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Sansa, Varys and the other GNC


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I've been rereading the books and I noticed something that I think no one else has noticed before. I think I've uncovered the truth on Sansa's origins and who she really is, how it all leads to Varys, and how this is another Great Northern Conspiracy (because Sansa is from the North, duh).

This thread is not for the faint of heart. You may be so surprised by this stunning fact that you may have a heart attack. Call your physician if you have uncomfortable feelings in the chest area.

The Truth

Varys's spies are referred to as "littie birds."

So Varys has little birds in the Citadel too.

These little birds are generally children--much like Sansa--who spy on people around the world, but they generally have their tongues cut off. Sansa seems to be a special case: perhaps she is an extra important spy, so she doesn't have her tongue cut off. After all, she's said to be Ned's child (not true)! So she must be an extra important spy.

But guess what Sansa calls herself?

I am only a little bird, repeating the words they taught me.

The Hound seems to know this too.

"They trained you well, little bird."

By they, both Sansa and the Hound mean Varys's men. If you don't believe me, just google these quotes. They're all real. Sansa and the Hound both admit that she's just Varys's spy, multiple times! How is it that everyone else missed this insanely obvious fact?

Now that we've established that this theory is true, what is the purpose of it?

I think Varys intended to kill Littlefinger using Sansa. Littlefinger was always the greatest threat to Varys, and he is even today. He knew that Littlefinger always loved Catelyn, but she married Ned, so Varys couldn't use Catelyn in his plan.

He then kidnapped a child who looked exactly like Catelyn, and gave both the Stark family and Sansa fake memories so that they'd both fit in perfectly. But Sansa seems to be having an inner struggle with herself as she knows she's Varys's little bird.

He knew that Littlefinger would end up going for Sansa, because she looks just like Catelyn. And he knew that Sansa would eventually be close enough to Littlefinger to kill him. It's a brilliant plan.

I call this the OTHER GNC.

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Dear Lord, when will this stop? I don't need physician now, I need therapist for the trauma I got reading this. Honestly the general IQ of this board dropped 2 points with this thread...

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Dear Lord, when will this stop? I don't need physician now, I need therapist for the trauma I got reading this. Honestly the general IQ of this board dropped 2 points with this thread...

Don't worry Mladen, hopefully OP will come to his senses and stop posting such threads.

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