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Hearthstone: Heroes of Warcraft


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I think in the current meta the pre-eminent warrior deck is the control warrior which requires a lot of Legendaries. Kind of sucks but oh well.

To be fair on the warrior, I only have 3 rare and 3 common cards from his deck.
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With Magic, they have the luxury of rotating cards out of rotation for official play (aside from specific formats). That helps when an unexpected overpowered card or combo pops up. Their first sets had several cards they flat out banned - sadly, I just missed buying those packs so never got my hands on a Lotus or the like. They've learned a lot since those days. I don't think the card sets came out as often early on, but not sure on that.

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Magic has become a well oiled machine, but their online program is a joke. Expensive, barely functional, and horrendously mismanaged. It's given competitors like Hearthstone to jump into an arena that they should have had an absolute stranglehold on.

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I never got into Magic online because I am just a very casual player. I'd love to have a pick-up game here and there, but I'm not paying for physical cards as well as digital. And I am much more attached to my physical cards and prefer to play a free for all with friends at the kitchen table rather than with strangers at my computer desk.

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I never got into Magic online because I am just a very casual player. I'd love to have a pick-up game here and there, but I'm not paying for physical cards as well as digital. And I am much more attached to my physical cards and prefer to play a free for all with friends at the kitchen table rather than with strangers at my computer desk.

This is one subject I touched upon with my friend greatly. If they could somehow have the physical version of the game linked to the digital it could help the digital version become a big hit without sacrificing the TCG phyisical hobby of it. Having some kind of a code attached to a card where you could register it to your digital collection would make participating in both a viable option.

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Yeah, but wow - how do you do that? Each card would have to have a unique code. Um, not gonna crunch the numbers, but the code wouldn't be small because of the amount of cards they produce and they would have to incorporate this into the front of the card design. It's ideal for sure, but I'm not even mildly optimistic.

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Yeah, but wow - how do you do that? Each card would have to have a unique code. Um, not gonna crunch the numbers, but the code wouldn't be small because of the amount of cards they produce and they would have to incorporate this into the front of the card design. It's ideal for sure, but I'm not even mildly optimistic.

Maybe if they know what is in each pack, the pack has a slip with the code. You open the pack, you have the cards and a blank card with the code. If you play on-line then just type that code in and go for it.

Might have a problem with people stealing codes of course. And if they don't know what is in each pack, if it is really really random, then that could be a problem.

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Pretty sure it's supposed to be completely random. Plus, the whole idea would make used cards take a massive drop in value since the code will have already been used so if you don't get the card new you're only getting half the value.

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Yeah, but wow - how do you do that? Each card would have to have a unique code. Um, not gonna crunch the numbers, but the code wouldn't be small because of the amount of cards they produce and they would have to incorporate this into the front of the card design. It's ideal for sure, but I'm not even mildly optimistic.

Perhaps they could have a barcode type code on each card, and an app to scan them in?

Pretty sure it's supposed to be completely random. Plus, the whole idea would make used cards take a massive drop in value since the code will have already been used so if you don't get the card new you're only getting half the value.

Well you'd be getting the same value as you would get now correct? It just makes the digital version a little more viable as you no longer need to pay twice for cards. Slightly off-topic but I wonder why they don't do something like this with table top gaming. That way you could introduce a digital version without killing the hobby out right, and open it up to a much larger fan base and ideally more money. I would love to play warhammer like this... imagine how much faster the games would be ha!

By the way Kidisaster, love your world cup name!

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I just have to share this insane deck I recently drafted. I went 12-1 with it and was soo close to my first 12-0; lost to a mage late game when I had total board control and 10 health and he topdecked Frosbolt and Fireball in consecutive turns.

Lightning Bolt

Rockbiter Weapon

Worgen Infiltrator

Acidic Swamp Ooze

Dire Wolf Alpha

2x Flametongue Totem

Youthful Brewmaster

Feral Spirit

2x Hex

Lightning Storm

Imp Master

Jungle Panther

2x Unbound Elemental

Gnomish Inventor

Oasis Snapjaw



Darkscale Healer

Silver Hand Knight

Venture Co. Mercenary


Cairne Bloodhoof

4x Fire Elemental


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Well you'd be getting the same value as you would get now correct? It just makes the digital version a little more viable as you no longer need to pay twice for cards. Slightly off-topic but I wonder why they don't do something like this with table top gaming. That way you could introduce a digital version without killing the hobby out right, and open it up to a much larger fan base and ideally more money. I would love to play warhammer like this... imagine how much faster the games would be ha!

By the way Kidisaster, love your world cup name!

Technically, yes, but I look at it this way. Right now you've got a lot of people who don't play MTGO because they've already got large paper collections, card trading and used card sales are both pretty huge. If they introduced a way to make every physical card you buy part of your digital collection a lot of those players would start playing both. For them used cards and card trades are no longer as good an option because now they only get "half" the card. As far as I know the only way to buy a specific card is to buy it used, new cards are only in packs. I think it would be pretty detrimental to the used market personally.

Thanks by the way :P

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I have a horrible arena mage deck going but still have a 5-0 run going. The reason? This ten damage ten man's card has ended every game. Itvis crazy fun.

My favorite was the second game. We bith had nine life left and I had nothing on the board after he cleared it. He had a full health core hound frozenbthen laid down the mana golem that gives me an extra crystle. That took my eight mana to nine, got the tenth At turn change and ended it.

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Still not convinced that arena is worth it. Just played a run with a good hand, got 4 wins (so better than the average)*. And I got 70 gold and a pack. So effectively, I got a pack for 80 gold. Except, with 4 wins normally I'd get 10 gold, so I actually got a pack for 90 gold equivalent. What the hell was the point?

* And yes, I got screwed twice by the luck. In one hand I started with all high cards, mulligan'd them, and still got high cards. Could hardly get anything out and when he killed me after 7 turns I still had 3 of my first 4 cards in the hand. The other one I had dominance, he played mind control tech, got my Sunwalker, which took two of my minions to kill the divine shield and the Sunwalker. So effectively his one card by getting that minion killed 3 of mine, plus got his minion out. So with a bit of luck the run could have been more than 4 wins.

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  • 6 months later...

Necro because I've started playing this like crazy again (new expansion + Android app = renewed addiction)

Something happened that I never thought possible. I got sick of arena and have been exclusively playing ladder. Mostly control warrior cause warrior is my favorite class, and man I suck at constructed. I've been stuck around rank 11-12 for the last week or so, just getting shit on by all the mill decks (super effective against control warrior it seems), mech mages and face hunters who all seem to have been touched by the glory of RNJesus himself who in turn has forsaken me. Last night I went on a massive losing streak and now I'm all the way back to rank 15. I think it's time to try a new deck.

I really do like the new expansion though. Some of the new cards are awesome, and I do love that mill decks have actually become somewhat viable when previously they were considered gimmicks and only people like TB and Crendor seemed to bother playing them because they just don't give a fuck. Some of the cards have gotten really frustrating to me during this attempted ladder climb though (Duplicate mages make me want to punch a hole through my monitor) and I replaced Dr. Boom in my warrior deck last night because I got so sick of his shit :lol:

If Dr. Boom's card text was honest: "Put a Big Game Hunter in your opponent's hand and summon two 1/1 Boom Bots with Deathrattle: Deal 1 damage to your opponent's face."

Of course all my opponents seem to have a different version. "Summon two 1/1 Boom Bots with Deathrattle: Deal 4 damage to the one minion your opponent is desperately hoping will not be hit."

(Yes I'm salty :P)

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Damn, I have not played this forever and didn't know there was an expansion. Not looking forward to relearning how to play, but can't find a game that keeps my interest lately so why not?

It's not that different in all honesty. The main new deck to watch out for is Mech-mage, a sort of aggro deck which makes use of the new Mech type. Otherwise it's mostly just the old decks with new tools added in. Which isn't bad per say. I'm surprised more mech decks haven't caught on though. Apparently Druid and Rogue mech are a thing, although I don't think either really match up next to more viable decks. I was certain Mech Warlock would be a thing, but instead the New Zoo has come around. They run Sea Giant now.

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Just noticed this thread, but my absent-mindedness does not carry over in Hearthstone - haven't missed a daily quest in the last 400 days.

The game seems to be picking up in popularity on the competitive scene - more tournaments with large prize pools. Also the new spectating system encourages watching the game to the point where one might end up watching more than playing - I'd often ask a random friend if he'd be playing a game or two so I can watch him while I eat dinner or some such.

Funniest thing that happened to me lately was when I was 9/2 with a shadow madness + combo cards priest deck and a friend, who had just reached 9/1 teased me to play together in arena. We queued at the same time and, oh joy, the game matched us. He knew my entire priest deck (from having spectated a few of my previous games), while I knew nothing of his deck, besides that it had a shitton of flamestrikes (doh), but after a turn 6 play where I used shadow madness on his water elemental, then swapped it with a crazed alchemist to trade into his yeti, the match was pretty much decided. He lost his next game and ended 9/3, while I got to 12/2. He refuses to play me in arena since ;/.

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I decided to slap together a Randuin Wrynn deck (Priest deck where every card has a random effect) and I have to say despite the massive losing streak I went on with it last night (initially I had a short winning streak, got up to around rank 11 again, then lost and lost until I was back up to 18) this is some of the most fun I've ever had with the game. Thoughtstealing Thoughtsteals from other priests. Dropping two Mind Visions in one turn only to end up getting The Coin with both of them. Wiping my own board when Mind Games summoned and triggered a Wild Pyromancer.

It's pretty fantastic. If you have the ability to laugh at your own misfortune, and can handle the guilt when the RNG smiles on you and something utterly ridiculous happens like Mind Games giving you a Ysera on turn 3 and then a Tirion Fordring on turn 4 causing your opponent to immediately quit.

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