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Cersei's prophecy


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Prophecy is a bitch. It says - until there comes another. Now this could imply another queen or just someone younger and more beautiful. My money is on Sansa. If not her the Cersei being the yonger more beautiful queen responsible for her own downfall due to the crappy decisions she has made. Her current predicament, for example, is as a result of her own actions.

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Prophecy is a bitch. It says - until there comes another. Now this could imply another queen or just someone younger and more beautiful. My money is on Sansa. If not her the Cersei being the yonger more beautiful queen responsible for her own downfall due to the crappy decisions she has made. Her current predicament, for example, is as a result of her own actions.

I agree, and the folly of prophesy and those who try to live by it is one of Martins main themes. Best to just live and let the chips fall where they may-THEN prophesy is fulfilled.

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  • 2 months later...

I have a question with regards to the prophecy that Cersei gets from Maggie. I have been trying to figure out who the younger and more beautiful person who would take everyone that was dear from her was, but there seem to be problems with all the candidates that I can come up with:

Daenerys Targaeryen

+ more beautiful

+ could take Tommen away from her/kill him

+ could take Myrcella away from her/kill him

+ could take the Iron Throne away from her

- didn't contribute to Joffrey's death

- didn't contribute to Jaime abandoning her

Margery Tyrell

+ contributed to Joffrey's death

+ taking Tommen away from her

+ could take the Iron Throne from her (as Tommen's Queen)

+/- difficult to see how she could take Myrcella away from her

- didn't contribute to Jaime abandoning her

- not more beautiful

Sansa Stark

+ more beautiful

+ contributed to Joffrey's death

+ part of reason for Jaime's abandonment of Cersei

- difficult to see how she could take Tommen from her/kill him

- difficult to see how she could take Myrcella from her/kill her

- difficult to see how she could take the Iron Throne

So who is it!?

I think it's Arya Stark. By the time she gets to kill her, she'll probably be 18 or older, and we can legitimately start talking about her beauty.

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Brienne the Beauty...

"Queen you shall be . . . until there comes another, younger and more beautiful, to cast you down and take all that you hold dear."

This "another" is not necessarily a queen, just younger and more beautiful. The only thing Cersei holds dear is Jaime. Even her children are objects she uses to exercise power.

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