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The Ghost of Winterfell is...

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...Theon. I think that because of his torture, at the hands of Ramsey, and because of him thinking he's Reek a lot of the time I think he has developed Schizophrenia but doesn't realise it. When Theon meets the Hooded Man, they are alone. No one else is around which could mean that Theon is imagining this Hooded Man because he is trying to hide from himself the fact that he is the one that killed the people.

Also the Hooded Man refers to him as 'Theon' not 'Reek'. Very few people refer to him as 'Theon'. This could be Theon trying to force himself to remember who he really is "Theon Turncloak. Theon Kinslaying", which the Hooded Man calls Theon, are both names that he got while being Theon not Reek. And when he thinks if the Hooded Man is the killer he thinks to himself he's not afraid.

Also when Roose and the others are trying to figure out who the killer is and dismiss Theon from being it, he thinks,"Reek is no man. Not Reek. Not me." This could be the person he is now, Reek, saying that, not Theon, not the other side of him. Later on when Rowan grabs his ear he says,"Theon Turncloak, you had to have two heads, did you?" Which could be a hint to Theon's split personality.

Also the chapter name "A Ghost in Winterfell" is referring to Theon a because all the other minor POV's chapters are named after themselves, so the chapter is named after Theon, who is "A Ghost in Winterfell".

So in short, Theon, as Reek, switches personalities and kills the Bolton men, because all the pain he's gone through at their hands, and then reverts back to Reek and forgets the whole thing because as Reek he's Ramsey's man and he doesn't want to remember doing it because maybe he thinks Ramsey will find out.

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I like the idea of it being Theon, especially your split personality theory, but I'm not sure his physical health would allow it.

What other suspects do we have? The part about him calling Theon, "Theon" is very interesting.

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Don't we get from the spear wives a confirmation that there are actually two ghosts in winterfell, and that they are indeed one of them? As for the second, I've seen people pointing Ramsey out as the obvious child slayer, and I don't see many of the characters some people point out as being capable of killing little boys, but can we take that for granted?

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Well he's probably not that weak. He's malnourished, smeared in poo and missing some toes, and while that isn't exactly good health, it's not all that debilitating either. There are people missing whole limbs that are perfectly energetic, I find your theory quite credible.

Perhaps we should call Scooby and the gang.

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To those who think Theon is too weak to kill them, it's been proven that in some moments of anger people can possess strength they wouldn't have. It makes me think of Jonathan Goodwin when he turned a car over after thinking of something that made him angry and turned the car upside down, after about 3 or 4 other men couldn't do it.

So Theon could have these moments where he gathers enough strength to kill the people that toured him.

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Hooded man..let it be...Howland Reed... >____<

I always just thought the Ghost in Winterfell just referred to how Reek/Theon is a ghost of the Theon who used to live in WF. It is quite a cryptic POV title though.

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I like your idea. Also, there were two ghosts in Winterfel. The spearwives, and the hooded men or Theon. What if Theon did the easilest kills? I don't think he's too weak to kill a kid. And yes, he could get some moment of strength just like King of the Starks says. Besides, let's not forget that Little Walder always was mean to Theon.

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...Theon. I think that because of his torture, at the hands of Ramsey, and because of him thinking he's Reek a lot of the time I think he has developed Schizophrenia but doesn't realise it. When Theon meets the Hooded Man, they are alone. No one else is around which could mean that Theon is imagining this Hooded Man because he is trying to hide from himself the fact that he is the one that killed the people.

Also the Hooded Man refers to him as 'Theon' not 'Reek'. Very few people refer to him as 'Theon'. This could be Theon trying to force himself to remember who he really is "Theon Turncloak. Theon Kinslaying", which the Hooded Man calls Theon, are both names that he got while being Theon not Reek. And when he thinks if the Hooded Man is the killer he thinks to himself he's not afraid.

Also when Roose and the others are trying to figure out who the killer is and dismiss Theon from being it, he thinks,"Reek is no man. Not Reek. Not me." This could be the person he is now, Reek, saying that, not Theon, not the other side of him. Later on when Rowan grabs his ear he says,"Theon Turncloak, you had to have two heads, did you?" Which could be a hint to Theon's split personality.

Also the chapter name "A Ghost in Winterfell" is referring to Theon a because all the other minor POV's chapters are named after themselves, so the chapter is named after Theon, who is "A Ghost in Winterfell".

So in short, Theon, as Reek, switches personalities and kills the Bolton men, because all the pain he's gone through at their hands, and then reverts back to Reek and forgets the whole thing because as Reek he's Ramsey's man and he doesn't want to remember doing it because maybe he thinks Ramsey will find out.


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I agree with a prior poster that the title 'The Ghost of Winterfell' has a dual aspect....the spearwives and Theon himself. I suppose a third aspect of the title would be the Hooded Man. I find that appropriate because Benjen Stark is presumed dead.

If you look at the conversation between Theon and the Hooded Man, it seems obvious to me that this is someone that Theon knows and knows him by the almost informal level of discussion. Someone close enough to the Starks to want Theon dead, but willing enough to see the damage that Bolton has subjected Theon to. Almost like a kindly uncle tone to someone who was once friendly to his nephews.

'The man put a hand on his dagger, "Theo Turncloak. Theon Kinslayer" These are words of a man that accepted Theon as Ned's sons childhood companion.

"The gods are not done with me and show his hand. The Hooded Man looks and laugh "i leave you to him, then.

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