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Jace, Extat

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Everything posted by Jace, Extat

  1. Aww! You poor pavlovian baby! That's the saddest/cutest/smokiest story I ever heard!!!!!! // My momma smoked. Still does, even though she's in rough shape. Eta: Reading comp
  2. That's dark. I thought I was the sinister one...
  3. Man, maybe @Ser Rodrigo Belmonte II is right... I gotta stop smoking that weed, every other month you're owning my title and I have no idea why.
  4. Just wait, doubter. I remember a scamperish bomb-thrower who aged beautifully under Payton's attention.
  5. Took my out with Endgame. Tried to watch Loki but it suuuucks. Couldn't even make it through an episode of Secret Invasions. Guardians 3 was good, so there's that!
  6. Now that's a story. Thank you for sharing.
  7. Dawg, I'm sitting here playing Baldur's Gate with my cos screaming "run the ball!" For the entire second half. I 2-screen. Wassup.
  8. The Ravens really are about to piss this game away!
  9. 49ers put a hurt'n on the Jags. The NFC is a class apart.
  10. The Lion King 2 is better than freaking Jungle Book. Kovu's Lullabye is my jam.
  11. I wouldn't know. Is that who is doing the Ashoka stuff? I know they finally brought Thrawn out of mothballs buy honestly it feels too late.
  12. I'll never understand why they didn't cherry pick the best parts of the old EU into a more streamlined sequels series. Hello? You're looking for a Boss Lady Imperial character? Dalaa is begging to be punched up (maybe less Tarkin idolizing) and repackaged as Charlize Theron!
  13. Speaking of romances, I had to fight off the Illithid Emperor who was shirtless and making a pass at me. I told Squidward to keep swimmin
  14. I feel as if some delicate and beautiful innocence has been shattered. What else have you become? Hath thee a tattoo? Have you joined a biker gang?
  15. Had the pregame show on while I write... Will Levis puts mayo in his coffee That's fucking disgusting.
  16. No one, I guess. One year deals for all of em
  17. Jace, wrong? That doesn't sound possible. Alternatively-Correct, though... Idk, I just remember by the time I hit like books 6 and 7 I was reading for the villains, I loved 'em. They're all hammin it up in-between chapters. The Seanchan are one of my favorite fantasy societies ever.
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