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US Politics - Yellowbrick road forming under Rubio's slippers

Larry of the Lawn

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Rubio lands a whale.

Illinois billionaire Ken Griffin has pledged several million to Rubio's Super-PAC.  Vegas also seems to have Rubio as the #1 horse in this race.


Sorry, Trump, it'll take you a couple of vodker and tonics to get back on your feet again.


Just waiting for the Hitler comparisons...



/You know who else liked Poland Springs?


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Everyone is Russian around making comments that aren't even Germane.

You're like the Boris Yeltsin of memes and puns, my friend. I still can't believe you're older than me. :P

On a more serious note, does Russia not scare the everliving fuck out of anyone else? I see the occasional Trump defender (on this board and off) defending that he wants to be besties with them, and I'm horrified of that. Like, I thought it was funny to see Putin hunting bears without a shirt at first, but over the last 2 years it's kinda dawned on me that 'this is an ex-KGB operative in a country that's still socially, economically, and democratically repressed as all hell'.

I don't pretend to be a politics expert, but I like to think I kinda keep up with current events, and while the prospect of direct conflict with Russia makes me grateful I can't be drafted, I don't want a president who just lets them run amok either. I was too young to experience the cold war in its fervor, but I have no interest in going back to such a state of affairs.

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Putin and the adulation he receives from the American right are disconcerting. That shirtless bear-riding image of him is no joke; he genuinely embodies masculinity for many men, that is, represents what they tend to associate with masculinity. He's dangerous, he has a history of violence, he's smart, he's strong, he goes after what he wants aggressively, he is always dominating rooms with other men in them and will probably have you jailed or murdered if you're gay. He'll nuke ISIS, he's said recently, which is of course what many people have been arguing here on this very forum: a brutal, heavy, indiscriminate attack instead of all this pussy-footing around with precision strikes and avoiding collateral damage. He's not a man, in other words, constrained by the ideals of modern feminism, or even modern democracy; he's an old warrior, appealing to that more primal and dark need people have for a leader bathed in blood. You won't see him wearing mom jeans. He gets the girl, too. In the end, she, like everybody and everything else, is incapable of resisting his iron will and godlike assertiveness. He's the ultimate "decider." He really gets the "mission accomplished." This appeals to a man.

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Jace, I hope you are in your late 20's at least. With the military opening all combat jobs to women, women having to sign up for selective service is a real possibility.

I refuse to lie about my advanced age condition, but I refuse to say it out keyboard either. So if you really wanna know, you can just click on my name and find out, you damn dirty communist! :P

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So Rubio gets to be the new Romney - and even if that gets him the republican nomination, the best he can hope for is Romney's path to defeat in the general.  I do have to wonder what the GOP will do when they realize the corporate/Romney path is no longer workable. Only way he might win is if Hillary is not the Democratic Candidate, and in that case he could still loose to Sanders.


Plus, I suspect there is a major scandal or three in Rubio's hidden history.



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Putin and the adulation he receives from the American right are disconcerting. That shirtless bear-riding image of him is no joke; he genuinely embodies masculinity for many men, that is, represents what they tend to associate with masculinity. He's dangerous, he has a history of violence, he's smart, he's strong, he goes after what he wants aggressively, he is always dominating rooms with other men in them and will probably have you jailed or murdered if you're gay. He'll nuke ISIS, he's said recently, which is of course what many people have been arguing here on this very forum: a brutal, heavy, indiscriminate attack instead of all this pussy-footing around with precision strikes and avoiding collateral damage. He's not a man, in other words, constrained by the ideals of modern feminism, or even modern democracy; he's an old warrior, appealing to that more primal and dark need people have for a leader bathed in blood. You won't see him wearing mom jeans. He gets the girl, too. In the end, she, like everybody and everything else, is incapable of resisting his iron will and godlike assertiveness. He's the ultimate "decider." He really gets the "mission accomplished." This appeals to a man.


I don't see an issue with the first bolded bit; it is the kind of quality I would look for in a leader. As for the second and third - this is why I can't completely say I'm a fan of Lord Bolt-I mean Putin.

Trump's position is...interesting, if for no other reason than it's provided plenty of laughs. Let's be real here - none of the poll numbers at this point matter. It isn't until, say, February that you'll start seeing more accurate numbers. And I truly doubt that someone espousing Trump's position is going to make it in the political race for the Republican candidacy.

Unrelated to Putin and Trump, I really hope that Bernie keeps putting up good numbers come the polls the matter.

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You're like the Boris Yeltsin of memes and puns, my friend. I still can't believe you're older than me. :P

On a more serious note, does Russia not scare the everliving fuck out of anyone else? I see the occasional Trump defender (on this board and off) defending that he wants to be besties with them, and I'm horrified of that. Like, I thought it was funny to see Putin hunting bears without a shirt at first, but over the last 2 years it's kinda dawned on me that 'this is an ex-KGB operative in a country that's still socially, economically, and democratically repressed as all hell'.

I don't pretend to be a politics expert, but I like to think I kinda keep up with current events, and while the prospect of direct conflict with Russia makes me grateful I can't be drafted, I don't want a president who just lets them run amok either. I was too young to experience the cold war in its fervor, but I have no interest in going back to such a state of affairs.

Well, I am kind of sitting on the othe side of the fence. Probably because I am living in europe which will be lets say a bit more effected by coldwar 2.0. And to be honest, what has this anti-russian sentiment ever established? Also in recent years. Russia was opening up, and the west more or less lets say wasted no opertunity  to waste an opportunity. (And Putin wasn't this boogyman he is today when he started out)

I normally do not blame the west, but the policies towards russia were to say the least problematic.

And this "they are such a restrictive country" is also true for cuba. Also against Obamas policies there?

In general I would prefere it, when the cold war is given a rest, finally.

Does the GOP actually dislike Trump, or do they only dislike him insofar as they think Trump can't win the general election ?

It is actually a good question if they would be more or less disappointed/shocked out of their minds, if he would actually become president.
One of the things about trump is, that he run his campaign until now with about 250.000 Dollars. Even sanders has spent several millions by now. If in the most expensive presidential election of known history the guy spending less than 3 million in total would become president, by basically proclaiming that all the other canditates are whores to their doners, well that would be an awsome thing I guess. To bad this guy is right now trump...

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