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Him = ?

Ahai Ahoy

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Let's not forget that it's not some clever prophecy, it's Euron talking to Victarion. So whatever he meant (and I've already said what I thought he meant), it had to be relatively simple and straightforward. If the "him" was intended as some meaningful message, or a deliberate mindfuck, or maybe some clever reference - it all was going to pass, unmolested by a single brain cell, through Vicky's head (as in fact it did).

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IF he's real, why would the Great Other care about that? A living child has no relevance when your army is composed of dead people. Furthermore, a son of Daenerys and Euron could be more of a threat to the Others than an ally. After all, the boy/girl would be a potential dragon rider, a son/daughter of fire.

I agree with those who have said he was talking about himself, and that makes a lot of sense: he's egocentric and has some traits of madness. This point of view is a lot more acceptable than some crackpot theory.

You know, we want all the things to be mind blowing (Preston Jacobs, can you hear me?), but sometimes simplest is best.

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The drowned god was my interpretation

Euron is not a godly man. Not by Aeron Damphair standard.

I would think the "him" is the Seastone Chair, or the Kraken god or monster it is representing. The Chair is a block of oily black stone. There are similar stones in Asshai and different seaside locations. Probably dedicated to the same Kraken god. Euron visited a lot of such places. And he really seems to know a lot about gods too:

Who knows more of gods than I? Horse gods and fire gods, gods made of gold with gemstone eyes, gods carved of cedar wood, gods chiseled into mountains, gods of empty air ... I know them all. I have seen their peoples garland them with flowers, and shed the blood of goats and bulls and children in their names. And I have heard the prayers, in half a hundred tongues.

So Euron would have a master after all. Interesting.

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Euron convo (Feast):

"Baseborn mongrels, born of whores and weepers."

"They are of your body."

"So are the contents of my chamber pot. None is fit to sit the Seastone Chair, much less the Iron Throne. No, to make an heir that's worthy of him, I need a different woman. When the kraken weds the dragon, brother, let all the world beware."

So, who is 'Him'? The Great Other, as suggested by Preston Jacobs?

Or is it just Balon?

Hello - I will now annoy you with a grammar lesson! Him has no antecedent in the sentences provided - the closest thing to an antecedent is NONE, and HIM would work as NONE takes a singular pronoun referent. Does that make sense?

Can you provide a page number for the quote? I will read backwards to see if Euron mentions a possible antecedent in earlier dialogue.

Now - if we cannot find an appropriate antecedent - then Martin may be doing another "on-purpose" confusing pronoun reference. :devil: Let me ask all of you scholars, does Martin capitalize Great Other? "Him" appears to be lower case - and I cannot recall how Martin addresses "great other"?

But if Martin does use caps for GO, then I am sure "Him" would have been capitalized.

I hope I have helped somewhat - or maybe just muddied the waters even more! :crying:

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Euron convo (Feast):

"Baseborn mongrels, born of whores and weepers."

"They are of your body."

"So are the contents of my chamber pot. None is fit to sit the Seastone Chair, much less the Iron Throne. No, to make an heir that's worthy of him, I need a different woman. When the kraken weds the dragon, brother, let all the world beware."

So, who is 'Him'? The Great Other, as suggested by Preston Jacobs?

Or is it just Balon?

It would really help if we had the rest of the convo......

But, maybe he is, like others have said, referring to himself. Kinda like the Dude from the Big Lebowski.

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Talking of himself in the third person would make no sense because he switched to "i" in the very same sentence. Had he used the third person, he would have said "he needs a different woman".

So we have to look somewhere else. The Great Other or someone of that sort is as likely as anything else.

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We know that he is interested in the High Tower and maybe an enemy of the citadel- he wants to "leap from a high tower". High tower= Hightower, probably referring to the building rather than the house. But I think we have to wait for wow to know more about his plans.

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Guys, guys, guys, I think I got the answer.

Euron is so obviously Bran right? I mean, he like said jumping and towers and leaping. Bran fell from a tower! Ok, so now that that's confirmed (because you know bran can time travel) HIM = Bloodraven!!!!!!

Whenever you're stuck on a question about ASoIaF, just link it back to bloodraven

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If he were referring to a diety the H in "him" would be capitalized.

I do not subscribe to the theories that there are humans in consort with the Others.

The Great Other isn't necessarily a god, he could easily just mean the entity that rules the Others, similiar to the Nights King in the show. Great Other is just a place holder name.

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There is a theory in which its stated that Euron is being influenced by the three-eyed crow. I'm sorry, I don't know the author of this theory, but it is based on Euron's ramblings about flying, tower, etc. and his parallels with Bran and Bloodraven.


If this theory is true, or even partially true, "Him" might very well be Bloodraven... Of course, even if it is Bloodraven, another question that follows is if Euron is aware that "him" is Bloodraven, or if he assigns "him"  to some other entity, as Bran did before meeting the source of his visions.


So, what I'm saying, is that Euron may erroneously mean the drowned god, the great other, or even the storm lord, and actually be referring to Bloodraven without truly knowing.

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