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Ser Lany

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  1. My 21 year old wanted to learn more about cooking things other than the "basics" so I have once again signed up for Hello Fresh, and I am walking him through the instructions. I like it because the recipes are for 2 people, the kits have all the ingredients, so you can try new things without spending a fortune on ingredients you may never use again, and the instructions are fairly easy to follow (plus pretty pictures to help with a lovely presentation)
  2. I found it disturbing, bringing to mind mostly forgotten childhood nightmares. Which means I can't wait for more. I haven't read the books, as I hate reading sci-fi (love watching it though, was a Trekie by age 12 and only TOS was available) I'm just a visual reader, so I have a hard time with most sci-fi. I really enjoyed the show, as an individual thing. (no books, no science, just the drama) especially the historical Chinese parts. I worked out a peaceful solution in my mind, but it lacks the drama of good story telling (but a good story makes you want to try and solve the problem too, so there us that)
  3. I have successfully incorporated 2 mods, while 2 others require additional stuff to make them work that is beyond me. Spawn #2 will be home in 2 weeks, so I'll have them help me. Bard sub-class College of Charm and Basket of Equipment are both working so far. It's awesome to be able to wear a sexy dress and still have a decent AC. The two I really wanted though, No Party Size Limit and No Romance Limit are the two I still can't get to work. Also went back to an abandoned game that was in Act 3 with the sole purpose of sexy fun time with Mizora. (I just learned yesterday that was even possible) Don't know if I have the words describe it Y'all know me, I'm up for pretty much anything, game wise, but this was a bit much. It's not something I'm likely to repeat any time soon. It was all about the pleasure of torture and the torture of pleasure. The best part was the Tav reaction afterwards. Very lazy, ultra satisfied, like a 10 o night when you just can't manage to pick yourself up off the floor.
  4. Haven't looked at the roof or solar panels yet, but my fingers are crossed
  5. We had bad storms last night. (Central Texas) Started late afternoon with a tornado watch to 5pm, then a thunderstorm warning until 7pm, that got extended to 8:15 pm, then 9:00pm, then 11pm. There were 5 distinct rounds of hail, first ones golf ball sized, last ones baseball sized. Couldn't tell how far the lightning was by counting the time from flash to thunder as the thunder was continuous for 30 minutes or more, and never came as a single boom. It was still storming when I went to bed at nearly 1 am. Went out early this morning. It was chilly, but my car and my baby tree both seem to be ok.
  6. One of the problems is confusing "withdrawing a complaint" with "false accusations" *by assault, I mean both physical and sexual A lot of women withdraw complaints of assault, especially by partner, for a variety of reasons, including fear. Men then use this as proof the accusations were false. When you look at the number of actual false accusations, it is very hard to see which were truly false and which were withdrawn for other reasons. I won't lie, this is a very personal issue for me. My sister's husband was abusive and she never followed through on several complaints against him. She finally did leave him and file for divorce and he killed her. It's not a unique story. I wish we had some way of better protecting people, especially women and children. I can't think of one short of not allowing the withdraw of complaints and that could be worse for many (I think a lot wouldn't make that initial call that stops the current round of abuse) In order to protect the most, we have to believe the claims, and accept that a few will abuse the system with false claims. That is the price of living in the world we do.
  7. Just for fun. Gives me different, minor things I can change on playthroughs. There are some weird and interesting things I had no idea were possible until I saw the achievements, like having an all alcohol long rest, petting Scratch and the owlbear cub at the same time. I mean, I didn't even know you could get the cub into your camp. Did a druid playthrough just so I could get him I also didn't know they were a steam thing, I thought they were a game thing. Anyway, just adds little extra goals for myself (and I like having more than my SiL )
  8. ADD brain is in overdrive today, so I don't want to play either of my two playthroughs I have started. Instead, I am going for the ADHD achievement - multiclass into all 12 classes without the aid of Withers My character is going to be mostly useless after the initial beach scene, never getting above level 1. I started as a barbarian, and adapted the stats to 14 strength and 12 or 13 in everything else. It wouldn't let me pick any other 14's. I figure this way, at least I can always hit things, even if it is only once. Figure I'll just go alphabetical through the classes. I also picked a custom setup and did everything on Explorer level with multiclassing allowed, since the party will be handicapped with me. (I'd like to get all the achievements, eventually, although I have my doubts about tactician and honor modes)
  9. I am so glad I missed all that. We had our AD&D 1e books from the 80's and used those to teach the kids to play. The older two might have had some 4e play, but by time they wanted me to play again it was all 5e. Spawn 3 has only known 5e, which I guess is a good thing. The oldest is more into the story books and lore, the middle one into the campaigns and the youngest into creative play with basically 5e rules. I'm most like the middle one. I used to read all the books, back in the 80's, maybe early 90's but not much since then, so I missed a lot of the changes there too.
  10. I was going to post the same thing. I just have one question for those that have recruited her this way:
  11. Broke my oath So that's one. ETA: It didn't seem fair to be punished for helping to protect Update: Finished act 2 with no further stains upon my oath. Can't think of anything in act 3 that would break them, but I am sure there is something I've concluded that I generally play a very "good" and helpful character. The worse thing about being a paladin is I'm wearing the armor I normally give Shadowheart (leaving her in her DJ armor, so I keep getting confused about who I'm moving. (I play on the big screen tv, so I'm generally looking at the characters, not their little icons in the corner)
  12. LOL. At one point I had a goal to rate all the "romances". Halsin, in non-bear form, comes in at #2. But yes, that's the point of view I meant. (Mostly, I find the bear form comical and the visit with the Drows absolutely hysterical-still do it every time though) Still working on that goal. Current standings have Gale's scene top of the list, but then I am a pervert.
  13. Exactly. The relationships are amusing and fun to me. I like seeing what it takes to make them work. Still haven't managed to get Astarian or Shadowheart into Act III. Astarian was rude (of course) and things with Shadowheart just fizzled out. Not sure why. I've been thinking about the writers lately and the characters who are really "good" aligned and their views on relationships. *sigh* (I never did get the relationship mod to work properly. I thought I did, until Gale was positively destroyed by my moving on.) FTR, you can be a truly good person and still think sex for fun is an ok thing But I do like when you can make funny things happen in combat, like the sleet storm while holding Halsin's portal, and all the bad guys keep trying to dash across it and fall on their asses. I laugh every time it happens. I'll be a video game noob for a long time
  14. All 3 offspring and the SiL have said to play DOS2, and they even gave me their copy. I stole my son's PS4 and gave it a try. IT WAS HARD to even figure out what I was supposed to be doing and the brat has no patience to help me out with it. I love the first few minutes of BG3 as they work as a basic tutorial with Lae'zel guiding you. It's just enough to clue you in on what is expected in the game. And the cinematics are one of my favorite parts. Harder fights are not a selling point for me But I have promised to try again...when I can get the PS4 back.
  15. You know I am going to have to try the Loviatar thing naked now. They already make comments about it, Shadowheart asking if was what Astarian was expecting when he joined us, him saying he had hopes. Yeah, I abandoned a few games when I just got tired of all the really tough fights in act III. I like the other aspects of the game. Takes 2 or more weeks to get through everything, then I have been taking a month or so off. I hear about something I missed or that could be very different or that the romance scenes got updated and I start a new game. I've tried playing other games, but nothing has captured the attention of my aged brain the way this one has.
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