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Do you think the Wolves and the Lions will ever hunt together?

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Since the start of the series one of the main conflicts was between the Lannisters and the Starks, based on what has happened in the series and what could happen do you think there is a chance of them to put their differences aside.

And who do you think is capable of uniting the 2 houses.

Or will their conflict never resolve?


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I guess it depends on whether or not you think House Lannister's making it out of the series. If they're wiped out the way the Reynes and the Tarbecks were--which would admittedly take some doing, since House Lannister has cadet branches and whatnot--then that answers the question, doesn't it?

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The conflict will be resolved and pretty much forgotten in like 50 years or so, when the majority of people who still remember the war are dead. The great houses fought for centuries before Aegon arrived and for the most part there isn't much that bitterness or resentment over past wars. (with a few exceptions of course like Dorne and the Reach) Stark and Lannister managed to work together in the past and I'm sure in time they can reconcile again.

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The conflict will be resolved and pretty much forgotten in like 50 years or so, when the majority of people who still remember the war are dead. The great houses fought for centuries before Aegon arrived and for the most part there isn't much that bitterness or resentment over past wars. (with a few exceptions of course like Dorne and the Reach) Stark and Lannister managed to work together in the past and I'm sure in time they can reconcile again.

the brackens and blackwoods have been enemies for thousands of years
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The conflict will be resolved and pretty much forgotten in like 50 years or so, when the majority of people who still remember the war are dead. The great houses fought for centuries before Aegon arrived and for the most part there isn't much that bitterness or resentment over past wars. (with a few exceptions of course like Dorne and the Reach) Stark and Lannister managed to work together in the past and I'm sure in time they can reconcile again.

Could happen, but I'd be more surprised if both the Stark and Lannister houses are still around in 50 years. Seems like at least one of them won't make it out of the series.

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I guess it depends on whether or not you think House Lannister's making it out of the series. If they're wiped out the way the Reynes and the Tarbecks were--which would admittedly take some doing, since House Lannister has cadet branches and whatnot--then that answers the question, doesn't it?

I don't think Lannisters will be wiped out. Tyrion is one of the central characters, as vile he may be, and will likely end up being Lord/King of the Rock. Lannisters is a very old line, almost as old as the Starks. It wouldn't be very nice if they all die. Hmm, maybe Tyrek can continue the line.:(

Back to the OP, if the wolves and Lions do hunt together, I don't see it happening at least in this generation.

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Tyrion and Jon shaking hands on top of the wall and calling themselves friends has to lead somewhere I think...

Of course, if Tyrion has cut all ties with the Lannisters by that point, a Jon/Tyrion friendship won't be of much use of the Lannisters.

If there is to be some form of Lannister/Stark reconciliation before the end of the books--and I'm not convinced that there will be--it seems like it will fall on Tyrion's shoulders, since he has a friendship with Jon to rely on, although it's hard to square that with the direwolves' attack on Tyrion back in AGOT.

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He's a Stark in every way that counts. He's not going to stop becoming one just because his father was a Targ. He may have a say in a relationship between surviving Starks and Lannisters whatever that maybe.

Hmm, Stark in everything but name, but Stark is after all a name. But I get your point, he definitely is more wolf than dragon.

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It could happen. If Jaime fulfills his oath to find and return Sansa and/or Arya, then that could go some ways towards appeasing the remaining living Starks. Of course, Cersei's death would go a long way towards reconciling the two families too. Along with an annulment for Sansa. The living Lannisters would have to make some attempt to right the wrongs done to the Starks, I think. Just something enough to reflect their desire to heal some of the wounds they inflicted. A band aid for the open wounds that haven't begun to heal yet.

Of course, a common cause could unite the two houses and give them the chance to bury the hatchet. But let's be serious. In Martin's world, if the two families buried the feud and united to take on the Others, chances are we'd see something like Rickon beheading Jaime in a brutal, surprise act out of nowhere during or right after the final battle with the Others. Why? Because no one truly forgives and forgets and after Jaime has attempted to kill Bran, Ned, and Robb in the series, Rickon ensures that Jaime doesn't outlive his encounter with the youngest male Stark. Martin moral of the story: Your luck has run out, a Stark male has finally defeated you, and the North Remembers.

Forgiveness can be given. But truly forgetting? Nah, it'll take a few generations at least.

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Either Lyanna Stark is Jons mother or Ned is Jons father. Either way Jon is part Stark. Ghost would not of bonded with Jon unless he was part Stark.

I understand your point about Jon being part Stark, but that is not a pre-requisite for warging. Bloodraven is not part Stark, nor is Varamyr and so many wildlings. But yes, I already acknowledged Jon being part Stark in a previous post. :)

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