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Robb Stark Vs. Stannis Baratheon Vs. Renly Baratheon Vs. Daenerys Targaryen

Roddy the Ruin

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1. Jon

2. Stannis

3. Robb

4. Dany

Stannis is more stubborn than biased, he isn't ignorant like Dany. He believes the the Iron Throne is his by right and that anyone who says otherwise is a thief...that's valid. However, Dany calls the Starks usurpers dogs and pretty much wants them dead, not knowing about her fathers crimes against them and accepting her brothers- she thinks Rhaegar kidnapping Lyanna was romantic. She's biased towards the wrongs of her family without acknowledging the wrongs they committed towards others.

When it comes to your own family, everybody is biased. I do actually believe that somewhere along the way to westeros she will learn all about her father and his crap. If she doesn't I can't see Tyrion surviving, he is a Lannister after all.

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1)Stannis Baratheon. I admire his determination and will. Guy doesn't know when to call it quits. He has a good sense of justice and duty. He's also a really interesting character, despite having a "dull" personality. I hate his religious extremism though, but i am willing to forgive it for now.

2)Daenerys Targaryen. Though she is not my favorite, she is undoubtly one of the most interesting characters in the series. Imo, she has the same sense of justice and duty as Stannis has. However, she has compassion, where as Stannis doesn't. Despite that, she is an inexperienced administrator, and is also somewhat impulsive. Even though Slavers Bay is one of the least interesting story arcs imo, I really admire her decision to stay and rule there.

3)Robb Stark. I like Robb Stark, but he really wasn't a great king imo. I don't really care much anymore for an independent North. His cause was futile in the long run imo.

4)Renly Baratheon. He may be the last of the four, but I actually like Renly a lot. I don't buy it when people say he was a Tyrell puppet, I think he's a lot smarter than people give him credit for, and I think he would've actually made a pretty good king depending on the circumstances. My real problem with him is how he attempted to gain the throne. It could've led to serious problems.

Switch the first and second spot and I agree with you.

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At the beginning of ACoK:

  1. Renly Baratheon - by a wide margin. He was popular, experienced, capable, and a fair leader.
  2. Stannis Baratheon - he at least has experience.
  3. Robb Stark - he lacks experience but had been educated by Ned Stark.
  4. Daenerys Targaryen - lacking in experience and education.

However, taking into consideration the end of ADwD:

  1. Renly Baratheon.
  2. Daenerys Targaryen - she now has experience and more education (she frequently cites lessons from Jorah, Barristan, Xaro Xhoan Daxos, etc.), and she is almost mythological and messianic in reputation and popularity. (There's also the added benefit of her probably being Azor Ahai reborn...)
  3. Stannis Baratheon - he still has experience and is now less rigid. But he's still unpopular and was also involved in the assassination of his brother.
  4. Robb Stark - for obvious reasons.
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