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About Commodore

  • Birthday 01/03/1982

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  1. anyone else expect Drogon to appear out of nowhere and nuke the entire undead army? Something like that will happen eventually.
  2. @andylevy 1h it’s too bad ‘entourage’ didn’t end like that #GoT @Doc_0 7 mins Other than that, Mrs. Stark, how was the wedding? the comic relief with Lord Frey leading up to it was a great red herring for the ending
  3. Well she told Stannis that if a lamb panics before being slaughtered, it spoils their blood. So I suppose she wanted to wait till the last minute to induce panic in Gendry.
  4. Has the show explained why Joffrey and Maergery are not married yet? (and I can't remember, was as an explanation for this given in the books?) You'd think they would all want to seal that pact ASAP.
  5. I'm not convinced that including the prologue in the pilot is a good idea, magic and monsters are virtually nonexistent in the first book, why would you want to lead with it?
  6. I love how the term "cliffhanger" fits so well in a literal sense with the events that take place at that moment
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