still loves his brother.

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Agree. Even after the revelation, Tyrion's anger and desire for vengeance is still centered around Cersei despite his new-found Tysha knowledge. He still loves his brother.

Something like Sansa and Arya without betrayal part. Although Sansa will have to explain that smile of hers at the Sept of Baelor Arya saw.

As for Tywin knowing, I think the show will center around the idea that he knows but doesn`t care. Remember that bad-ass speech to Jaime in Season 1 how Lannister name is all that matters. But I think Cersei was more worried that Tywin would believe the truth about Joffrey. That`s stupid because Tywin will see the truth alone.

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I think Cersei is more worried about Tyrion informing Tywin about her affair with Lancel than she is about her affair with Jamie. Tywin's already doubtless read one of Stannis's tabloids about his twin kids' misbehavior, so unless Tyrion has some great proof, he wouldn't be telling him anything new.

Also, Tywin has a huge blind spot when it comes to a lot of Jamie and Cersei's failings and I think his self-deceit and denial would win out over whatever niggling doubts he has about them.

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It wouldn't even occur to Tywin because he can't imagine such disgrace for his House. Also, he'd never believe his hated son's attempts to throw his eldest children in a bad light. He'd probably kick Tyrion out for talking of such filth.

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