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which is the most tragic character of the series?

Lord Warwyck

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I know she's not a major character but the crying little girl found and lost right before Arya, Gendry, and Hot Pie are captured and taken to Harrendal. I can't get her out of my mind. To me she represents the tragedy and loss that all are suffering and will continue to suffer. A major character would be Arya without a doubt.

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I know she's not a major character but the crying little girl found and lost right before Arya, Gendry, and Hot Pie are captured and taken to Harrendal. I can't get her out of my mind. To me she represents the tragedy and loss that all are suffering and will continue to suffer. A major character would be Arya without a doubt.

I called her little Weasel soooooo sad.

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tbh, most characters are

But, I think no one had a more tragic story than Cat. She lost her husband, her 2 youngest sons (at least she thinks so), her two daughters (one is lost and the other married to a Lannister), her father and to top it all, she saw her firstborn die in front of her, before being killed herself.

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I don't see how pride is a bad thing. Pride can be an excellent tool to empower yourself and overcome difficulties. I also don't blame Theon for taking WF. You're talking as if he should betray his family. It's still his real family, and the Starks were not. He was their hostage. Robb was his friend, but still family usually comes before friends. To come back to the pride-thing, Theon's pride is gone, is it better now?

No I don't think that he should have betrayed his family. Yet the brothers that he knew beat him and tortured him. His father sent him packing to live with his enemies. When theon comes back to the Iron Islands he wants to make his father proud but not at the cost of his friends family, which is why he proposed to attack the Rock. That was pride and honor being put to good use. I am not saying that pride is a bad thing, yet if you read greek tradedies it's generally pride or thinking nobody can do it better than you brings the hero down in the end.

My point being that he romantized his time in the iron island, turned against the only friends that he ever knew and put to death his "foster" brothers.

So where does honor stand then? it's the same problem that Stannis had about supporting Robert. His blood or his liege. Now I know Robb isn't his liege but he's treated him more like a brother than a his own. It's a sad situation no matter how you slice the pie. I still can't help but feel as if Theon could have done differently. Like stay and harass the Stoney shore like he was told, and send a raven to Robb to let him know what was coming.

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Queen Rhaella. Elia and her children.

Jeyne Poole.

Theon Greyjoy.

Dead, before transforming in zombie: Catelyn Stark. She lost everyone and everything. Sons, daughters, husband, father, she thought she lost brother (probably)

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Jaime. Promoted as a pawn. Saved a city and his reviled for it. J is fallen from a beginning with much promise, knightly dreams turned to farces.

Dontos. Grows up as the last of his family. Ultimately he wasn't strong enough to deal with that.

Theon. Stuck in a fatherless muck, caught between families that after his ward/hostage status, could never fully be his. With Theon, it depends on how much sympathy you have for someone who can't get out of his own way and makes his situation worse.

Tysha. She was punished for loving someone and acting on it. (Here, we're taking Tyrion's mostly good nature at face value. He doesn't misread many people, so his judgment of Tysha was probably ok. Also, further confirmed by Jaime in ASOS.) Hers is the tragedy of an everyday impulse turned horribly wrong--thanks Tywin!

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Suprised more people haven't mentiond Eddard Stark. He lost his father, sister and brother in tragic circumstances. Lost his mother at an early age, was forced to forget the woman he loved and marry catlyn after his brother died, not to mention forever taint his honour by taking jon as his bastard. Just as he started to settle down robert called his banners to quell the iron rebellion, then the events of aGoT where his lost his life in dishonour and shame....

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Tristifer Botley. Always sad for this guy ^^

Seriously, Catelyn is the most tragic POV, I think. She lost her hasbund and children, what could be worst for a mother ? Plus, she has a dramatic aura who make her even more iconic in tragic heroin.

And Humpfrey Hewett isn't bad, too. Being gagged and ashamed at his own table, seeing the women of his family naked and raped before him while he can't do anything... Horrible.

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Oh, you sweet summer children...

True tragedy is when people are destroyed by the very things that make them great in the first place. For example, Hamlet. His introspection and skepticism would have made him a great king, but they led to indecision and lots o' death.

So, for the tragic characters in ASOIAF, I give you:

Eddard Stark

Robb Stark

Stannis Baratheon

Robert Baratheon

Renly Baratheon

Jaime Lannister



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Robert and Cersei to me, because the tragedy here is that they were meant to be and do great things.

Robert was the greatest warrior meant to marry the beautiful Lady from the North but girl gets kidnapped and in the way to save her, not only she dies but he ends up being the King and having the weight of the world on his shoulders. Also, he marries a woman who at first seemed to be someone he can forget his previous love with, right? Wrong. As he's incapable of letting Lyanna go, his wife gets so offended that she decided she would never love him and all the children she gave birth are actually her brother's. Broken, he turns into a fat lazy king which ends up being what eventually kills him. He dies with no heirs and no love. And Lyanna never actually loved him.

I don't feel sorry for him, though, but that's a very tragic destiny. tbh

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Robert and Cersei to me, because the tragedy here is that they were meant to be and do great things.

Robert was the greatest warrior meant to marry the beautiful Lady from the North but girl gets kidnapped and in the way to save her, not only she dies but he ends up being the King and having the weight of the world on his shoulders. Also, he marries a woman who at first seemed to be someone he can forget his previous love with, right? Wrong. As he's incapable of letting Lyanna go, his wife gets so offended that she decided she would never love him and all the children she gave birth are actually her brother's. Broken, he turns into a fat lazy king which ends up being what eventually kills him. He dies with no heirs and no love. And Lyanna never actually loved him.

I don't feel sorry for him, though, but that's a very tragic destiny. tbh

Cersei was meant to be a monster no matter what.

Her childhood behavior is proof of this imo.

Killing her childhood friend and whatnot.

Threatening to have people whipped or detongued over petty issues.

Abusing her baby brother.

Greatness and Cersei do not mix.

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