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Fragile Bird

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Everything posted by Fragile Bird

  1. I mean, Rahm hit two or three crazy shots and never got a penalty, and poor Hughes makes one really bad shot in 4 days and gets entirely screwed. Poor bastard. Lol, Just for that I hope Rahm doesn't win. Actually, I still think someone who failed to get vaccinated doesn't deserve it, lol.
  2. What a crazy miss by Hughes - I have never seen a ball in a tree. Geez….
  3. I’ve been watching the US Open from the start and it’s just been awesome to see Mackenzie Hughes climb that leaderboard to the top, I’m kinda terrified now, wondering if I should watch today, the old playoff-game-7 jinx in mind. While it would be fabulous to see Hughes win, I actually watched Henley win his first PGA tournament, notable because he is one of the few people to win their very first PGA outing. I wouldn’t mind him winning, nor Oosthuizen either.
  4. Lol, I didn’t mean to hurt your feelings! The title was perfectly warranted, I think it is, in fact, the end of an era. Mind you, I never dreamed he could win the Masters again. He’ll work on a comeback, so don’t write him off just yet!
  5. Is it actually ok to talk about golf in this thread and not just Tiger Woods? (How is he doing, anyway?) I’m surprised no one mentioned people who don’t bother getting vaccinated and get kicked out of tournaments after Round 3 leading by 6 shots. I guess Jon Rahm is vaccinated now, you think? Anyway, the US Open has started with most of the first round completed, play suspended for darkness because of the fog-delayed start.
  6. I have great, wonderful, fabulous news, I just got my new refrigerator delivered! My old refrigerator died about the second week of January. Because of a combination of Covid-19 problems (workers, shipping containers, backed up ports, etc) and a trade war against China run by Trump, compressor deliveries had slowed down to a trickle to the US. My fridge was supposed to come at the end of March, they sent me an e-mail to pay the balance of my bill, and then I got a phone call telling me the shipment hadn't arrived and they had no delivery date in sight. I had a complicated April so didn't yell and scream at them, but at the start of May I called them up and asked where the devil my fridge was. They said end of May. No fridge. On Wednesday, June 2 I called them up and said, where's the damn fridge! And they said, oh, gee, look we have a fridge, when can we deliver. And here it is! After spending 5 months of living out of a mini-fridge, which is slightly taller than a bar fridge with about twice as much freezer space, so from almost nothing to two times almost nothing, I realize I could have lived with a slightly smaller fridge. However, I don't have a freezer, so the freezer space in this fridge is important. I realize Europeans live with very small fridges but here in Canada we don't grocery shop for fresh food every day, usually just once a week. Now I need to get the new fridge nice and cold, transfer the stuff from the mini, unplug and clean up the mini, then bring it down to the basement to use as extra storage. I'll probably fill it with cans of soft drinks and bottles of water. Or maybe I will sell it.
  7. What’s your weather like, Buckwheat? We had a blast of winter come back. No snow here in the city, but at night the temperatures get down down close to 0 C. And lots of grey skies and rain.
  8. I thought I should contribute a post to keep this thread moving along. I guess I have stuff I could tell you, but not for another two weeks. You’ll just have to wait! And I got my first Pfizer shot on Easter Monday. I have no idea when I’ll get my second, although it’s scheduled for 16 weeks away, July 26. I expect to get it sooner that that, though, as vaccine rolls in.
  9. Mark Twain once said, "When a boy turns 13, put him in a barrel and feed him through a knot hole. When he turns 16, plug the hole". Iirc, WC Fields suggested that happen at birth and the hole be sealed up at age 13. But then again, when asked (in a movie) if he liked children, he said yes, fried.
  10. Mint flowers from the end of the stalks/branches, not only the main stalk but the ends of the branches too. You’ll see closely bunched buds that will look different from new leaves. Cut them off freely, even ruthlessly. Mint is almost indestructible. In the wild it’s invasive and aggressive. I’ve often told people if you know someone you really loathe, sneak into their garden and plant some mint somewhere. 25 years after my mom thought she’d like some mint in the garden I’m still digging it out.
  11. Here it is a day later and I cannot stay logged in to Westeros. Is this a Westeros problem, a Google problem or an iPhone problem? And even though I have “remember me” checked, on one of my phones that doesn’t work either. Anyone else having this problem?
  12. Interestingly enough, I now cannot stay logged in to Westeros on my phones, I have to log in every time I look at this site, which is very annoying. Before I could just click on Westeros General Chatter and go straight to the page, logged in. I have "remember me" clicked, as I always have had. Any ideas?
  13. Thank-you! It took me a few moments to figure out what happened, I was in the middle of writing a post and when your notification came up I could no longer get in. All is well now!
  14. Ooops, missed that. But the problem remains - it asks me for my current password, which I can't remember. There is no "Can't remember" setting.
  15. My new cell phone all of a sudden does not recognize my Westeros account. My old phone still lets me in (I can use it with the wi-fi at home) and my computer works fine as well. However, I can't remember my password. I thought I had it recorded, but I can't find it. How do I change my password? Can you tell me what it is, send me a pm? I'm afraid to sign out, worried I will never be able to sign in again. I looked at my profile, and there is no provision for changing passwords.
  16. I would like to strangle some squirrels. Last week I planted Easter lilies at the cemetery, hoping that the threatened cold front wouldn’t get as far south as the city, but it got too cold at night for them and they wilted away. So Easter Sunday I planted two pots of tulips and damn it all, squirrels dug them up and chewed up the bulbs, snipping off the greenery first as they are wont to do and then gnashing away at the bulbs. I’d like to gnash them, darn it all. One lousy day they lasted.
  17. I just came in the house after spending an hour being savage to my rose bushes. I wonder if I committed roseicide on one of them. I was equally vicious to it a couple of years ago and it survived. However, here it is the end of March and the roses are so far along you’d think it was mid April or later.
  18. Zabz, do you like beets? Or kohlrabi? Beet greens are better than spinach. I've become very fond of dahlias. You have to dig them up and store them over the winter, which I can't bother to do. I buy a bag of them at Costco, they sell them with two colors, sometimes shades of the same color, sometimes a white and a color. If what I plant this year turns out to be beautiful, I'll try digging them up for replanting. I have gotten into the habit of planting one cherry tomato plant. It seems like all the varieties end up with zillions of cherry tomatoes on them and they are good until very late in the season. Sauce made with cherry tomatoes is very nice, full of bright flavors! And different kinds of lettuce, over the years. Recently leaf lettuce has been my favorite. Sprinkle some seeds early and add more every month.
  19. I found the Elliot Page announcement really interesting. Here’s a successful Hollywood star utterly transforming their life. I hope it makes people understand that all kinds of people, even those with apparently fantastic lives, may not be as happy or settled as we all believe. That was a huge decision for him to make. I for one will be happy to support Elliot by seeing his movies in the future!
  20. The arc of moral universe is long, but it bends towards justice - MLK

  21. Did you change the ad format or has my computer gone nuts? I assume you changed the format. and I have to say I absolutely hate it. First of all, when I go to the forum it's like pages are layered on pages. When I opened Gen Chat this morning I did actually think there was something wrong with my laptop, so I shut down and reopened everything. It makes me feel like I'm drunk when I look at the page, with another page underneath it but bleeding around the edges. And then there are the ads. I have no objection to ads, you need to run the site and pay bills and make a living. But the whole page is filled with ad now, and then another ad is layered on top of the ad, running across the bottom, that I have to shut down in order to see anything. And when I go to topic listings the page just looks wrong, for a moment I wondered if I had soimehow signed out of the site and had to sign in again. Then, when I try to do anything, like read a thread, one of those damn floating ads appears across the bottom of the page, which I have to close before I can do anything. More show up as I scroll down, and while typing this I've had to stop and close ads. There are news media sites that show up on my Facebook page that I have stopped reading because there are so many ads I can't read the story. Please don't go overboard. I just opened Westeros on my phone, I see the changes are there as well, although they are easier to deal with. eta. And I hit edit to correct spelling and I have this large grey rectangle across the bottom of my page where I guess an ad should be, but isn't, that can't be closed.
  22. We must see a shorter version. The show is one hour long, and we only see two challenges, damn it!
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