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Top five names and why?


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GRRM has made up lots of names and surnames for his series, and I was just thinking about which I liked the most. Thought you could share yours too, if you want you can make one list for surnames and one for names, don't mix them up.


1. Victarion

2. Stannis

3. Varys

4. Asha

5. Thoros of Myr (you gotta say it all!!!!!!


1. Targaryen

2. Blackfyre (tie with 1)

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Bloodraven(I know it's a nick but it has to be the coolest name in the whole asoiaf universe)

Maynard Plumm, it just sounds corny but turns out to be such a cool guy. :cool4:

Daemon Blackfyre

and pretty much any Targaryen name that isn't Aenys(I know I'm too old for such immaturity but I can't help but smirk everytime I read that name)

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Bloodraven(I know it's a nick but it has to be the coolest name in the whole asoiaf universe)

Maynard Plumm, it just sounds corny but turns out to be such a cool guy. :cool4:

Daemon Blackfyre

and pretty much any Targaryen name that isn't Aenys(I know I'm too old for such immaturity but I can't help but smirk everytime I read that name)

Oh yea, how could I forget Blackfyre! That surname is the best surname in the world. I so do want to just steal Blackfyre and Victarion for my own book, but I just can't, for obvious reasons, (hint: originality)

haha I was only joking :P

Me too, partly.....but I have been bad...you know what to do :blushing:

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1. Daenerys Targaryen - what better name for a conquer?

2. Rhaegar Targaryen - just kind of cool sounding.

3. Nymeria - I recant point one. This is the name for a conquer.

4. Sansa Stark - just a pretty name

5. Denys Darklyn - I never liked my name until it was Valyrian-ized.

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No!!! I forgot about Slaver's Bay names! I know they're shit characters, but I really do enjoy their names. Here's my top five Ghiscari names:

1. Hizdahr zo Loraq. Literally nothing to like about his character, but his name is badass.

2. Galazza Galare. She may be the Harpy, but this name is pretty sweet.

3. Reznak mo Reznak. Kind of like Timmet son of Timmet or whoever from Westeros.

4. Grazdan. - I would change my name to this. seriously.

5. Chezdar zo Raezn. Chedder and Raisins. What's not to love about that name?

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I wonder if GRRM knew how much shit he would get for the Slavers Bay names. I personally think it gets blown way out of proportion. This is hardly the first series I've read with names really hard to pronounce or differentiate between. The Silmarillion comes to mind.

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