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Everything posted by Myrddin

  1. Personally, I don't mind pop songs used in trailers. Hell, BSG made me actually like a Nickleback song (Savin' Me) that was used in a commercial.
  2. Every playset got dragged out when I needed a town or something for my Star Wars or GI Joe figures to have their war. I 'm one of four kids who were all spread out, so there was probably toys across 70's and early 80's all available in the playroom. Playschool sets (the Sesame Street was a great building front), Playmobil houses and vehicles, card board boxes colored or papered, tin foil stretched over popsicle stick frames for some one to cut through metal walls, civilians of all types of toy series taking cover, etc. I'd set up a city and spend a week playing through the battle.
  3. The captions for this clip are funny. Instead of "beaching" each other off, it says "beating" off. Way to spill the joke, YouTube! /woosh
  4. I assumed it was the "man called Bors" scene, but you're right. It's probably the Chosen Forsaken. ETA: I wonder if they're going to substitute Logain as Rand's teacher instead of Asmodean. Gives Logain a larger role until the times comes for his return.
  5. Granted it's just a trailer, and trailers often lie, but this does look more cinematic than season one. Hopefully they've taken the criticism to heart about how season one was framed and shot and improved the over all cinematography and direction.
  6. We're on a message board originally dedicated to a book series that has not had a new addition tothe main series for twelve years. The answer is: Yes.
  7. They locked the trouser thread before we could adequately determine whether Han's advances on Leia were inappropriate or had she given implied consent. Continue.
  8. Kind of like Lone Star's Winnebago?
  9. As I never saw Rey as any different than Luke or Anakin as being the best at everything because the plot required it, I'm on board with a new movie or movies centered around her character. Main caveat: just make it a good story. Tall order, I know.
  10. The prequels? What garbage. I can't believe Lucas raped my childhood! Wait. I forgot. We like the prequels now. Silly me. Hate has been shifted from Lucas to Kennedy. Got it. Lost the memo.
  11. I had high hopes the movie would be good, regardless of Miller. My wife took our nephew to see it while out of town and was not impressed. She's a casual comic book movie fan who enjoyed MoS and WW and most Marvel movies. She's aware of Gunn rebooting DC mostly because of me. Her review of the Flash: meh. Don't bother. THAT's the word of mouth the movie generated, in spite of everyone in Hollywood seeing it all Spring and touting it as the best movie since Dark Knight. That factored in with Miller boycott, DCEU "legacy" and DCEU lame duck sentiments, it's no wonder it's a impressive flop.
  12. And knowing Hollywood, they'll interpret the movie's failure as a sign that people don't want hispanic heroes... Because the (predicted) failure can't be related to movie released in a canceled franchise and/or just poor story/movie, right?
  13. Somehow it feels too epic to even finish the first book in part 2. I love it. "Look who's back." Duncan! Wait for it....
  14. (27 days and 400+ posts later.) Probably.
  15. Agreed. I understand the desire to not lock the "prophesied savior" role to be male, but the whole point is that the Dragon will go mad because of Saidin. Throwing Nynaeve and Egwene into the candidate pool was just messy and unnecessary in an already limited amount of time. Shouldn't it have been easy for Moiraine to confirm the girls we're tapping into Saidin? (Don't get me started on Warder subplot - interesting but there was so much other stuff that had to be cut to do it) If they really wanted to play up "Who is the Dragon", a tighter focus on Perrin, Mat, and Rand would've carried the mystery. Nynaeve and Egwene didn't need that to be built as strong characters.
  16. @week if you want Avatar to look like the butthole version of Cats, just say so.
  17. Smurf and smurfing ashes. Its the smurfing Smurf Reborn here to smurf the smurf out of the smurfing goat-smurfed world. <Smurfette tugs braid>
  18. IlyaP was expecting the Nav'i to be living in parts of Randland. Or the smurfs.
  19. Just that he's dropped off from public view and there's nothing past WoT on his IMDB. For an up and coming actor who was truly very talented, it's not a good sign. At his age, he should be booking shows/movies and building his career. Two years of silence/inactivity makes it appear he's retired or taking extended time off. All that to say, I hope he's doing well and moving forward in his life, no matter what direction that is.
  20. From all accounts, Barney has retired from acting. I hope the guy is ok.
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