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Orbital2008 (Eastercon) with Mieville, Gaiman etc.


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Anyone going? It's like a mini-worldcon - similar format, fewer people. No GRRM alas, but if any other BwBers are there we could still raise a toast to him ;)

I think I'm going to go - it takes place over the Easter weekend and costs £55 plus hotel stay. Link here.

Guests of honour are: China Mieville, Neil Gaiman, Tanith Lee and Charlie Stross.


Edited to add link/spelling correction

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Is anyone serriosly considering this? and will they be going just one day or Friday-monday?

Tickets for all weekend are currently onsale for £55, and for those wanting to stay in the main hotel only tripple rooms are available and some suits.

I am considering attending and I am wondering if anyone would like to room share

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Is anyone serriosly considering this? and will they be going just one day or Friday-monday?

Tickets for all weekend are currently onsale for £55, and for those wanting to stay in the main hotel only tripple rooms are available and some suits.

I am considering attending and I am wondering if anyone would like to room share

I am definitely going to attend (barring major disaster) and plan to stay Friday night, Saturday night and Sunday night. I was waiting to see if they found a second cheaper overflow hotel, but now I can't find out where they mentioned that possibility.

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Looks like I'm going to spend my Easter vacation in London (Thursday to Monday). I'm likely to get a membership for the Eastercon, but I'm still not sure whether I would get a hotel at Heathrow or one in Central London.

For those more familiar with London transport, would it be much hazzle to get to and from Heathrow from London? I guess it depends on how many from here show up as the main problem would most likely be getting to London late at night. (That is how much late night partying will be going on.)

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About an hour and a bit from Central London to Heathrow by tube, length of bit depending upon where you are. Less if you are near Paddington as two trains run from there, a slower cheaper one and an expensive 15 minute Express service.

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ETA: Looking at the member list, I noticed that Joe Abercrombie just bought a membership. I guess he knew he had to come as soon as he heard that I might show up.
I think it's his Denver substitute.
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