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Conflicting Thought

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Everything posted by Conflicting Thought

  1. A bunch of people can start seen all kinds of things, and talk to everyone about it, countries can start implementing policies based on this, and they can still be very wrong. I say its a slippery slope because that can lead to very bad thing. and it has led to very bad things, so i dont see how it is a good argument that allot of people are talking about something. They still should work to provide the best care they can to people, and that requieres investigating and researching and all of that. But i think we have to be careful not to fall for narratives that promote a sort of satanic panic with respect to trans people, and a form of transpanic is to think that there is some sort of gender dismorphia contagion, a very dangerous and unscientific view of what is happening.
  2. thats such an obvious slippery slope is not even funny, you are not thinking critically or scientifically if you belive that
  3. Not how it works, but nice try i guess?. This vision of how things are is so out of touch with reality that it tracks that you would be a proponent of it.
  4. How much money do you have to make to be considered above absolute poverty? Like 2 dollars a day?
  5. i hope it made you feel good saying that to me. iran would not have responded if israel didnt first attacked the consulate, thats just the reality, its a fact.
  6. man i thought that if you give a call to let the people know you are bombing them you got a pass, and praise, guess it only apllies to some. why did they attack israel? why bro? do you know why? is it because they are evil savages? hmm i wonder if something happend before this attack. wonder if you would feel the same if russia, or iran, or north korea, or china did the same thing that isarel did and bombed a consulate of a country they are not at war with and killing two of its generals. i know you will find a way to justify israel escalation, but i think it would do you some good to at least try to think about this from another perspective. it wasnt a failure they knew exactly what they where doing, hence the letting them know far in advance what they would do, they didnt even kill anyone, they didnt destroy infraestructure, israel did do those thing tho, and you are perfectly fine with that, why?
  7. hard to know when she is "joking" and when she is not, if it was the first time it would be different, but she has said multiple times that she thinks that bombing iran is the right thing to do and its like she cant wait till it happens, its disturbing
  8. is this funny? i guess when the people we make fun of are brown and arent allies of the USA is all very glib, their lives are such a funny joke! warcrimes? bah! bad jace! haha so funny! consiglieri is right, there is a huge double standard in here, where you can freely say the most dispicable shit as long as we are making fun of brown people, and the oh so terrible Iran (im not in favor of the iranian goverment) you guys dont even get that for most people outside the USA and the imperial core, you guys are the fucking monsters, and the kind of comments that jace always makes are so tonedef and insulting
  9. why does it matter if there is more people identifying as gay or trans? how does that affect you or society in general? is it worse somehow that more people indetify as trans? is it a "contagion" like some very good people are saying? i dont understand how this affects anyone appart from the person that is gay or trans or whatever
  10. not enough. seriously though you should fell ashamed of yourself, i know you dont but you should
  11. that is so fucked up, like what is wrong with you?
  12. Man, hope we remeber who was the escalating party in all of this
  13. i dont know if the more you smoke it the more it dulls your senses, first it kinda depends on the person, but as a chronic smoker of weed, i would say that for me at the beggining weed had a much more strong effect on me, now not so much. but i will say that when a stop smoking, after like three days i do sleep better, and my short term memory is better, and i do feel more "awake"...hmm i guess the inmediate effect of weed on me is less potent than when i started but the commulative effect is still there
  14. like why are you guys so against the notion that it can and does happens all the fucking time, like every woman you know has suffered some tipe of abuse from men, like 99% of women has experienced some form of abuse. i dont think that is a controversial thing to say
  15. i mean, sure, there must be some places where it never happens, but i find it hard to belive man, and im not a woman, if a had never asked my women friends and the women in my family i would be clueless as to the extend of the abuses they suffer, how there are almost no place where they can fell 100% safe, even when you can feel that save, like with your close family, friends of them or extended family can be abusers and often are. maybe my view of the world is skewed, but i just dont know man. maybe phrasing it like DMC did, it could happend everywhere, so a woman can never feel 100% save, thres always the possibility. i mean most of the abuse to women come from people they know, come from their own family, they own friends. and if there is alcohol involved the danger of SA grows so much more
  16. You never saw it but im willing to bet that the women in those parties have a different perspective than yours. I mean if the parties that you went to, where parties with allot of people, with alcohol, i fucking guarantee you that some of the women where abused in some way. I really don like those kind of parties, im more of a chilling with a few friend kind of guy, but in school i remember people getting so drunk, many passing out, and i know of some cases where there was abuse toward drunk women by drunk men. That happens everywhere, even when you think it doesnt.
  17. yeah, this is a better way to say it. my woman friends are always telling me horrible shit that men have done to them. men that seem to be one way end up being disgusting people, and its so common. every woman that i have asked about experiences with harassment from men have multiple stories of strangers and from people they know that have SA them, or harassed in the street or at parties,etc. and we do live in a patriarchal society where rape culture is rampant, and we (men) all have this in us to different degrees. many of us would never SA someone, but even that is not always true, like when i was in school and in college many parties ended up with drunk women being abused, like that was part of the culture back then, and many men have come to realized today that the did SA somebody when at the time they didnt think they where doing that. edited to say that i think that from a woman point of view, all men are indeed potential rapists. that is the sad reallity we have made for them.
  18. I at least dont doubt that this happens, and im sorry it happened to you. At the same time there are sooo many cases of piece of shit men that get away with abuse and rape and so many people say things like "i know this person, he is my firend, he would never do that", but they do it, all the time. And its fucked up, but if a ftiend of mine was accused i wouldnt know what to think, everyone has the capacity of doing something like that, every man is a potential abuser, and many are. Even tho they might seem to me like they would never do it. And you cant even trust in the justice system, thats why the concept of rape culture is so true. Men get away with it all the time, judges feel sorry for this men, and what about the women? How many women have to live knowing there abuser is free, having families and living their lives, while the women are left to fend for themselves. With people harrasing them if the go public, and they (sometimes) go public cuz is the last recourse the have, the justice system is against them, society at large is against them
  19. but how can you resolve that coginitve dissonance? there will always be people that falsely accuse others. and SA will never end, specially when men (and sometimes women) put their efforts on the miniscule fraction of false accusers. why this two things seemingly occupie the same level of importance in your mind? i think thats where the belive victims comes from, because the vast mayority of cases are real, and sometimes (or most times) this "argument" of false accusations serves to distract from the real issues. i mean its bad when it happens, but it doesnt happen that often, and its much more common that abusers/rapists get away with victimizing people
  20. Maybe im slow but what exactly do you want to discus. i dont get what the discussion is supossed to be about. Like yes false acvusations are bad...so what then? So far people seem to think that believing victims is the right thing to do. So i dont understand what is the point of it.
  21. Meh, i dont get why this is worth a thread. Its simple, the vast mayority of the cases (where a woman accuses a man of SA)are true, at the same time there will always exist people who take advantage of people or fabricate false acusations. But this in no way changes my perspective of always believing victims cuz they almost never get to win something by doing that, and there are allot more examples of victims getting bullied, ostracized, and never getting justice. So yeah, the examples you provided are horrible, but it doesnt change the way i aproche this. Always belive victims first.
  22. Or israelis could migrate to europe.
  23. do you think minorities and trans people deserve and need protection?
  24. maybe, but christians should question why so many of them go for someone like trump, i think that there is a correlation there
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