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In your opinion, what was the saddest and what was the happiest moment of the whole series?


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Saddest: When the Starks were together at Winterfell, because I just knew something was going to happen that would divide them and shatter the happy life they had

Happiest: When Joffrey died and I may or may not have actually fist-pumped in the air in celebration

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Happiest: Robb crowned King in the North, finally one of the kingdoms realized they have no reason to be subdued to tje Iron Throne, and be free and independant once again, even after knowing what happened to Robb and Cat, independence for the North always makes me fisp-pump

Saddest: Brienne meeting Lady Stoneheart, seeing the shadow of a formidable person, an empty shell of what Cat used to be, her friend, her Lady...there are plenty of sad moments in this books, but LS is the saddest of them all

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