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Everything posted by Rhom

  1. Considering that Callendor sits unused off page for about 9 books... that's probably good. IIRC, he pulls it in 3, tries to resurrect a dead kid with it at the beginning of 4, goes off screen for a long time and then he goes crazy and kills a bunch of his own troops with it in Path of Daggers (?) which was book 8? Is that right? And then he gives it to Narishma in Book 9 for the cleansing. Then he uses it in the climax of the series. Is that correct?
  2. Welp, I went ahead and pulled the trigger on ordering it. Sitting on my desk in all its generic fantasy cover art splendor. I'm midway through book three of Shadows of the Apt though, so I will need to finish that up before I delve into this... whatever it is.
  3. All I'm getting out of this is that I need to re-read LoLL.
  4. I’ll be damned if that Logan Paul vs The Miz match wasn’t far better than it had any business being. When Paul set him up on the announce table, I figured there would be some interference that let them both off the hook. Never expected a frog splash from the top of the turnbuckle straight onto Miz!
  5. In a world where Joe Dirt can win The (British) Open… you can be anything.
  6. As he should be. He's the Superman analogue with Soldier Boy as Captain America and Maeve as Wonder Woman. If we stick to those caricatures, they shouldn't be able to stand with him. We thought that SB had the first real Kryptonite to be seen, but that didn't pan out yet. So short of creating a Doomsday of their own or discovering kryptonite, there's not a lot that can be done with HL.
  7. Which ties in with Ashley destroying the video of The Boys finding Maeve. Because if Maeve survived…
  8. I don’t recall clearly… in Mallory’s flashback to Nicaragua, was Noir’s injury caused by Soldier Boy? For some reason I thought she had him injured in the attack the Supes bungled so badly.
  9. Thought it was interesting to find out that Soldier Boy’s explosion somehow burns off the V in the system and that’s how they are de powered.
  10. The Shadows of the Apt that I am reading is fantasy.
  11. But you still have to have a nostalgic tie back to the 1980's...
  12. Loved the line "He's really good at... umm... cunnilingus. He loves to munch on vagina."
  13. Oh yeah… she was Jennifer in BttF, right?
  14. Didn’t he watch Ali from Back to the Future breastfeed through the wall back in S1?
  15. Finally got a chance to get caught up. Fantastic couple of episodes these last two. How many episodes is this season supposed to be?
  16. I think you’re ignoring the fact that Bakker wrote to be more philosophical while 40K is pulp fiction,
  17. Is the hardback that rare?
  18. I just ordered the paperback Children of Time on Amazon… Sweet Baby Jesus, the hardback was listed for $1017!!!!
  19. Gotta love it when the summon author works so quickly!
  20. Finished it up while on vacation today. Took me a bit to get into it, but by the end it was all tied together nicely. I do wonder if some of the more “mystical” questions will get answers. Abraham typically turns out new books pretty quickly, any word on the next book here?
  21. I don’t know that I’m much help here. Maybe if @Azecap is still around, they could help out.
  22. So hey @RedEyedGhost... are there any other teams in the Big XII these days or not? Because based on who Kentucky gets slotted to play in the Big XII/SEC challenge every. damn. year. I'm really starting to wonder.
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