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Characters' Humor

Jon of the Dead

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Some of the funniest and best Stannis quotes which will likely be cut from the show cause the writers hate Stannis.

"Stannis ground his teeth. 'It is not my wish to tamper with your rights and traditions. As to royal guidance, Janos, if you mean that I ought to tell your brothers to choose you, have the courage to say so.'

That took Lord Janos aback. He smiled uncertainly and began to sweat, but Bowen Marsh beside him said, 'Who better to command the black cloaks than a man who once commanded the gold, sire?'

'Any of you, I would think. Even the cook.'"

"I swear, I will go to my grave thinking of my brother's peach."

"Robert could piss in a cup and men would call it wine, but I offer them cold clear water and they squint in suspicion and mutter to each other about how queer it tastes. ”

"Weddings have become more perilous than battles, it would seem."

“Stannis: I thought the wet nurse was this man Craster’s daughter?

Melisandre: Wife and daughter both, Your Grace. Craster married all his daughters. Gilly’s boy was the fruit of their union.

Stannis: Her own father got this child on her? We are well rid of her, then. I will not suffer such abominations here. This is not King’s Landing.”

“We all know what my brother would do. Robert would gallop up to the gates of Winterfell alone, break them with his warhammer, and ride through the rubble to slay Roose Bolton with his left hand and the Bastard with his right. I am not Robert. But we will march, and we will free Winterfell … or die in the attempt.”

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Edd, Tyrion, JaimeTormund and Vargo Hoat. Stannis has also his moments

And also a forgotten character: Ser Hyle Hunt. He has his hilarious moments and the reason why Brienne's chapters are bearable.

For example:

"Hanging seems your favorite sport in these parts," said ser Hyle Hunt. "Would that I has some land hereabouts. I'd plant hemp, sell robe, and make my fortune."

Edit: I actually forgot the moments where Sansa mocked Joffrey.

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Funniest character is the ghost of Gerion Lannister, reincarnated as Jaime and Tyrion. Tied with Edd. Stannis has a few crackers, but I'm never sure if he knows they're funny. Honourable mention for Jon, Vic, Hyle Hunt, and Vargo Hoat.

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I think most characters are/can be funny in their own way. Tyrion and Jamie are so incredibly snarky I can't help sniggering, Edd is to in his dolourous way, Stannis is so serious and then he makes such incredibly hilerious comments I laugh out loud, Tormund's bragging cracks me up everytime, etc. Arya's blunt comment can be fun as well, as can Jon's unfunny black humour and wry observations, not to mention Victarions ignorance and Olenna's thorny comments.

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I like dry humor which is why I love Tyrion, Stannis, Arya, Jaime and Edd.

Olenna is great in the books but even more so on the show. I swear the scene with Tywin when he denied ever having homosexual interests she was about to ask him about his horse!

I'm sure there are some I'm forgetting but that's what I can think of right now.

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Only works in the book but one of my favourite Stannis lines: "I am not without mercy," thundered he who was notoriously without mercy." Also his unintentionally funny comeback at Renly. "The boar got Robert and I got Margaery. You'll be pleased to know she came to me a maid." "In your bed she's like to die that way."

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I like Edd, he is just so pessimistic. Though his lines did get less funny towards the end. It was better when it seemed less like he was telling jokes.

Arya can be funny too. "I can be more humble than anybody"

Jaime has his moments. Particularly when he is trying to rile Brienne.

Tyrion of course very snarky, which is amusing. Particularly in the last book where he knows it will likely earn him a beating but can't help it anyway.

Bronn has some great lines, as do the mountain men.

Tormund can be funny, but that's mostly because he keeps saying "Har" so i naturally read his voice as if he's a pirate.

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Dolorous Edd is hilarious, and is only going to get funnier.

Jaime is hilarious both in the show and in the books.

And Vargo Hoat! Oh man I was so sad when they didn't have his awesome lisp on the show. Show watchers have no idea what they're missing!

Renly wasn't as funny in the show, but he did have "Salt and smoke...is he a ham?"

Show Robert is hilarious too " I smell BACON!". Goddamn, Mark was perfect for that role in so many ways....

And Stannis is funny, of course. Not quite in the show though.

I think people miss the small funny moments in the show, though. There's tons of them. Like what happened with Pod. I also love Tyrion and Sansa's wedding where, when Joffrey is giving Sansa away, his crown is on a tilt, giving him an appropriate level of doucheness. That made me laugh, despite the circumstances.

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I find Edd amusing but not really laugh out loud funny.

Cersei and Stannis are the funniest characters for me. Cersei cracks me up; she thinks she's cunning but let's face it, she's just stupidly incompetent.Oh and the whole Margaery affair had me in tears when Cersei had told herself the lies so many times, she actually believed them herself.

Jaime's inner monologue is quite funny too, I like his dry wit.

Obviously, Tyrion is hilarious but I don't think he's the funniest character.

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Some of the funniest and best Stannis quotes which will likely be cut from the show cause the writers hate Stannis.

I don't think this is good explanation.

For me, the reason behind the different portaial of some characters between the books and the show is the fact that a long book series has the pace and the space for describing gray and complex characters like Stannis, that might be dark and funny at the same time.

TV works differently. On TV you have a stricter division between serious characters and comic reliefs. The writers simply concentrated all the funny into very few characters (Tyrion, Bronn, Pod, etc.), making all the others more serious than in the book. That's why Stannis is less funny in the show. That's a pity, but that's TV.

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Jaime is funny.

Stannis,Edd and most people on the wall have a dark sense of humour which I like.

Cersei on the show is far too disillusioned.

I don't think this is good explanation.

For me, the reason behind the different portaial of some characters between the books and the show is the fact that a long book series has the pace and the space for describing gray and complex characters like Stannis, that might be dark and funny at the same time.

TV works differently. On TV you have a stricter division between serious characters and comic reliefs. The writers simply concentrated all the funny into very few characters (Tyrion, Bronn, Pod, etc.), making all the others more serious than in the book. That's why Stannis is less funny in the show. That's a pity, but that's TV.

Not really,There will always be some prejudices at work with writers who are fans themselves.

They made characters like Tyrion,Dany funny while characters like Stannis and Tormund are not funny at all.(Except for in some bits).

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Big difference between being funny and having a sense of humour.

Edd Tollett is a comedian, he deliberately tries to be funny for the amusement of people around him, and I think for his own amusement too. Some of the people that find him amusing may not be funny themselves (Jon) but they definately have a sense of humour.

Stannis nevers seems to laugh and generrally disapproves of laughter and jokers. So either he is a hypocrite or he has no sense of humour and does not realise that s many of the things he says are unintentionally funny.

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Jaime's witty arrogance is funny.

Edd's pessimism.

Stannis's seriousness while tearing apart someone.

The Blackfish when tearing apart Jaime showed he can be humorous.

Strong Belwas has some funny lines and shit(wink).

Bronn is a comedian as well.

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