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What are you most afraid will happen in the upcoming novels?


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Sansa not returning to Winterfell

Arya not getting her revenge and taking on her hit list

Nymeria dying, not being reunited with Arya

Bran not knowing what happens to his family

Jon not learning his true parentage

ME AS A READER not learning Jon's true parentage

Jon being named a traitor of the Night's Watch

Dany not returning to Westeros to claim the Iron Throne

Walder Frey not being executed

ME AS A READER never learning of Varys & Littlefinger's true intentions

ME AS A READER never learning what really happened between Rhaegar and Lyanna

Never learning what really happened to Benjen

With Robb dead and Bran north of the Wall, I'd be upset if Rickon wasn't named Lord of Winterfell

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I know it's going to happen, but Tommen's death. I really want him to survive, but I don't think he has a chance.

Poor little guy doesn't seem to have much of a chance, but I keep hoping that the prophecy is wrong and that he lives. I really don't want to see anymore children die, especially the ones that we've gotten to know! If he is killed, I bet Jaime will go ballistic; he truly seems to want to pursue a real relationship with Tommen.

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Poor little guy doesn't seem to have much of a chance, but I keep hoping that the prophecy is wrong and that he lives. I really don't want to see anymore children die, especially the ones that we've gotten to know! If he is killed, I bet Jaime will go ballistic; he truly seems to want to pursue a real relationship with Tommen.

Unless LS takes care of him before he can do anything about Tommen. Jaime might just be one of the first POVs to end. GRR has to start killing POVs. I love the character but it seems very likely that he'll die. Or maybe not. We'll see.

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I don't want to see Arya or Sansa die before they get to be real sisters again. I think they need each other. They are so total opposites that one can't live without the other. Arya needs Sansa to keep her from being too reckless and Sansa needs Arya to give her the strength to act on how she feels and not just sit and think about it.

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Poor little guy doesn't seem to have much of a chance, but I keep hoping that the prophecy is wrong and that he lives. I really don't want to see anymore children die, especially the ones that we've gotten to know! If he is killed, I bet Jaime will go ballistic; he truly seems to want to pursue a real relationship with Tommen.

I think HBO gave us a clue. I think Cersie thinks she's protecting Tommen by killing him, Jamie finds out and goes nuts and finally gives Cersie what she deserves.

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Unless LS takes care of him before he can do anything about Tommen. Jaime might just be one of the first POVs to end. GRR has to start killing POVs. I love the character but it seems very likely that he'll die. Or maybe not. We'll see.

Jaime won't die until closer to the end of the series, if at all. Of course, I would have said the same thing about Robb...

Jaime is one of my favorites, so I hope that he doesn't die anytime soon.

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I hope we find out what Shae was doing in Tywin's bed for a fact. I would hate to never find out because that was the thing that shocked me the most in the entire book series (I had accidently gotten spoiled for the RW)

Oh they were just cuddling, nothing more. :lol:

BTW there's a theory that Tywin is the Hand who made the underground tunnel to Chataya's. So one can safely assume that he had whores before as well. :)

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Stannis death.

Brienne death.

Jaime death.

Tommen death.

Myrcella death.

Davos death.

Full-fledged facelessgirl Arya.

Rickon never found.

Bran in the cave forever.

Sansa abused by Petyr Baelish.

Catelyn Tully dies without knowing that four of her children are alive.

Red Wedding II.

Daenerys Queen of the Seven Kingdoms.

Aegon King of the Seven Kingdoms.

Tommen King of the Seven Kingdoms.

Seven Kingdoms break apart.

Others lay waste to the Seven Kingdoms.

Alive dragons in the world.

Jon undead.

Greyscale plague in the Seven Kingdoms.

Sandor alive.

Tyrion alive.

The end of the Night's Watch.

Destruction of Lannisters.

Destruction of the Starks.

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