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Tears of Lys

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Everything posted by Tears of Lys

  1. Tell me about it! I made seafood lo mein today. Took us 25 minutes to eat it and around 5 hours to make it. Same thing - lots of chopping, mincing, slicing, dicing, mixing, etc., etc. If there were a decent Asian restaurant near us, I wouldn't do it anymore. Hate to say it, but in our area the fast-food Asian places are better than the actual restaurants. Terrible state of affairs.
  2. Oh. The Pity Play. "You poor dear - you haven't had sex in five years? Let me help you." It worked in the movies, I guess. "Some Like it Hot" with Marilyn Monroe and Tony Curtis. ETA: I "liked" BFC's response when I really meant to "laugh." Demmit.
  3. How the heck did the topic of sex come up so soon? Did she initiate it? If so, she's trying way too hard. Have a little class! Unfortunately, some women these days feel that they have to offer their bodies to create some kind of instant attachment.
  4. Trying to get myself moving and getting some seeds started. At first it'll just be cilantro, wide-leaf parsley, spinach, peas, lettuce and maybe some zinnias. March is when the seeding really starts in earnest.
  5. Oh, they will. Have no doubt. The Michigan Arab Community is quite upset with Biden, and they have the numbers and the funding to make themselves heard.
  6. I don't think that's what happened. People were using terms they had been warned not to use - specifically, "Nazi." A few (?) pages before the last Israel/Gaza thread had been closed, Ran had stated that the next time that particular term was used, the thread was going bye-bye. They as good as did it, and Ran followed through. I think if people can keep their shit together, another thread about Israel/Gaza is possible. It's kinda hijacked the US Politics thread. ETA: Or maybe I'm wrong. @Ran will let us know.
  7. Won't HE be sorry!!!! E.g., once you become Master of the Universe.
  8. As long as we're dancing on the head of a pin, I'll say this. Self-immolation is a violent "act," but a non-violent protest. You're hurting only yourself and your loved ones, and maybe seriously disturbing some gentle souls in the vicinity. Whether it's useful or not is another thing. In this case I don't believe anyone on either side's minds have been influenced sufficiently to make them decide to end the bombing.
  9. Has anyone commented on how bitchin' the ornithopters are??
  10. I still really like the Carl Sagan quote below.
  11. Just don't mention to your prospective dates that you're a budding millionaire, okay? BTW, shouldn't you be working?? I know - all work and no play makes Spocky a sad dog.
  12. @Toth So what if one of the meet-up places are mostly attended by guys? Most guys have sisters and cousins too, y'know. And perhaps starting with just plain friendship rather than romance would hone your people interaction skills. You don't seem to have a problem chatting with us, except for a few personality tics that I"m sure everyone has noticed. ETA: And you appear to have a very low energy level. Anytime an opportunity presents itself, you're too tired. How old are you, man? I've got quite a few years on you and I'll go out at the drop of a hat!
  13. They are a dying breed but they do exist here. I take my watches to him for battery changes. He sells a vast assortment of antique clocks as well. It's pretty charming, actually.
  14. Is the kid(s) father in the picture at all? That will have a big influence on things.
  15. I hope one of the hard conversations has to do with what your role in her kids' lives will be. Marrying into a ready-made family is something I know a little something about, so if you have any questions, feel free to pick my brain - what there is of it.
  16. Baby back pork ribs with Montgomery Inn sauce and home made chips for dipping. Should have had cole slaw to finish it, but we didn't have the cabbage. We ate far too much of it!
  17. I recommend taking it to a watch repair shop. They'll pop the case and look at the workings and ascertain much more information than most jewelers could.
  18. Don't think THAT hasn't been done already.
  19. I'd recommend a pair of linen trousers or swim trunks along with that ensemble, or you'll shock the children.
  20. Tonight I had a skinny bagel with cream cheese and lox with lots of dill. Ah, delicious!
  21. @Spockydog It's not really as earth-shattering a move as you're imagining. For example, my pictures were just lying in bed, bare shouldered, with a hat. Pretty harmless. Then a few others (mostly men!) went for the full body shot, like one memorable one where he was turned to the stove, cooking, in a hat. His ladyfriend or wife at that time snapped it from the rear. Actually, this has made me think of some of the old boarders and wondering how things are going for them . . .
  22. Hey! I told you what NHAW was already. Didn't you believe me?? Seriously, it's a lot of fun seeing how people can come up with ways to be modest yet with that little hint of impropriety. And then you get the others who go all in and the devil take the consequences! ETA: Nice to see you've taken the first step!
  23. Oh, dear. The only thing I can contribute is that yearly, there was a "Naked, Hatted Avatar Week." It was left to the poster's discretion as to whether it was a sly looking back over your shoulder bust shot, or a full-length shot with a hat covering the naughty bits. As to how to embed pictures currently, I'm afraid I can't help you. It was a lot of fun and it boosted people's post counts dramatically! ETA: Duh. You had to actually change your avatar picture temporarily.
  24. that was my feeling too. And to add insult to injury, it was tough. ETA: On second thought, it would have been much better if I had ordered my salmon raw and cooked it myself.
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