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History repeats itself


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One thing I've noticed in AOSIAF is that things that have happened often happen again. Bear with me.

1. Another Stark was beheaded by a mad king

2. The Mountain kills another Martell

3. GRRM has stated there will be another Dance of Dragons

4. People are coming to the conclusion that there will be a Red Wedding 2.0

5. If Dany or Aegon (if he's not fake) or Jon (assuming R+L=J is true) take the IT it will be the second time a Targaryen conquers the 7K

6. Dany has 3 dragons like Aegon the Conquerer

7. The Others will be beaten back by another Azor Ahai

These are just things I've noticed that are very very similar to things that have already happened in ASOIAF history

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One thing I've noticed in AOSIAF is that things that have happened often happen again. Bear with me.

1. Another Stark was beheaded by a mad king

2. The Mountain kills another Martell

3. GRRM has stated there will be another Dance of Dragons

4. People are coming to the conclusion that there will be a Red Wedding 2.0

5. If Dany or Aegon (if he's not fake) or Jon (assuming R+L=J is true) take the IT it will be the second time a Targaryen conquers the 7K

6. Dany has 3 dragons like Aegon the Conquerer

7. The Others will be beaten back by another Azor Ahai

These are just things I've noticed that are very very similar to things that have already happened in ASOIAF history

Well there is a lot more of it than that. I mean next thing you know we will find out that repetitive groups from Essos will invade Westeros over and over. First men, Andals, Targaryens. Why it's almost like it's cyclical. You don't think there may be parallels to the past do you? Or even concurrent parallels with characters in the books going on? Well at least they don't invert the symbolism or anything like the Stag and the Kraken. It's not like Bloodraven and Crows Eye are similar at all. Hey Raven? Crows eye? Hey wait a sec. Ok but the symbolism is not inverted. Crows Eye has two eyes and wears an eye patch, Bloodraven has one eye and doesn't wear a patch. Maaaartin I am shaking my fist at you.

Wrote a theory about this stuff, called sun and the moon, and have dozens of parallels I have never even posted. Can do this all day long. Dany and her 3 dragons, she is a woman, Aegon and his 3 dragons he is a man. Brie and Pod, Dunk and Egg, wait Pod? Egg? Son of a gun :)

Now that you noticed it, trust me you will notice a lot more.

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Aerys didn't behead either of the Starks. He bunrt Rickard alive, and Brandon strangled himself trying to save him.

Ned managed to come full circle in the Head taking department. Took a head had one taken, same sword worked both times. And Lannisters, Red wedding and a purple wedding, dudes should stay away from color themed weddings.

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Robert Baratheon wages a rebellion against the Iron Throne for a kidnapped Stark (Lyanna) and two dead ones.

Robb Stark wages a rebellion against the Iron Throne for a kidnapped Stark (Sansa) and two dead ones (Robb thinks Arya is dead).

Rhaegar romances Lyanna Stark which contributes to the death of his family.

Robb romances Jeyne Westerling which contributes to the death of his family.

A smelly eunuch (Varys) causes problems by smuggling people out of the Red Keep and by telling half-truths.

A smelly eunuch (Theon) causes problems by smuggling people out of Winterfell and by telling half-truths.

Dunk and Egg.

Duck and (f)Egg.

A Targaryen with three dragons conquers a nation (Aegon).

A Targaryen with three dragons conquers a nation (Dany).

Viserys was warned to stay in Pentos and wait for his army to conquer Westeros but he betrayed Dany and was burned to death for it.

Quentyn was warned to go home and wait for his army to conquer Westeros but he betrayed Dany and was burned to death for it.

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Sam plots to lie and say Gilly's baby is his bastard so that his father will care for Gilly and the child. Compare that with all of R+L=J.

Nymeria's story. Dany might be on track to do the same thing.

The Rat Cook and Wyman Manderly.

Cersei and her love if wildfire. Aerys and his love of wildfire.

Tywin's death. Ser Kevan's death.

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One thing I've noticed in AOSIAF is that things that have happened often happen again. Bear with me.

1. Another Stark was beheaded by a mad king

-Not beheaded and both killed many other people of the same family I imagine

2. The Mountain kills another Martell

-True enough, although he has killed many other people of the same family I imagine

3. GRRM has stated there will be another Dance of Dragons

-Won't be like the Dance of Dragons in TPATQ

4. People are coming to the conclusion that there will be a Red Wedding 2.0

-What a wild guess. Does the Purple Wedding not count? Or is this just the Lady Stoneheart/Frey Stark/Frey reversal thing?

5. If Dany or Aegon (if he's not fake) or Jon (assuming R+L=J is true) take the IT it will be the second time a Targaryen conquers the 7K


6. Dany has 3 dragons like Aegon the Conquerer

-OK but she doesn't have two brother husbands :cool4:

7. The Others will be beaten back by another Azor Ahai

-This I doubt. GRRM wouldn't stoop so low as to write literally the exact same thing that has already happened before.

These are just things I've noticed that are very very similar to things that have already happened in ASOIAF history

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