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Everything posted by TormundsWoman

  1. It was a 9 for me. I found it was a genuinely well written and acted by all pilot. The reason why is not a 10 is simply because of the fact they linked it to GoT with the prophecy and the dagger in such a specific way. I saw the inside of the ep and I did understand the reason but I thought it was unnecessary. But that’s just me.
  2. @sifth hah, I thought the opposite: the fact they only have basically a historical summary of the conflict, 300 pages as you say, may allow them to run much longer if they wish to. They can in fact fill in the blanks and flesh out the characters or events (with previous flashbacks, smaller conflicts that are just mentioned in that time, setting and background for them). Or not. I guess you’d call this filler.
  3. I hate that feeling myself, when one thinks they are stuck with a pain forever. Makes me irrational. Every once in a while I have what I think is a pinched nerve in the right buttock or gluteus maximus (as the poster above said :P). I can’t really do anything and any topical cream I use medicated or not is providing only temporary relief. I thank the universe every day when that sciatic nerve is not pinched but when it is I always fear that pain will never end. Good to hear yours is getting better.
  4. Had no idea they had it set for 3 already. Must have missed that piece of news. Wonder if success with the 1st season will change their minds and alter the course of the next two.
  5. Like you wrote at the end of your comment, I did try to do too much too early. You are right on the money: I went from 11 min/mile to under 10 (tried for 9-9:30 and it sucked bad). Definitely will move upwards to 10:30 or even 10:45 to begin with. I don't know what to tell you, you'd think I know better. I overestimated my ability and pushed because I felt fine. Then I just didn't. @baxus I was trying to! It's how I got into this problem. I do know it's good to mix it up, I just thought I could do so much more faster.
  6. You are most likely right about the speed/hill workouts and me not being ready for the pace increase. All those runs are much harder than my regular ones and I’m breathing like I’m a freight train by the time I’m at cool down portion. Makes me sad to think I can’t run faster without this happening. I’ll probably end up like you say with easy runs and keeping form with slower speed. Also I’m going start to work on legs strength training more too. Maybe that will help. Appreciate your take. Thx.
  7. I’ve been following this thread for a bit now & I know some of you are active runners. Was wondering if any of you know a solution to my new problem. I’ve always been an active person, played high school volleyball, a bit in my first year in college, had a gym membership ever since I’ve got my first paycheck and with a few exceptions such as the pandemic time and a couple of years in my early thirties when I had some medical issues, I always go 3 times a week to work out, so I’m generally fit. Not athletic fit but still. The issue is: I’ve been running for a couple of years now on a constant basis about 2-3 times a week anywhere between 2 to 12 miles (3 km to 19 km). I’d say the average run is 5-6 (8-9 km) miles a run and the pace is around 11:00. Before this summer started I used to run 2 times in gym on treadmill and one long run on paved bike trails in forest preserves. Never had any knee problems, except for the clicking (no pain, no inflammation) that annoyed me for years now and probably everyone who’s working out next to me when I’m doing squats. The doc always said I’m fine though. She even sent me to the radiology and the ultrasound last year to make sure all is well as I’m getting older. However this summer I finally caved in to improve my speed and wanted to run by the end of September a 10 mile (16 km )run with a pace under 10:30 min/mile and that’s when the issues started. First off: the runs since June are now all on asphalt or paved trails. Second it’s one of those Hill repeats, Pace Goals, speed intervals training plan from Garmin Coach plans. So clearly I’m not used to the switches in paces. Suddenly my knees are thick and stiff and frankly the muscles too. Still no pain, but I assume it will eventually happen as this inflammation and thickness doesn’t seem to go away from the back of my knee and my calf muscles. I do put ice after the runs since my knees are hot, I raise my feet, I do stretching, I did yoga before this happened for years and I still do now in the days between run days. I said I’ll make a doc appointment I just didn’t have time this summer and thought to check out other sources who may speak from experience. Is there a way to not give up the runs in order for my calf muscles and knees to go back to their normal size. It’s relaxing me and it’s something I enjoy. I’d hate to give it up even for a bit.
  8. Eh, Melisandre literally would if she thought it’s important for the Lord of Light regardless of someone’s status. Totally would burn Shireen. Let’s not forget she’s the one who pushed for the burning of Edric Storm because there’s power in a kings blood, according to her. Melisandre unfortunately no longer sees Stannis in the flames and that’s a problem. She may eventually think he’s actually dead now that the letter has arrived. And I’m not even counting the fact that Mel now only sees Jon Snow every time she asks for Azor Ahai. She also famously remarks that winter is here and she’s his last hope. That’s especially interesting when put together with the rest of the skull and death she sees in his future and his potential warging “man, wolf, man”. To quote show Sansa: I think she may be a slow learner but that she eventually does learn. I’m sure I’m not the first or the last person who mentions all these clues. Mel herself says she’s much stronger magically at the wall and soon she’ll have no needs of props or weak magic. Such terrible magic she will do! It suggests and paves the way for a big magic moment. Martins no fool, if he builds up to something he won’t shy from doing it. And it’s difficult to believe Jon will just warg into a wolf and then warg into what body (?) if he’s physically dead? A resurrection by blood sacrifice (which Mel knows) seems a perfectly logical choice given the fact Mel has no idea of the Beric and Lady Stoneheart type of resurrection set up - which you favor. Well… that’s just rude. It’s not bad fanfic nonsense. It’s simply speculation based on the books and foreshadowing and such while trying to reconcile the idea that Shireen’s death was confirmed according to Benioff and Weiss by Martin. By the way, you are doing too and no one tells you your “Patchface being important to the story because Mel feels ominous about him” for example is a silly or bad fanfic. I personally find that idea interesting because I don’t think he’s important at all and now I’ll probably try to reread some of the chapters and see if I missed something. It looks like you feel strongly about your opinions but man, be more forgiving. It’s not like it’s a world problem situation here and we cannot speculate. That said, this is way more than I wanted to engage in the topic of Shireen. It just seemed funny you seem to be so sure of yourself when Martin has just acknowledged once again that some things may be different than the show. Or become different.
  9. Ha, so sure of yourself, are you?! Let's bet Lord Varys! Are you a betting person? I mean of course if bets are allowed on the forum. I say I'll start all my posts with "Lord Varys is never wrong" for 10 posts after we see for whom Shireen burns to paraphrase Hemingway if I lose. And you can say "TW is never wrong!" for 10 posts if I'm right (which as you can probably tell, is totally true :p) Just to be clear: I agree with the ones who say Shireen will most likely be sacrificed to benefit a Jon resurrection by Mel because it makes a lot more sense bookwise where characters are located and how Stannis as a character is written as of right now. Of course, now I'll go and say a prayer to the Lord of Light...
  10. Seven hells, I mean it's just supposition what you say, but you sure know how to make one optimistic. Even if that wasn't your intention. I mean if he's looking at his finished Winds stuff and what he's thinking is already in the bag, and says he still needs 300 more pages from fragments, partials, drafts and still not written.. then it cannot be that terrible as in "5 years to never". And that is coming from one who's always thinking that it will definitely be published next year.
  11. Seven help us. They actually saw a Taiwan sticker on prop they didn’t approve of? I must research this. Sounds insane. I’d have thought it’s because we once again see the might of the US Navy winning an aerial fight against some other unnamed country that looks to have nuclear power that the Chinese won’t approve of, not some sticker thingy but whatever…
  12. I’m sure they feel they need to encourage people to come back to the theaters. Many are hesitant or just wait for streaming services to pick up the new releases. Cruise seems to be an old timer in that regard and prefer his movies to be on the big screen. Cannot blame him.
  13. Loved it. Like another poster here said: it was all about the sound! lol I went to a theater that had Dolby Digital Surround and the sound blew the pants off me! Kidding The sound was booming the chairs away though and when the planes were revving their engines I could feel my spine vibrating. I enjoyed the callbacks to the original movie: girlfriend house by the beach, motorcycle ride, bros rivalry established etc. Where was the beach volleyball tho?!?! Seriously? I do get that the whole football scene was meant for team building, which would not have played well for beach volleyball. However, Maverick stands on its own. Has a solid storyline and decent acting. The only thing that was overwhelming for me was the info dump on Maverick’s love interest and their history (which just seemed to come out of nowhere), but other than that, I was thoroughly entertained.
  14. Holy cow! They actually gave them a decent and complete fun review! “Discount Burt Reynolds” lmao edit: will definitely go the see it. It’s one of the few movies I’m looking forward to this summer.
  15. Same. Liked the finale a lot, and I just don’t get why they needed the Kwan storyline in this season though. Normally you’d build it up toward the end so it won’t feel lost by the time second season comes around and people ask themselves “Kwan who?!” I had the same reaction for The Expanse and the planet the Martians colonized that we were introduced to, for apparently no reason or no conclusion. I really think they hoped for a sequel contract (?) no idea. But it makes 0 sense otherwise. In Halo it is a lead towards next season storylines. Hopefully.
  16. Lol is it still open? USA. Illinois represent. I just hate to be behind MN and NY
  17. Just checked and apparently yes. Burn Hugh Winchester Gorman. That’s not surprising though. It’s the fact he was born in LA so American by birth that surprised me. Somehow I always assumed he was a born and bread Englishman! Lol
  18. To be honest he does it so well I think he’ll be typecast for a bit on TV since he’s done the Gin Alley killer in GoT then the Expanse’s Murtry and now this. Actor has though that Shakespearean dramatic bit on every role I’ve seen him in that it makes me wonder if he wasn’t at some point mainly a stage actor. I like him in everything.
  19. Initially I was sure Makee was some long lost sibling or cousin of John’s or something. I didn’t actually thought they’ll go for any romance between them but it turns out, I thought it decent. Go figure. Good bye as I’m dead or good bye as in see you later alligator humanity’s a joke (?) Dude who’s Halley’s assistant couldn’t be more creepy if he tried. Kai was a goddess in every way and Zed Protocol sounded like something out of Zod’s kneel before me absolute power. Of course it would be the final protocol as the final letter, and that would give Halsey unlimited power of the Spartans which are considered the ultimate human weapons. I found it just as hilarious as Halsey did that she was blind to the fact that if Cortana’s original wish was to possess John’s body, that would mean Cortana does have feelings. Want in itself a feeling, a desire to have something. Halsey is bad at recognizing them though because she’s fucked up. I personally like the series so far. Not sure when Soren and Kwan Ha’s storyline intersects John’s again but I’m assuming it has to do with the portal on Madrigal and we’ll see it before the season finale is done. Fingers crossed they do as it seems so odd to have eps focused on completely different storylines.
  20. Tough one. The Dogman. But I had to really think about it. Rikke too. These are POV characters that not only grow but achieve. Do better(?) maybe. Depends on which side of the fence you are on. I suppose Abercrombie has a soft spot for this particular family. And so do I. The one who never really tried to change is Ferro. The Gurkish took the wish to be better out of her along with her freedom. The only thing that she had left by the time we meet her in The Blade Itself is vengeance. And when The Last Argument of Kings is done she’s just as bent on taking it on the emperor Uthman-up-Dosht. A VERY determined woman Ferro Maljinn. I think she might have succeeded too. Still waiting for her stand-alone!
  21. Hahaha this is the most hilarious thing I’ve read all day!
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