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TWOW Character POV Ratios


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some thoughts on how things could pan out:

Arya 7 (her assignment brings her back to westeros, perhaps storm's end - think she may become embroiled in the aegon plot)

Davos 6 (finds rickon, then no idea - perhaps discovers about TGNC if it exists, just too late, as stannis dies)

Sansa 8 (brings about the downfall of littlefinger, comes a step closer to retaking winterfell)

Bran 4 (finds out about jon's lineage through visions etc)

Samwell 5 (becomes a maester, discovers the motives of the faceless men - 'all men must die')

Dany 9 (wins a khalasar, loses battle at mereen, meets tyrion and reunited with ser jorah, who persuade her to finally go to westeros)

Jaime 7 (sent to find arya by stoneheart, as brienne is told that arya was still alive in ASOS and has most likely informed stoneheart)

Tyrion 6 (becomes involved with dany's journey)

Melisandre 3 (POV at the wall, ends up reviving jon toward the end of the book)

Cersei 7 (wins her trial, is later murdered by tyrells/martells/jaime??)

JonCon 3 (no idea)

Areo 1 (is killed pretty quick)

Asha 0 (theon will be stannis POV)

Brienne 2 (stoneheart POV, perhaps she becomes involved with TBWB, who in turn is involved with TGNC - brings about the downfall of the freys)

Arianne 5 (has something to do with cersei's eventual death)

Jon 0 (dead until revived)

Theon 8 (redemption arc - becomes involved with northern lords in bringing about downfall of the boltons)

Victarion 4 (no idea)

Barristan 2 (POV at battle of mereen - is killed)

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  • 1 month later...

Hello everyone!

This is my first post here, so I'm currently kind of excited :cool4: (And English is not my first language, so I hope that you'll be able to understand my crazy thoughts ...

I temporary dont' think that we'll have so many chapters of each main character, as provided in the first three books where Tyrion, Arya or Ned had sometimes twelve and more chapters. GRRM will have to bring the series to an end within the next two books, and there are many secrets still unsolved, so - as I think - he will have to focus on everything happening in the world of Westeros, Essos and beyond the wall to complete ASoIaF without leaving the readers unclear with some characters at the end.

So, here's my speculation:

Tyrion: 8 chapters

Jaime: 7 chapters

Daenerys: 7 chapters

Cersei: 6 chapters

Arianne: 6 chapters

Arya: 5-6 chapters

Sansa: 5-6 chapters

Theon: 5 chapters

Samwell: 5 chapters

Davos: 4-5 chapters

Jon: 4-5 chapters

Bran: 4 chapters

Victarion: 3 chapters

Barristan: 3 chapters

Melisandre: 3 chapters

Aeron: 2 chapters

Asha: 2 chapters

Areo: 2 chapters

JonCon: 1 chapter (?)

And, as I hope, Benjen in an epilogue and (I would love it) Brynden Tully as a "new" POV-character, since GRRM stated there will be no new characters being POV, but Blackfish isn't new. :hat:

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Its a shame we don't get to speculate over potential POVs anymore. I'd have been angling for a blackfish POV (pun intended).

On a totally random note. Wouldn't it be the biggest GRRM moment ever if we had an Arya chapter where she spends the whole time chasing after an unnamed target before succeeding in killing the target. Its never named, but we realize it was Dany along the way.

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Its a shame we don't get to speculate over potential POVs anymore. I'd have been angling for a blackfish POV (pun intended).

On a totally random note. Wouldn't it be the biggest GRRM moment ever if we had an Arya chapter where she spends the whole time chasing after an unnamed target before succeeding in killing the target. Its never named, but we realize it was Dany along the way.

In my mind GRRM left the option open to us by saying no new POV's "we haven't met already" and not including prologue and epilogue. The option is still open I'd say.

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  • 2 weeks later...

We aren't getting any POVs from newly introduced characters (like Joncon in ADWD). However, characters that have already been introduced might get promoted to POV status (I think that there are two strong candidates namely the BF and Jeyne Westerling).

Jeyne Westerling? Nah. Maybe Margery or Loras or any Tyrell for that matter.

EDIT: Not sure if I already posted here, but I'll do it again anyway.

Arya- probably 6-7

Arianne- 6, give or take

Dany- 8-10, the way to Westeros is long

Melisandre- 2-5 depends on how long Jon will be unconscious

Jon- 2-5, he'll be dead for the first half of the book, if my theories are correct, and with the exception of one or two Ghost chapters, Melisandre would take his place at the wall

Bran- 2-4

Sam- 4, give or take

Tyrion- 8, give or take. His chapters along with Daenyris' chapters (and Vic and Barry too) will occupy a big chunk of the book, and would finally allow Dany to reach Westeros

JonCon: 1-2 max, maybe 0

Brienne: 1-2 max, maybe 0

Sansa- 4-6

Areo- 1-3

Aeron- 1-3

Theon: 5-6, taking away Asha's POV status

Asha: 1-2, or maybe 0

Cersei: 4-6

Jaime: 5-6, will probably cover the Riverlands story and end Brienne's POV status

Victarion: 3-5 depends on if he survives the battle

Barristan: about 4-6, he will likely be a POV whenever Dany enters battle, unless he dies

Davos- 4, I would like more but it's just not necessary

That's about 87 chapters... GRRM has to stop writing long chapters or he'll never finish in two books. Some chapters in AFFC and ADWD were so long and boring (like Brienne's first few chapters), they focus on the unnecessary and take up twenty pages for what can be summed up in 5. We need short chapters again, like AGOT. AGOT was the shortest book in the series, but it still managed to crank out 73 chapters compared to AFFC's 46. And it had less POVs too!

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GRRM has mentioned over these past few years that we will get to explore the far, far north (beyond the Thenns?) in TWoW. Could that mean we'll get a Benjen PoV or do you think that is where he's temporarily taking Jon-Ghost or Bran?

(This has probably been discussed before...please redirect if so) :)

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GRRM has mentioned over these past few years that we will get to explore the far, far north (beyond the Thenns?) in TWoW. Could that mean we'll get a Benjen PoV or do you think that is where he's temporarily taking Jon-Ghost or Bran?

(This has probably been discussed before...please redirect if so) :)

It has, the threads are old now tho, there is really nothing to make any sort of guess here past the obvious candidates. Benjen, Bran, Jon.

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Aeron - Few chapters. Actually I have no idea what he's up to. But GRRM already confirmed that one of his chapters was removed from ADwD and will appear in TWoW.

Areo - Few chapters. I think he'll have one or two chapters at least. Doran sent a lot of Sand Vipers to King's Landing and Oldtown and he must be briefed on that. Also, he could recieve news about Quentyn's fate.

Arianne - Several to many chapters. We already have a couple gift chapters and she probably will be one of the main witnesses to Aegon's actions. JonCon is competitor to her in this matter, but I think he will be the POV for the millitary campaign and Arianne to Aegon himself.

Arya - Many chapters. Her training is pretty much over and I expect her to return to Westeros with an important role to play.

Asha - No chapter or few chapters. The most intersting Asha could do in the near future is to take Theon back to the Iron Islands and asking for a new moot, but I think even if she could escape from Winterfell with him, it would be almost impossible for them to survive the winter.

Barristan - Few chapters. He is already confirmed as a POV, but there are too many in Meereen already, so I think he won't survive much. He's being used by Shavepate just like Ned was used by LF, could be victim to a coup and his death could have an important effect on Daenerys' decision about what to do with Meereen.

Bran - Few chapters. I think we'll interact wit Bran mostly through other characters, in dreams, visions, etc. But probably we'll get one or two chapters with him as a POV.

Brienne - No chapter to many chapters. I think there are two possibilities: one is that either she or Jaime won't survive their meeting with Lady Stoneheart, and in that case I think Brienne is the one who'll die and we could have no POVs from her. The other is that she will survive (and probably Jaime too) and she will be our POV for whatever the Brotherhood without Banners is doing, including it's role in the GNC. Possibly we're going to meet Howland Reed through her eyes.

Cersei - Few to many chapters. She could die in the first half of TWoW or only in ADoS, but I think everybody expects her to die eventually. For the time being, she's our only POV in KL, so I think she'll have at least four or five chapters.
Dany - Many chapters, as usual. Like her or not, she is one of the main characters of the series and there's a lot of things happening around her.

Davos - Few to several chapters. He's on a mission to recover Rickon from Skagos and GRRM has already mentioned that he was itching to write more about Osha after seeing her being played on Game of Thrones, so I think that's pretty much a confirmation that Davos will have chapters on TWoW.

Jaime - No chapter to several chapters. He could die in his meeting with LS and even that could happen in a Brienne's POV. But I think that's highly unlikely, we'll have at least a few chapters with Jaime. I think he survives his meeting, but there won't be a place for Jaime in the world for long. His position in KG depends on the Lannister-Tyrell alliance remaining in the IT. He killed Aerys, Daenerys' father, Aegon's supposed grandfather and Jon's real grandfather. I don't think Stannis would be sympathetic to a kingslayer in his Kingsguard either. And Jaime cannot fight anymore either. Either he'll die eventually or he'll go to a reformed Nightswatch in the end of the series.
Jon - No chapter to many chapters. This is the hardest to guess. He could be definetely dead, or even if he is to return, his ressurection could be left for ADoS. But I don't think so. I think we'll definetely get a chapter with him warging Ghost, and hence we won't have need of Melisandre as the POV of the wall to tell us the aftermath of the Ides of Marsh. But I think he will ressurect late in the book and there won't be space for many chapters. My best guess is several, but I could be wrong on that.

JonCon - No chapter or few chapters. See Arianne. Maybe his POV could be more related to Aegon's military campaign and Arianne be more close to Aegon himself. I hope we'll see the battle for Storm's End through his eyes.
Melisandre - No chapter or few chapters. I feel that her chapter in ADwD was kind of a one-off. It was actually a Jon chapter, but we read it by Mel's POV in order to know her thought process. But with Jon wounded or dead, she may appear to show what's going on in the wall.

Sansa - Several to many chapters. Sansa's storyline is one of the most promising and the Vale, which has its full force, since it took no part in the W5K, ought to be very important for the future of Westeros, both in the game of thrones (specially since LF is there) and in the battle against the Others.

Sam - Several to many chapters. At least that's what I hope. There are lot's of things that I'd like to know about the Citadel and what "Pate" is doing there. Also, the Ironborn are attacking the Reach and Aegon may head toward Oldtown too. And that wacky Lord Hightower ought to be something intersting in his tower. I'm anxious for his chapters.
Theon - Few chapters. I think Theon won't survive much more, but there are lots of things that could happen that could prove me wrong. Won't tell anything more in order to not spoil the gift chapters.

Tyrion - Several to many chapters. Both a fan favorite and GRRM's favorite. And he may be about to be in a position of power again, I think he'll have a big storyline trying to prove his worth to Daenerys.
Victarion - No chapter to several chapters. I think he'll have a very important role in the next book, but not necessarily as a POV, since there are too many in Meereen already. And if he is undead, as many suspect, having him as a non-POV could be useful for the narrative. But I think he'll be responsible for finally dragging Daenerys back to Westeros, first because of his horn and second because he conveniently brought a fleet that she could use to take her unsullied, mercenaries and some freedmen with her.

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Victarion - No chapter to several chapters. I think he'll have a very important role in the next book, but not necessarily as a POV, since there are too many in Meereen already. And if he is undead, as many suspect, having him as a non-POV could be useful for the narrative. But I think he'll be responsible for finally dragging Daenerys back to Westeros, first because of his horn and second because he conveniently brought a fleet that she could use to take her unsullied, mercenaries and some freedmen with her.

There has been a Victarion gift chapter released.

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On a totally random note. Wouldn't it be the biggest GRRM moment ever if we had an Arya chapter where she spends the whole time chasing after an unnamed target before succeeding in killing the target. Its never named, but we realize it was Dany along the way.

I'm totally on board with that option and possible GRRM technique. It will probably happen with Arya's Izembaro task, imho (see the Izembaro theories thread...http://asoiaf.westeros.org/index.php/topic/76648-who-will-arya-be-sent-to-assasinate/?hl=izembaro). But it won't be Dany or Slaver's Bay (too far, too many chars "on the brink" there, already massive bloodshed ongoing); it'll be another PoV char in Westeros. Heck of a way to start lowering the PoV count though.

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I've answered your points in the quote but I wasn't able to change the colour of what I've written so it might be a little difficult to figure out which is my response. (my last counter-argument is in brackets) in which case I'm sorry. also, I've tried to be as calm and un-hostile when answering your comments as possible, although I do strongly disagree with what you've said. you have as much right to your reasonings and opinion as I do to mign though, so if you're not convinced of mign after my comments I don't want to be further dragged into a long drawn out flame war, and I'm sure you don't either, so if you dis-agree instead of posting a long retaliation post just say so and hopefully we can amicably agree to dis-agree, make a truce and move on as friends


I would like to point out a couple of things that you guys are forgetting about

1) The BF and Edmure sent Grell and someone else that had been in Riverrun for something like the past 40 years. Now these two people tell Jamie that they are going to the wall because Riverrun was their home and that men are always welcome on the wall. That's for starters. Jamie then sends these two men followed by a couple of the Mountain's men and tell's them if they don't make it to Maiden Poole what he didn't to them would be even worse then something the Mountain would do. Now I would like to point at I want both of you to take a look at the map. The traditional route from Maiden's Poole would take them to GullsTown. Which is like a hop skip and jump from RuneStone. How who rules at RuneStone. Oh that's right the Royce of the Major branch of that house,that is oppose to Littlefinger's rule and the same guy who had a son under the BF when he was the Knight of the Bloody Gate. So the BlackFish has not one put 2 ravens that can make it to the Vale and talk to the Lords and plead for help.

2)As for the BF going to a castle the moves. I agree. He needs to get to the Neck, after he helps the BWB plan a raid on the prison convo that is releasing the Northen and Trident lords. For the save , they have to swear fealty to Jon at the GNC(Grand Northen Council) where they decide who the next rule of the north will be. I would also to point to some text from ADWD that point to Rickon not being on Skagos but in the Neck. When jon has his one and only warg dream in the whole book, he dreams that he's brother(the black one) was in warmer lands and that there was rain lashing down on him. Skagos isn't that far from the Northen tips of the wall. If it was cold and snowing at the wall it's cold and snowing in the North. Meaning that it wouldn't be raining on Skagos it would be snowing. Rickon and Osha are in the Neck. Davos when thinking about where Manderly was sending him I got the impression of a place worse than a place than somewhere someone breaks their fast of human flesh. I think some place where no knight has ever returned. Where death waits at every turn would be worse than human eaters. Don't get me wrong that's bad but I think that people call the Neck as even worse. The danger of Skagos is the danger from the shorelines. The danger of the Neck is that nobody ever returns unless the inhabitants want them too. Then there is the fact that lady MM has already left the Neck. We saw her briefly already at the wall. THere was this woman that stepped forward and she has this windblown face and she's squat and ugly. Why would a wildling have a windblown face? The type of face that accompanies someone who has spent sometime on a ship or around ships. That was Lady MM. Finding out what Jon was up too. That's why the hill tribe leaders come to the wall. Jon sent for someone to suckle Monster at the beginning of the book and it wasn't until damn near his last 3 POV's that they showed up. Well after Stannis had already left, Marched and was on his way to the WF. Just a thought. Also explain why the She-Bear was there alone. No sisters or mother.

3) As to the problem of the BF getting to HR is the question. Robb tells the men going on the mission to fly his standards and that they will find him.That his father knew the worth of Howland Reed. Lastly about them knowing of robb's men coming. How? They have no Maesters as they don't keep a raven tower. Meaning that Robb couldn't get a message ahead of them. Which is why he told them to fly his standards.

4) As I've stated with the BF headed to the Neck, he's initially with the BWB helps with the raid and then leads the northern's to the Neck. Brianne and Jamie remark about seeing alot of dead men that were naked. Why were they naked unless they were tying to gain access to somewhere. Like the Twins. The Frey that Peytr the Pimple was going to ransom was sent with the message to send all high born hostages to KL. Before Jamie sent his packing to his death. Take the clothing from the dead man send the message about the lord that was taken for ransom and gather info about where the lords are being kept and deliver the message that they are to be released. That takes care of that problem. They can get to the Neck and then the North and declare they fealty to Jon. Right about the time that Ramsay is marching on the wall to make Jon pay for being a stark, sending Mance to steal his bride and fuck with him for his actions in playing the game in the realm. When Jon is the biggest wild card because unlike anyone else. He's never sworn vows to anyone else except to that of the realm. If jon takes it into his head that Ramsay is a threat to the realm he's just doing his duty to the realm to take the fucking bastard's head of his goddang shoulders and fuck the rest. Or that's how I hope it plays out. That last part being wishful thinking on my part.

5)If Rickon is in the neck like i think then the BF being honor bound would have to see the boy north. To give jon an heir or he might decide that the best place for him is to stay in the Neck. No one unless howland wants them too can get to the boy from there.Plus he's keeping the boy safe, Which furthers my point about him being in the Neck. You would need a smuggler to get him out of there. Then on Davos's way back from White Harbor he can become shipwrecked on the shores of Skagos. From there as a Stark Rickon can make the Skagos come with him to the Wall as his own personal army. This way each of the Stark males have their own personal army. Jon the wildlings Bran the remaining COFT there are at least 3 scores still not in the trees and Rickon can have the cannibals or the wildlings of the realm.(from the westeros side of the wall.) This is just how I would do it if I wanted all the stark children together but still combining power for the northern bases. All converging on the wall.

Those are just some of my observations that tie into yours and pointing out some of the flaws with each of your plans. I also agree with some of the things that ya'll say just furthering your points.

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Rickon and Osha are in the Neck. Davos when thinking about where Manderly was sending him I got the impression of a place worse than a place than somewhere someone breaks their fast of human flesh. I think some place where no knight has ever returned. Where death waits at every turn would be worse than human eaters. Don't get me wrong that's bad but I think that people call the Neck as even worse. The danger of Skagos is the danger from the shorelines. The danger of the Neck is that nobody ever returns unless the inhabitants want them too.

Although I enjoyed your summary, I just couldn't get past the "Osha and Rickon are in the Neck" assertion. A wildling and a small child surviving a jaunt to the south where Osha knows all the warring madness and conflagration are focused? She may be savvy but that would be ludicrous and a death wish, regardless of the "curse of the Neck". Her survival talents reside in cooler climes. I don't follow how the BF and Rickon storylines would ever mesh. If anything, she & R are nearer the Dreadfort or "Last Hearth (D&D had inside info)" than we think.

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okay let's back up a second. If it's so dangerous for a small child and wildling to be roaming the north how did they get on a ship? The only ships that could have taken them the Skagos like everyone is thinking they would have to pass through White Harbor. I may know nothing but I know this if they had passed with in a hunderd miles of White Harbor or it's surrounding territories word would have reached ramsay. Just a wrong timed word could bring disaster down on their heads. You as how could they survive look at what bran and 2 underage teenagers did, they made it all the way to the wall. Then you ask about them being nearer the Dreadfort. Ramsay has been training his bitches to sniff out those wolves since they are born. There is no way that Osha who was told to say away from the Umbers and the Boltons. It would be madness to be anywhere near the Dreadfort. I was going to give you the possiblilty of them being at Last Hearth but then thought better because if they had Rickon they wouldn't have brought any arms to Winterfell or maybe just enough to keep at bay supection. But then why join with stannis they could have kept their arms together both been inside the castle gathering as much support as possble. The thing that mostly makes me dislike this idea is because they wanted a royal pardon from stannis. If they had rickon they could have fought the bolton's from inside the castle, if stannis wins then they could say they were fighting for the honor of the liege lord Rickon Stannis can understand that as he did the same when he fought against Aerys. He even says as such my blood or my liege that had been a hard choosing for him. So fighting for honor's sake that I think he can understand.

Now I would like point your attention to some text from the book. IT's logical and thought out once you look where I'm looking in the text. Also which part of my anaylis did you like the best I think the best part would have to be the lady MM notice. It would be kind of cool that I picked that out when she only appears in like one sentence.

"Snow," the moon murmured. The wolf made no answer. Snow crunched beneath his paws. The wind sighed through the trees. Far off, he could hear his packmates calling to him, like to like.They were hunting too.A wild rain lashed down upon his black brother as he tore at the flesh of an enormous goat, washing the blood from his side where the goat's long horn had raked him. In another place his little sister lifted her head to sing to the moon, and a hundred small grey cousins broke off their sing with her. The hills were warmer where they were and full of food. Many a night his sister's pack gorged on the flesh of sheep and cows and horse, the prey of men, and sometimes even on the flesh of men himself. "Snow," the moon called down again,cackling. The white wolf padded along the man trail beneath the icy cliff. The taste of blood was on his tongue, and his ears rang to the song of the hundred cousins. Once they had been six, five whimpering blind in the snow beside their dead mother, suckling cool milk from her dead hard nipples whilst he crawled off alone. Four remained.. and on the white wolf could no longer sense.Snow the moon insisted. The white wolf ran from it, racing toward the cave of night where the sun had hidden, his breath frosting in the air. On starless nights the great cliff was as black as stone, a darkness towering high above the wide world, but when the moon came out it shimmered pale and icy as a frozen stream. The wolf's pelt was thick and shaggy, but when wind blew along the ice no fur could keep the chill out. On the other side of the wind was colder still, the wolf sensed. That ws where his brother was , the grey brother who smelled of summer."Snow "An icicle tumbled from a branch, The white wolf turned and bared his teeth. Snow his fur rose bristling as the woods dissolved around him. Snow, Snow , Snowhe heard the beat of wings. Through the gloom a raven flew. It landed on Jon snow's chest with a thump and a scrabbling of claws." Ok I'm done with the book quote. Now let me draw your attention to some text about the Grey wolf the most studied wolf and document wolf on the planet. Every time the word Snow is said that's bloodraven. The moon cackled like a raven. The moon a thousand and one eyes that is bloodraven. Now class let's us turn are attention the information about wolves and their hearing, howling and greasters and I will continue to explain why this passage is the most telling of all in what I am trying to point out.

The most important part of what I'm trying to say is written right from ghost who is sensing his brothers and sister. He know's what Nymeria and co are up to. He can taste their kills on his tongue, he knows that shaggy has been injured and that there is a lashing rain beating down on them. Then he says there is plenty of food where they were. If they were on Skagos or any where in the north for that matter there is no way that it would be raining where Shaggy is at. It's already too cold in the north. When it get's warm enough for it too snow the wall weeps and melts. There hasn't been any signs of rain being in the north since before jon was named the LC of the Nights Watch. There is no way that they are no skagos. It's easier to see that they made it from WF to the Neck. Remember what Robb says about his victory at Oxcross that victory was made possible because Grey wind found a goat track. SO why couldn't shaggy have done the same. And unlike someone from westeros's side of the wall there is who has heard the calls of the direwolves and how has stated that they are smarter than other beast. Osha would follow shaggy if that's the way that he wanted to go. The last piece of prove that I want to give is Wex himself. How is that he turned up at White Harbor he was following the party until they got separated. If they were any where near White Harbor that would explain why he was their. She decided to leave out of the eastern gate. Meaning that even if she followed the road for a time eventuall she would have come a cross Torrenhen Square or the rills. if she just kept going down until right before she got to the Moat and then turned west by south that would put them at White Harbor and well away from the Moat. From there it's a simple journey from there to the neck. Not to mention that Osha was friendly with the Reeds and she would know how loyal they are. There isn't anyone that she trusts or knows in any of the places you mentioned. At least she knows that the princes know and trust the Reeds.

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  • 1 month later...
Tyrion: 8 chapters

Jaime: 7 chapters

Daenerys: 7 chapters

Cersei: 6 chapters

Arianne: 6 chapters

Arya: 5-6 chapters

Sansa: 5-6 chapters

Theon: 5 chapters

Samwell: 5 chapters

Davos: 4-5 chapters

Jon: 4-5 chapters

Bran: 4 chapters

Victarion: 3 chapters

Barristan: 3 chapters

Melisandre: 3 chapters

Aeron: 2 chapters

Asha: 2 chapters

Areo: 2 chapters

JonCon: 1 chapter (?)

Oh, did I really write that? I've thought about it very often in the last weeks, so here's my new prediction (I know, it's annoying, but you don't have to read it at all...)

Daenerys: 10 chapters

Tyrion: 9 chapters

Sansa: 8 chapters

Theon: 8 chapters (wanted to express my crazy illusion)

Arya: 7 chapters

Davos: 6 chapters

Jon: 6 chapters

Arianne: 5 chapters

Jaime: 5 chapters

Samwell: 5 chapters

Aeron: 4 chapters

Cersei: 4 chapters

Barristan: 3 chapters

Bran: 3 chapters

Brienne: 3 chapters

Griff: 3 chapters

Melisandre: 3 chapters

Areo: 2 chapters

Asha: 2 chapters

Victarion: 2 chapters

Seven hells, that would make 98 chapters if I didn't allocate which might probably be the case. And in addition, I would have liked a Blackfish POV. Oh, this will be interesting to see how many chapters the characters really have.

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Cersei- 8: I expect Cersei to continue to be the only POV character in King's Landing until it is sacked, so Cersei will continue to be one of the most prominent characters, although I doubt she'll survive the novel.

Jaime- 6: I expect Jaime's story is going to be pretty wild, and will have about as many POV chapters as he did in Feast. Brienne won't have any POV chapters since she'll be with Jaime the whole time, and he's a much more interesting POV character and she'll die in Jaime's arms after defending him.

Tyrion- 6: since he'll be with Dany for most of it, I expect that Tyrion or Dany will have as many POV chapters

Dany- 6: See above

Barristan- 3: I think he'll be killed in the Battle of Mereen, and that the battle will come mostly from his POV.

Sansa- 6: Littlefinger will enter his end game here, so I expect about as many Sansa chapters as there were in Storms.

Arya- 5: Arya I'm unsure of exactly where her arc is going (aside from being a Faceless Man) but I expect her to make her way back to Westeros in this novel.

Bran- 3: Kinda like in Dance, in the middle of the novel we'll finally get an update on Bran, and the end we'll have 2 Bran chapters to where he finally begins to understand what he'll do, and the danger he is in being with the TEC.

Jon- 9: the Wall will be a huge part of the next book, and I expect Jon will be revived somewhere near the beginning of the novel, due to how quickly warging takes hold. I think he'll have the most POV chapters.

Theon- 5: I don't think Asha will get a POV since she is back with Theon, but I do think Theon will be spared by Stannis due to Bran somehow reaching out to Stannis through the Weirwood he executes him under. I think he will die a noble death at the end in order to delay the Others.

Davos- 5: A lot of the beginning of the novel will be devoted to Davos, but the end won't have much of him.

Victarion- 2: Will be killed pretty instantly by one of Dany's dragons.

Samwell- 4: He'll be scattered throughout the novel in little updates, but they'll always be important chapters.

Melisandre- 1: Gives Jon the kiss of life to revive him early on in the novels when she figures out he is Azor Ahai Reborn.

Aeron- 2: First chapter will be a minor update at the Iron Islands, and later in the novel Euron will kill him.

Connington- 3: Updates throughout the novel, but the final chapter will have him figuring out Jon Snow's identity and Varys killing him.

Arianne- 4: We'll get most of Aegon's story through Arianne. Expect her to have more chapters in ADOS since I think she'll be the only POV character in King's Landing.

Loras- 3: yeah GRRM said he's not adding any new POV characters, but I think he was referring to ones we've never met, like he did a ton in Feast and Dance. Loras will get the Tyrell POV in the war.

Benjen- 1 (Prologue): Get to see the Land of Always Winter, before he is abruptly killed.

Stannis- 1 (Epilogue): Should be one of the best chapters in the series, and in the end he turns into the new Night's King.

83 chapters all together, one more than Storm.

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Arianne's on her way to KL, where there will probably be JonCon and Cersei. IMO, any more than 4 chapters or so from each of Arrianne and Cersei (JonCon's probably not going to be in this story for long) and TWOW is going to be too long.

Cersei is our only view into King's Landing for the time being. I expect her to make it at least 3/4 through WOW. I think we'll see a lot of her in the next novel.

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I think it is a good supposition. I hope the book won't be split.

I think GRRM deciding to split the books would be very unlikely, I think he probably learned his lesson after AFfC. At least, I hope.

Can't wait for Victarion's TWoW chapters!

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