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Characters' Humor

Jon of the Dead

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I think it's interesting how subjective humor is regarding asoiaf characters, because some people find some characters more amusing than others. For example, people love Edd, but I've never found him histerically hilarious (I know, blasphemy). However, I think everything that comes out of Arya's, Cersei's, Stannis' and Tormund's mouth is comedic gold for me. And then there are other characters whose sense of humor took me a while to figure out, like Victarion and Tommen.

So, my question, or rather questions, are which character do you think its the funniest? And which character's humor took you a while to get?

And just as an aside, why do you think D&D have made some characters considerably less funny, like Stannis, Cersei, Tormund, Edd, Arya, Asha, etc? Is it because they are trying to have a more serious tone on the show, or is it because the characters' humor can be hard to get and maybe D&D don't get it?

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Stannis. We haven't seen that on the show yet. But that doesn't mean it won't come out at some point.

Stannis had some funny quotes in aCoK, especially the peach moment. Renly, that's another one who's less funny on the show! There are lots of them, D&D hate fun apparently

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I tend to find more humor in the D&E tales. Maynard Plumm telling the story about young Walder Frey is hilarious, and some of the Dunk and Egg banter in Sworn Sword when they are talking about highborn ladies is just sidesplitting to me. As for the show I think, like you said they cut the humor down to make the show more serious, to me Tyrion's bits are the only ones that feature much humor at all.

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There's a lot of humor in the books, thankfully, because it helps offset some the disturbing and tragic events in the story. Personally, I find Dolorous Edd, the 3 Lannister siblings, Tormund, Olenna, Arya, Stannis, and Victarion to all be really funny. I'm sure that I missed someone...

I hate the show's representation of Tormund and Stannis, although I really LIKE both of the actors portraying them. Stannis comes across a lot more needy on the show, and Tormund has lost almost all of his humor. I need to hear him talk about his member!! They've done a great job with Tyrion and Olenna on the show.

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There's a lot of humor in the books, thankfully, because it helps offset some the disturbing and tragic events in the story. Personally, I find Dolorous Edd, the 3 Lannister siblings, Tormund, Olenna, Arya, Stannis, and Victarion to all be really funny. I'm sure that I missed someone...

I hate the show's representation of Tormund and Stannis, although I really LIKE both of the actors portraying them. Stamina comes across a lot more needy on the show, and Tormund has lost almost all of his humor. I need to hear him talk about his member!! They've done a great job with Tyrion and Olenna on the show.

Yes, I think some critics wouldn't attack the show so much for its violence and bleak situations if they were more funny parts, like in the books

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I didn't notice that Stannis was funny until my first reread. Tormund always cracked me up the most. The show made Olenna even funnier since they expanded her role. I don't usually find gay jokes particularly amusing but it was hilarious when she called Loras a "sword swallower."

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Yes, I think some critics wouldn't attack the show so much for its violence and bleak situations if they were more funny parts, like in the books

To be fair, the show tries to add some funny moments here and there. The Pod and the whores scene which I didn't really like, was one.

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Dolorus Edd I find hilarious, but it's an odd type of humor. Also funny are Tormond and Arya, and Old Nan to an extent for the little while we had her. ("I don't want to hear stories!" "I know a story of a boy who didn't like stories...") Tyrion was funny the first two book, then he just got more grim and the humor seemed forced.

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Jaime cracks me up, I've always found Tyrion's dry humour funny (and Edd's mean impression of Marvin the Paranoid Android), but on re-reads i've come to love Jaime's motor-mouth. He just comes out with the wrong thing, all the time, sometimes i think he's even funnier than Tyrion. Littlefinger's funny sometimes and Bran surprisingly, he comes out with stuff that makes me laugh. I sometimes spot when Stannis is joking, but it's hard to know when he's joking and when he's being pig headed. We used to say this about my grandfather; his friends are the ones who know when he's joking, the others just think they know. I see Stannis much the same way. In fact, come to think of it.. i think i may start to see Stannis in a new light...

Other people i laugh at: Tormund (obviously), Asha (she's got an answer for everything), Arya (see Asha, only less worldly), Garlan Tyrell i think is underrated for his humour, i guess he got that from Granny. Patchface, he's comedy gold, in a weird kind of way.

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To be fair, the show tries to add some funny moments here and there. The Pod and the whores scene which I didn't really like, was one.

See... I enjoyed that and am now enjoying Pod much more on my reread

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Robert is very funny on the show.

I never really understood the Edd love, I don't find him so bloody funny. Nor Stannis humor...

However everything Vargo Hoat said cracked me up. It was SO funny. And Walder Frey too. Aww, goodness.

Vargo, Lord Walder, Olenna and Tormund are the funniest lot.

Pod too, how could I forget him.

And Bronn was very funny on the show too. Same as Shae in season 1.

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