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  1. Who was Jorahs mother and what happened to her?
  2. Well, that happened. This is the capstone that has ruined the series for me: - They go full Disney after killing Dany and every character gets a happy ending. - The show asserts that there would not be negative consequences to killing Dany. No Jon death. No vengeance on the Starks. The series has stressed the issues of unintended consequences. - The show ties itself in a knot by killing Dany. They are trying to make the point that violence is bad and pursuit of power is bad. But then have the entire issue solved by “oh if we kill the bad people then the good will rise to the top”. This undercuts the entire morality. - The wise council elects a King? No. Just no. - Elective monarchies like the Holy Roman Empire and Polish Lithuanian Commonwealth were disasters. The show runners are ignorantly assuming that hereditary monarchy is the problem. England became a constitutional monarchy without changed hereditary monarchy. - This elected council allows the North to have its own King? If hereditary monarchy is a problem then why allow the nobles their powers and a Stark in Winterfell? You can’t have it both ways. - The show decides to hang everything that is wrong with the world on Daenerys. Despite having depicted her as a hero up until two episodes ago. - Every character acts as if putting cities to the sword is a singularly unusual act. When in reality it was common in the Middle Ages and Ancient World. - In short, the show falls back on black and white morality without any grounding in reality.
  3. It has ruined the entire series for me. Bittersweet my ass.
  4. So after all these years the Stark fan boys get what they’ve always wanted and I have to watch Jon kill Dany with Jorahs sword. Hacks, nihilists and cynics. Dany wouldn’t kill a million people if the city surrendered.
  5. Well. The people of Kings Landing really need to consider either fleeing or putting Cersei’s head on a pike. Because Dany is going to destroy Kings Landing.
  6. I think at least one of the Starks should have taken one for the team. None of them really make a major sacrifice here. Arya might have been the best suited to kill the Night King with her abilities, but I didn’t feel like it was something her arc had built towards. It was a bit cruel to kill all the Mormonts.
  7. RIP Jorah. Personally I think he should have lived to see the end of Danny’s story and return to Bear Island. I thought the Undead were overpowered. Why do rotting corpses have super strength and move fast? How does the Night King suddenly have a million zombies rather than the 100,000 we saw. Then possessing the ability to conjure snowstorms. It was too much. They even downplay how susceptible Wights should be to fire and obsidian. I get this adds drama and threat. But it felt like an unfair fight. The charm of the books is that the heroes make mistakes not that the writer arbitrarily has a High Fantasy faction from Age of Sigmar (Stormcasts would struggle to beat that) wipe the floor with a normal army playing by the rules. At least in World War Z they had guns.... It is a dramatic episode and has some great moments. Thoroughly gripping to watch.
  8. Dammit Arthas, do you not understand the meaning of the word restraint!
  9. So clearly Cersei has more soldiers than Daenerys, the North, Vale and the support of all the Lords of Westeros? How else can you explain her still being in a position to dictate terms to Dany and for her participation to be so crucial. I mean, why does it matter if the crazy woman in the capital doesn't support them?
  10. Okay, seriously, to all the reviewers still saying that "oh Dany made the right call on exiling Jorah". “Emotionally for me it was so intricate,” Clarke says. “Jorah’s been with me since day one, season one. The scene itself is unpleasant because I — Emilia — know that what Dany is doing is wrong, And it was the first time I’ve ever felt that.” http://insidetv.ew.com/2014/06/01/emilia-clarke-dany-ser-jorah/ Its a mistake, its all part of her downwards spiral into ADWD territory, which, of course, she will bounce back from. But its good to have your heroes actually put on the back foot and make mistakes. A lot of reviews I've seen act like Dany can do no wrong and every decision she takes is meant to be the right choice as she is a great ruler. No, that is not what HBO are doing. I honestly think that it is going to take caging the dragons for them to really start criticizing her and get what HBO has been trying to hammer into people the whole season.
  11. Yep, they managed to make Dany look like an ungrateful bitch whos making the wrong decision. For me they really needed to hammer home how betrayed and hurt she was over the fact that her bear did this to her. Plus, Jorah is a lot more contrite than he is in the books and doesn't argue with Daenerys "us sewer rats saved your city" where hes indignant with her. As it is, Dany, especially at the end of the scene, comes across as way too hateful how shes staring him down. In the books, she can't bring herself to look at him as hes dragged out and has to excuse herself because shes that upset about it. Indeed, when she first hears about his spying (which we don't see in the show admittedly) shes reduced to tears. Plus, the part where Dany says "don't you ever dare presume to touch me or call me by name". That is true to the books and I am sort of glad it was put in. But it makes no sense in the context of the show as its specifically referring to the chapter where he kissed her and called her Daenerys. Jorah in the show has never once, that I can think of called her by name or presumed to touch her. So this just comes across as a venomous retort whereas in the books its making reference to his prior bad conduct. A far better line, especially in light of last weeks argument, would have been to retain when she says "you told me to trust nobody else but you", yet the show conspicuously removed those lines. Theres also not the same of sense of shock when she repeatedly asks him if he told them about Drogos child. In the books this is something which it takes a few chapters for her to realize this and its "something unspeakable occured to her". Indeed, when she initially finds out about the spying she refuses to believe it. But in this scene, there is no sense of shock or disbelief, which makes it seem like Dany is far too quick to pass judgement and doesn't take it any where near as badly. This was not a moment for the imperious Queen routine and it really harmed Danys portrayal. Its particularly worrying because the "inside the episode" videos lay such stress on how betrayed and hurt Dany is but they've specifically removed those aspects from the books in their adaptation and focused exclusively on the arrogant stern Queenly figure passing judgement. Plus, in the background, this is obviously a forgery by Tywin Lannister due to his lines last week in the council and because in the show we saw Jorah get given the real pardon in season 1. So it actually is a forgery even if it is true. The show even hammers the point home by having Jorah point out that creating discord is in the interests of Tywin. Its like big flashing lights shouting "Danys making a stupid mistake" and this really colors her actions in a negative in what should be a very personal matter. In this context its obvious that Dany should just keep Jorah on and simply end how close they are too eachother due to their broken trust. Exiling him is not in her interests and whilst that might be also true in the books GRRM is much more subtle and point isn't really made until ADWD after the decision that Jorah was kind of useful to have around.
  12. I thought the Dany scenes were a mixed bag. It was good to see her relationship with Daario and this cause tension between her and Jorah. This is what happens in the books. Also I totally called it on Jorah being a member of the Golden Company. :cool4: The problem I had is that they start arguing by about his "disapproval" and rather than calling out the heart of the issue (Jorah is jealous and loves her) like she does in the book, it sort of drifts into a morality lesson about the slavers. So we end up having a totally different conversation. It felt very odd and jarring, almost as if they wrote this as two separate scenes and then decided to mash them together. You could say that Dany and the audience are fully aware why Jorah does not approve of Daario; but in the books Dany is much more direct and blunt with Jorah over this issue. Jorah comes across more as a disapproving father figure than being jealous of Danys lover. Really Dany shouldn't entertain such a facade and would confront him with the real reason for his objections. Also, it does really feel rather late in the day to be having Jorah act jealous around Daario. Especially since he shouldn't even be in Meereen at this point. Plus and I was reserving judgement from a previous scene but the show has made it much clearer now. In the books, Dany makes the decision to act defensively, to turn away from war and DOES NOT attempt to nip the Yunkish problem in the bud. She COULD have done this. Many, many reviewers and readers of ADWD would say that she was weak and made many mistakes in not confronting the slavers directly early on. This is a huge deviation from the books and frankly is an attempt to shift blame. D&D is aware that Danys ADWD arc took flack for her being weak and vaciliating with her inaction. So they are putting this down to Jorahs bad advice which makes her follow the path of weakness; when in the novels Jorah tells her to get out of dodge...twice...once as a ghost. He does not tell her to be gentle with the slavers. It also creates a huge problem going forward. When Jorah gets exiled, why on earth would Dany continue to follow his prior advice and stay in Meereen to rule as a Queen peacefully? Surely she would adopt a warlike path of violence as is her clear and obvious preference on the show without Jorah telling her otherwise. Unless they continue to alter Danys ADWD arc the show could end up with really muddying the waters about Danys behavior and actions.
  13. Yeah I am sorry but I find it very, very hard to believe that the Others can't be evil having seen that scene. You could not have conveyed them as more menacing and evil. The Nights King was almost vampiric.
  14. I almost wouldn't mind if they had at least done the scene where he kissed Dany. I would have chalked a lot of the rest down to lack of time which has affected the rest of the characters. But not a thirty second scene. Why bother having him talk to Barristan to re-establish that he loves Daenerys rather than do the book scene where he actually tries (and most importantly fails) to do something about it. There is no logic to that decision at all. That and his exile are the two most important Jorah scenes. By far. To cut one of them out for no other reason than laziness or dislike of the character is beyond me. Yes, dragging Tyrion to Meereen is important in terms of the plot but frankly anyone could have done that for any reason. Those are the two most important scenes. Like the hound asking to take Sansa away and him dying by the road with Arya. Every time Dany thinks about Jorah in ADWD or Jorahs actual actions throughout ADWD, are defined by these two scenes and will continue to be so into Winds of Winter. No, they won't build it up. Theres way too much going on in terms of the dragons, Danys relationship with Daario and the downward spiral of Danys fortunes. This is going to be a random reveal thats handled over one episode.
  15. An inferior version to the books in every way. You don't just have that scene in isolation. Its the culmination of every Dany/Jorah scene in the series. Most of which happens in ASOS. Most of which D&D cut and replaced with..nothing. Hes been basically mindlessly following Dany for 2 seasons as a glorified extra. You don't just leap into a big scene like that without ANY set up or build up.
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