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What is your biggest pet peeve theory?

Archmaester Drew

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Tyrion the Targaryen

Howland Reed is the High Septon

Jon not being the love child of Rhaegar and Lyanna

Theon being sacrificed by Melissandre to revive Jon Snow

Aegon VI being a REAL Targaryen

Ned Stark is STILL alive

Sansa and Tyrion will sit on the Iron Throne

The Valanqor could be ANYONE'S little brother or sister or complete stranger

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I just don't like theories that people seem so sure of in general. Theories are just theories and we should treat them as such, not as fact. For example, I personally think it's likely that R+L = J, but I'm still a little skeptical and willing to listen to other possibilities regarding Jon's parentage without immediately dismissing them.

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Mine is not a widely held theory but there is a noticeable minority that believe it, despite all evidence and lack of evidence to the contrary: Lady Lemore is Ashare Dayne.

There are other theories that are even more irksome, usually involving Syrio Forel, but I just pretend nobody truly believes in those in order to preserve my sanity.

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That the valonqar could be anyone.

Lemore is Ashara.

Tyrion is a Targ.

Any theory that relies on people being spoonfed the answer in the story.

My main annoyance with R+L=J is mainly that so many people refuse to accept it simply because GRRM has yet to beat them upside the head with it. If it looks like a duck, quacks like a duck and walks like a duck, you should be able to say it's a duck without someone telling you. No one thinks you're edgy or hip because you don't believe it, I promise.

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Dany is Barren [because Mirri Maz Dur said so]

because it, for whatever reason, seems immune to the skepticism and over-analysis that we as a community are ever willing and eager to apply to virtually everything else. I mean, we get unambiguous POV accounts of Ned getting his head chopped off and you'll still get more people willing to argue that may somehow not have happened or can be undone or Ned spontaneously developed his own slice of the Stark Warging Power and passed his consciousness on to an unknown other host, than the number of people you'll get that are willing to even begin to question the gynecological expertise of someone makes a point of fucking with Dany and her crew at every turn and taunts and shit-talks her even with her defiant dying breath. But NO! Here, clearly, is the one character who should be taken at face value, especially w.r.t. Dany's reproductive capacity.

Howland Reed can somehow be the high septon and Syrio Forel can somehow be not dead and any random yahoo can be a part of up to three conflicting conspiracies and/or secretly a Targaryen but Mirri Maz Dur can't Just Have Been Talking Shit? What, because Dany BELIEVES her? Dany thinks banging Daario is a good idea, her judgment is Highly Questionable :)

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My main annoyance with R+L=J is mainly that so many people refuse to accept it simply because GRRM has yet to beat them upside the head with it. If it looks like a duck, quacks like a duck and walks like a duck, you should be able to say it's a duck without someone telling you. No one thinks you're edgy or hip because you don't believe it, I promise.

Any theory opposing R+L=J. It's so fucking obvious already just stop.

This attitude.

R+L=J has definitely been flagged by Martin but this stuff makes me hope he writes it differently.

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