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Everything posted by HexMachina

  1. Or the filmy coating of icing sugar that was like biting into chalk. I'm shivering judging thinking about that feeling. Of course I still bit all of their heads off and lined the bodies up in a morbid display of childish cruelty. Or sometimes I would squeeze them and try to make them pop.
  2. Thanks! I think of those i’ve only seen The Hogfather and maybe some snippets of the Colour of Magic/The Light Fantastic. Will have a look at the Wyrd Sisters link you posted
  3. Its been years since I've seen it now but I remember a TV movie adaptation of The Hogfather (it aired on Sky One in the UK I think?) which I enjoyed at the time. Have just looked it up though and that was 2006 so I'm not sure how my opinion would hold up now
  4. My childhood memories of cars is those awful awful car air fresheners that you hang on the mirror. I also got sick really bad on long journeys and started associating the smell with being sick because they make me queasy even now.
  5. Having accidentally read the Tiffany Aching books out of order (Wintersmith, Hat Full of Sky, Wee Free Men, I Shall Wear Midnight, Shepherd's Crown) I can say that the series does make sense out of order but probably wouldn't recommend it. The books each have enough exposition explaining the previous novels to give you a general idea of who's who and what's what, but it does get a little bit confusing at times.
  6. Thank you, and on the bolded absolutely correct. Thanks for flagging and sorry for framing it that way. I'm not sure where I licked the terminology/framing up (maybe the media? Its not how we refer to it at work) but I've certainly used it before and I know its not a particularly helpful or accurate way of framing it. My workplace has been really supportive for LGBTQIA+ persons over this past year, with "lunch and learn" video talks, regular updates from our Inclusion team on initiatives within the firm (and with clients) and helpful links to further support if required. Its really been a lifeline for me during some difficult times as I've come to understand myself/who i am. The stuff on the legislation is even worse than I had thought. I assume it will be challenged in the courts where possible? Although the SC is Republican stacked at the moment so not really helpful I realise. Its all a lot to take in and makes me want to Bury my head in the sand but I know that isn't going to change things. I don't know what I can do to help in the U.S but I am definitely going to be watching things in the UK closely. Where the U.S leads its only a matter of time until we follow
  7. I've been trying to keep up with news from across the pond and it seems that a wave of anti-trans legislation is currently making the rounds in a number of States (I think the number I read was 28). My understanding is that the legislation falls into two categories: 1) Banning trans women from participating in "female" sports, and 2) restricting access to gender affirming treatment for trans/non-binary youth. I'm finding this very concerning, particularly the latter. It seems these laws (restricting access to gender affirming treatment) have also been widely condemned by medical professionals. As I'm not from the U.S, could anyone explain the likelihood of these bills being codified into law, and if there is any way allies not from the U.S can support attempts to block them? I'm kind of watching things unfold in a state of shock, sadness and disgust.. On a happier note, I had to go into the office to check some originals last week. We are still mostly WFH with a skeleton office staff to monitor post etc. I ended up having a conversation with my manager and another colleague and I had a little moment of joy when my manager used my preferred pronouns* in conversation. I added that to my email signature last year along with many others in the firm, and people have been very good about using them correctly in emails, buts there was something oddly comforting and gratifying about someone using my preferred pronouns in a face-to-face (or mask-to-mask?) conversation. This all sounds like a lot of emotion for nothing but it really did make me feel great. *they/them
  8. I brought up a kind of related topic in the Interrnational news thread: International Events 5, "As the World Turns" - Page 6 - General Chatter - A Forum of Ice and Fire - A Song of Ice and Fire & Game of Thrones (westeros.org) Its simultaneously a grim and joyful experience, which from interviews is exactly what Davies was going for. The cast is wonderful too, if you haven't watched it already put it back on your to watch list
  9. New Foo Fighters New album is shaping up to be a good one
  10. Omg was that the song you were thinking of? Somehow it didn’t even occur to me. though both titles are a good fit...
  11. I blame you for this @Fragile Bird. You oughta know* what referencing Alanis Morissette would do. *I’m not sorry for the terrible pun
  12. Frank Herbert's Dune is 99p on Lobo today
  13. This is brilliant, thank you so much! The podcasts especially, i consume podcasts at an alarming rate during lockdown and these will make perfect listening. I love POSE, and it was at least in part watching it that kicked off this, as i realised how little I knew about this history and how things evolved. I wanted to dive in and see what was accurate, where the deviations were etc. I wish I had been taught these things in school, especially as understanding the struggles the LGBTQIA+ community has had and continues to have seems more urgent than a whole lot of other history we are taught at school. But that’s another topic. On your ETA too, that is a great point and why I decided to ask here. I am sure I could find any number of “Top 10 shows/films/books with LGBTQIA+ Representation” but the chances of those lists being in any way useful isn’t high. Whereas I know those who post in this thread are not only part of the community but also very smart people with great insights and who have shown incredible restraint and patience throughout my time on the Board trying to educate others. So a huge thank you to all of you
  14. I’m trying to consume more LGBTQIA+ media at the moment, by which i mean both media produced by queer artists/actors/writers/producers etc. And media which gives the community a platform and tells their stories. Looking for any recommendations people may have - fiction or non-fiction, books, films, tv, podcasts, anything really. I have been having a lot of discussions lately with my therapist and i would like to rectify my ignorance of so much of LGBTQIA+ history and culture and i hope i’m not being intrusive asking for recommendations here. I can repost in the entertainment and/or lit threads if need be
  15. A baby step in the right direction but these days i take whatever nuggets of good news i can find and run with them https://www.theguardian.com/world/2020/dec/14/blood-donor-rules-to-be-relaxed-for-gay-and-bisexual-men-in-england?CMP=fb_gu&utm_medium=Social&utm_source=Facebook&fbclid=IwAR1_3lnU2JLW-q7GPBdPUyl8E5e80yL3Hb_tu3TC-dGr139aDeI57tYbHNs#Echobox=1607929717 I was a blood donor (can’t now for various reasons) and was always angry at the exclusion. Especially when i would see the “we need thousands of new donors to meet demand” adverts. Um, be less discriminatory and you have a whole bunch of donors just ready and waiting. I had actually heard from a few places that various lgbtq+ groups had been running blood drives this summer after quarantine as many people were eligible who ordinarily weren’t. Anyway, as I say, baby steps, but a tiny nugget of good is welcome these days.
  16. Thanks for that, was on my to read list. There's also a number of other titles including The Warlord Chronicles and some various stuff by Gemmel
  17. Thanks! Must say that 2020 brain heard “Coronabeth” and thought guilty kill her now... but yeah, i really loved all the secondary characters. Gideon was obviously the highlight as the narrator but i loved all the secondary characters and felt invested in them even when they only had brief page time. I guess the cast on Ninth House was a bit bland but that was the whole point really, as I read it anyway. They were a dying house fanatical in their worship of death. Though Gideon’s narration does make any time spent on the Ninth or recollecting the Ninth more enjoyable I’ve read the spoiler tags for Gt9 now and I also assumed from the beginning
  18. Oh my poor heart reading this back damn, things turn very dark very quickly in this book. I know its all a bit macabre but i feel it starts off more darkly humorous and then flips to be much darker. Which isn’t a criticism, i actually liked the tonal shift, but it certainly surprised me. Anyway, finished the audiobook today and wow, loved it all. The last part (the big fight) goes on maybe a little too long but that is just a minor quibble and its not as though it bored me. In fact I stayed out walking far longer than I should have because i wamted to finish it up. I think for the next one I’ll read it first. As I said, audio is great but a little hard to follow for a first time with the novel. Also, I may just need to listen to the Epilogue again but what happened to the other third twin, Coronabeth(spelling? Im just going with the way its pronounced which, kind of an unfortunate name for 2020 but alas...) It seemed like the Emperor said only Herrow and the one Third twin survived but did I miss Corona dying or going missing? I thought she was just left in the lab
  19. They are golden and the audio for them is great too. "Magnooooooooseeee"
  20. Oh for sure, I'm really enjoying the narrative and the way it's narrated. I'm especially enjoying the voice that gets used for Gideon, it really sells her somewhat cocky anti-authproty attitude. it's just difficult to follow as an audiobook without any real knowledge or context of the story beforehand. I will definitely be buying the book to read once I finish the audiobook
  21. I had a free audiobook credit so bought Gideon the Ninth. I wish I had checked this thread first as I'd have realised beforehand it's something I'm going to need to read to fully understand. I'm enjoying it so far but finding I need to keep relistening to parts to be sure I've made sense of what's going on
  22. My favourite reunion will surprise nobody by being Crazy Ex Girlfriend.. @Buckwheat...
  23. Just in terms of the undead, you have other examples though not the same as the barrow wights. There is whatever you want to call it in the Dead Marshes. We don't 'see' anything but the implication seems to be some kind of spirit or shade or imprint of some kind, luring unwary travellers to their death. Then there is the obvious shades/army of the dead that follow Aragorn. As I said they are obviously different to the barrow wight, most notably because they aren't physical beings, but I don't think the undead feels too out of place. I seem to recall further context being added in the appendices too. But then I enjoy the Bombadil scenes too so maybe I'm the wrong person to ask (I also played a Lord of the Rings MMORPG for a few years which had a lot of undead stuff so there's also that bias )
  24. Very nice. Will this be self-published or do you have a deal? Also, is there an overarching theme to the anthology that ties them all together? I mean from the title i assume some kind of outsider/other/“oddity” connection, but just curious to hear from you. Regardless, keep us posted on more details and links when you manage to get this out
  25. I adore Robin Hobb but she isn’t the first name I would think of when recommending something for fans of ASoIaF. Though I agree with Ran and Wert, it really depends what part of ASoIaF people enjoy. Though I would disagree with Wert that LoLL is for those who enjoy Tyrion and the cynical humour. I would say the two series probably link best for those who enjoy the Arya chapters a lot. There are sort of similarities between the Gentleman Bastards and Arya’s various associates, be it the BwB, the Hound, or the FM. And then the Braavos chapters have a similar kind of setting to Cammor, and the FM training shares some elements with the Gentleman Bastard’s heists. But its mot important, its a very inexact measure to recommend one series based on another. On a separate note, if I never read the word grimdark again it will be too soon
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