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    James Ellroy, Cormac McCarthy

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  1. I would say that the interest has peaked a while ago with the end of the tv show and is simmering currently, but with more GoT- related tv shows in the future there will be a resurgence. If GRRM gets around to releasing the next book then the interest in his work will be huge. Many people didn’t like the end of the show but it’s likely that George’s ending will be similar in terms of the broad strokes, such as Bran becoming King after Danny burns Kings Landing. The problem with the show was the way it was written and directed after season 4, and the decline in the shows quality was really down to George leaving the show before season 5 to write the next book. Seasons 1-4 were great overall and the dip in quality with season 5 was clear to see.
  2. On the true side I would imagine much has been revealed. Shireen will burn. Dany torches the city. Jon kills Dany. Bran becomes King. Drogon melts down the IT. Stannis doesn't win in the end. Littlefinger does not win in the end. Jaime and Cersei die in each other arms. Tyrion is Bran's Hand. The Others are defeated at Winterfell.
  3. Sandsnakes were really, really bad. So bad it's hard to compute their detriment on a score out of ten. Let's see. If the episode overall was a 7, but sandsnakes are a minus 3, I give the episode a 4.
  4. SPOILER WARNING: DUNE!!! For Ned Stark read Duke Leto Atreides -- from the first Dune novel -- his character arc is the same: Hero patriarch of honourable House -- takes family to an unfamiliar place to take on important responsibility -- is betrayed by rival not-so-honourable House Then his son undergoes journey of transformation like the Stark children seem to be doing Dune ends with a revolution leading to a new dictatorship Will the ending of ASoIaF end with the opposite -- a republic-- like the one the ancient romans were always pining for?
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