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Quentyn possibly alive?


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Seems like he's most likely dead, but the evidence presented in the OP is pretty convincing. It's those little comments he slips in, like Quent smiling before he dies, that seem insignificant but resonate back to his character description. Still, I don't think there's enough there to prove it isn't simply turn of phrase. Gerris and Arch could be looking at each other remembering the horror of the moment, seeing their liege lord incinerated. Arch could have stopped talking because he was emotional. I do like that you pointed this out, because Gerris' whole character is being fast talking, smooth and a good liar, so he would be able to pick up with a lie when Arch stopped.

On the other hand, if this theory depends on Tattered Prince being dead, I want no part of it. Dude's a boss, and I love how ballsy he is about reclaiming Pentos even though he's a lowly sellsword captain. I think he's got some great moments in him. It seems natural that Dany will travel to Pentos soon to confront/meet Illyrio, and that she must return to the only home she's known before she can move on. Quent doesn't really offer up any new PoV now that his two main guys are working for Barristan. It doesn't seem like Quent would make a plan where he is entirely alone, as he never seemed that cunning, only resolute.

It makes me sad that Quent died because I like Doran and I want him to get a win. But it also justifies Arianne's assessment of him as being too patient and waiting too long before the time is ripe. Arianne must balance her sand snake heritage with the careful prudence of her father, and it really makes her seem like the ideal Dornish ruler.

Lastly, http://www.reddit.co...tyn_and_parody/ this great reddit thread showed how Quentyn's Quest parallelled fantasy tropes. George has said before how he want to move away from saccharine fantasy and Tolkien rehashes, and for that final reason I say "Quentyn Martell, RIP".

Great comment about the eyes though. GRRM sure does love to have dragons melt peoples eyes.

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  • 2 weeks later...

Why keep Drink and Arch alive to let him die? Rhaegal could've just burned the lot of them. It would mean that Drink and/or Arch have somethign they still need to do, I ask you what that would be?

Tell Doran or Arianne what happened to Quentyn, so that Dorne knows that Dany refused him. That's enough. Anyway, that's not the way the story's written, who says that if you're useless you need to die? :)

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  • 1 year later...

I'm really not sure if Quentyn survived and i doubt even more if that he captured a dragon but....It all seems very suspicious.

Consider that Doran: a very wise and cautious man, with a deep love of Quentyn sent him with very little support and with the Yronwoods ( rivals of the Martells) to court Dany. It's almost as if Doran was intentionally setting up Quentyn to fail, but why?

I propose that Doran gave Quentyn a secret mission and that courting Dany was only a cover up to 1. confuse and distract Illyrio's forces (the windblown)and

2. to perhaps eliminate the Yronwoods

Quentyn's real mission was to capture a Dragon. As the Martell's have been attempting this since the incident with Miri Maz Durr.

Gerris Drinkwater did indeed sabotage Quentyn's goal of trying to court Dany by ensuring that Quentyn got there too late. (they took the wrong boat)

If Quentyn did succeed and the Windblown or Drink covered up the success, it would be so interesting to read how it happened and refreshing to know that all those chapters weren't just expository to create drama. So I'm hoping this is the case.

I wanna see Quentyn with a dragon, maybe bring it to Arianne and young Griff. Then...the Dance of Dragons part 2.


I re-read those chapters very carefully and with all the suspicion, but they seemed very straight forward Nothing really open to interpretation.

I believe it's just as it reads. Quentyn died. Gerris was legit upset. The report they gave was honest. Nothing seemed fishy at all. They just felt guilty. If Quentyn had survived no doubt even if they were lying about it the chapter would have read much differently. I feel very confident about this. If Quent had survived the fire and ran off Arch or Drink would have had to find a burnt body to pass off as Quent, but in the middle of all that chaos? fearing for their lives? no way, and even then you wouldnt be able to explain Arch's burnt hands.

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  • 3 months later...

The bards will sing songs of the foolish Dornishman Quentyn. Burnt to a crisp.

[bold]Pixar is making a new film. It's called

How not to train Your Dragon[/bold].

Can not wait for Quentin to be cast in the show. The Meme potential is epic.

As to him being alive?.... I just assumed that he was dead. The op is plausible and I'll be delighted if he has more to do im Mereen, however the son setting in the east makes me think that either way he won't be riding a dragon to chase down Darkstar.

Perhaps he wins the battle of Mereen but he and the dragon die in the process? Which would be cautionary for Danny and better prepare her for Westeros.

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  • 3 weeks later...

Dornish-Ned should stay dead. The archetypal dumb/naive-hero not being rescued by improbable good fortune is one of the most appealing parts of this series, so Quent will hopefully stay dead with Ned and Robb.

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